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Everything posted by houseisarockin

  1. I award you a doctorate for outstanding adherence to bold face replies thus making it easier for our reading. This award goes to:
  2. I realize I'm not adding to this but.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  3. Excuse the interruption but.... :D--> :D-->
  4. Wap pg 80: The proper Biblical term in "administration," but sometimes it's referred to as "dispensation," "dispensational," or even "fellowship." Administration: A period of time in God's historical and spiritual timetable governed by certain policies and spiritual truths. Oikonomia = oikos-house + -nomia-administration = the administration of a household Eph 3:13 The standards of the administration were given to Paul by revelation to share, to administer, to have carried out in doctrine and in practice. Col 1:25 I am = I was Oikonomia is a steward; one who administers the affairs of the household. I Corn 9:16-17 Same All I found here as well. Copyright quote twi 1995
  5. Piffle pg 219: "Paul says that administration of the Gospel was committed unto him (I Corn 9:17). The word 'dispensation' is completely misleading, for an administration is accurately the administering of an entire era as in one of our government administrations. The previous term of office was someone else's administration. In rightly dividing the Word of Truth, we must understand that these Biblical administrations have to remain within the confines in which God has placed them with His Word." On quick look all I found, will look a bit more, if no return I found no more. Copyright quote twi 1971
  6. There's someone to believe everything ain't there? --> Well when a thread starts on salvation somewhere down the road we'll just have to join eh! ;)-->
  7. I would think there would be activity on it, are you willing to start the thread, I would prefer not to. My choice of salvation just happened to be the one given me by him. It appears to me he is saying two different things. That devil being saved is first I've heard of that. Rather wild isn't it! Gnite!
  8. John, So then is the wrong teaching done chargeable to death, as in so far out God cannot help? And if this is so then how does the truth of God's underestimating grace and mercy fit in? -->
  9. Things could have changed recently but he was in charge of Way Prods.
  10. That was an interesting time, yea! I faded years prior just took a minute to get out the door.
  11. Chas I was thinking somewhere near that, but didn't remember exactly. JustThinking, were you there? And Chas just for that I ain't gonna share my holy of holies story with ya. Was away this w/e sorry for late reply.
  12. Well actually at the Advanced Class Special in Dallas where that was performed we were invited to join the kitchen staff. Where upon being instructed to take off our shoes we saw before us a slaughter house of sorts, seems their meat was delivered a bit too fresh. After our united mashing was complete and the song no long rang in our ears we were informed it was only ketchup and we had passed our test. We were then invited into the holy of holies...what happened next I can not repeat.
  13. Rosie makes my skin crawl but she's not stupid. She won't give her personal property over to twi. She needs to retain residency to assure no one suggest she add her home to the pot of twi gold. IMO only, and could have changed recently! Besides, I think Craig would pop a blood vessel to think of her in his bed (chalet). LMAO
  14. That was kind, thank you. :)--> I could have also explained myself better in that the correction was appreciated for my understanding of one of a few things that never fit together. Your first hand account confirmed and answered something for me. Again thank you!
  15. Thanks, your account makes more sense than what someone wanted me to believe of that situation. I appreciate the correction. :)-->
  16. "Look like nothins' gonna change Everything still remains the same He won't do what ten people ask him to do So I guess we'll remain the same..."
  17. Her approach to him without his already thinking it?? I think he had her pegged prior. IMO that is!
  18. I'm a mere occasional armchair e-pologist. If the LSG fellows can't step up and handle me, their eisegetical guns probably would quite markedly fail to clear their holsters against a first-class apologete such as James White. So few words yet you forced me to go look up who James White was. --> :)--> And you are not the e/a-pologist I was referring to. ;)-->
  19. No krysilis, it should not make a husband proud. And yes the husbands suffered as well.
  20. So you know his terms then I gather? And I love God and His Word, but something about using it this way is just way too smug!
  21. I knew not the man personally, but agree he ought to indulge us. After all it is he that came here.
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