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Everything posted by houseisarockin

  1. Yes it is, but you know what excath, I'm looking for some of it back. I've seen the evidence. :)--> You too. ;)-->
  2. It was liberating to be able to just enjoy the time and not look for ways to direct the conversation. Remember how we were encouraged to seek quality time with strangers, for the purpose of winning them to twi. Did they have as much care for our quality time with family and friends. Nope! So what did "quality time" start to mean to us. Regarding your ps. Isn't it interesting but I think you just offered a great example there. To not want to talk to them about the Word equals devilish.
  3. There can be very powerful emotions tied to the phrases we select. What type of phrases did twi use on us? How about the term "good" versus "best." In the real world, if something is "good" that's considered praise. In Wayworld if something is "good" it's actually "bad" because it should be "best" that you're striving towards. Anything less would be considered failure because it'd hinder our receipt, or certainly that's what they taught. You'd be either shamed into choosing their definition of "best" or fearful of having God's blessings off you so you did it whether it made sense or not. "Blessing (whoever)." Again used to manipulate people into doing something they wouldn't normally do. "Well, don't you want to bless ______?" Of course you want to bless the person, so you'll do whatever is asked of you. If somebody talked about doing something to "move the Word," how did you react? Did you immediately start to consider ways of witnessing to your kid's baseball parents at the next practice? Instead of enjoying the kids on the field and the couple sitting next to you, you had to be watchful for an "open door" to speak the Word. So the kids game no longer meant what it would if you were in the real world. There can be built in programming to manipulate us with that have the appearance of being spiritual and serving. But weren't they just controlling our perception and in so doing isolating us?
  4. No doubt they are scurrying about tying small numbers to grand spiritual significance. --> (motorhead check your PT)
  5. motorhead, I know you would like to see the picture. As I indicated prior I am not comfortable posting it here, thus will not. CC was correct in her advice regarding copyrights. If I can figure out a way to email it to you (once known..not in your profile) that does not include properties that ties to my true identity I will do so. But I'd rather another offer it up if anyone would be so kind. Thank you! (Private Topic me if you still wish to discuss this okay)
  6. I agree Radar, I never heard a word. As for the basement living....interesting wasn't it!
  7. From now on can you WARN us so we can be prepared for what is coming next.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  8. I still can't catch my breath.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  9. I'm dying here......... :D--> :D--> :D-->
  10. I kinda doubt it. It is much more than the lawsuits that reduced TWI to little more than an insignificant little wannabe cult. It was an accumulation of lots of things. Division, strife - homo purge, harshness/legalism, M&A, abuse, and moving away from a formula that worked (as far as numbers go). Also, Internet Sites like Waydale and GS played a large role in exposing TWI's "evils". I have to agree it was an accumulation of lots of things, but it was trucking along despite some of those things having been in place for years. I think the action of the first woman enabled the formulation in some innies of the whole as rotten. Then Greasespot and others greatly aided in the missing details for assistance in making an escape.
  11. A "moron" maybe but not for those reasons IMO. He had to go beyond PFAL. And for that I still don't fault him. As well, he was not dependent upon others for his "every thought" both in regards to spiritual matters and life. But as much as I feel he DESERVES his present consequences I have reached the point in my growth that I can give him credit regardless of what flames incurred here for it. The ROA was exhausting; many of us worked a 40 hour week and missed several of the meetings. Had to rely on others notes, or get the teaching cassettes the following morning. We were there and didn't get to hear what we came for (supposedly). The end of the wow program facilitated this decision, but he was already considering things due to our fatigue from working and caring for nearly as many children as adults in attendance, which was another factor of his decision. Also teens having sex there, even though others have said it was a main reason, was not. The wow program was, in his opinion, contaminated with homosexuality. Pretty much the lion's share of why that program ended. In all three cases had they continued just as they were it would have made not one iota of difference. The fact there were a couple of women willing to suffer the PRICE for their bravery, and that is what it was, would soon begin the task of bringing twi to it's knees. We can go back to "draw the line in 89" and how Geer caused probably the most single important event regarding mass leaving, but had it not been for the women, NOT Geer or changing/eliminating programs it may still be growing, not ever to be close to the nearly 30,000 in attendance of the mid 80's, but it would still be growing not dying. And if anyone thinks I am a Craig apologist, well you are wrong.
  12. I just looked at the table of eight (on their site) next to the five that graduated and I don't think any of those are the same five. Thank you Belle!
  13. JustThinking, it has to be an indication of something to only have five new wc ministers. All adults including two males and three females that I'm guessing are under the age of thirty. I haven't read any articles yet. The titles alone are just so.... The Like-mi*ded Life-Style All Things Work To*ether for Good God's Love-The Energizer of Our B*lieving And Ye Shall be Wi*nesses: A Brief History The Fo*ndation of Parenting: God's Word A Poem on The Wis*om of the Oak (one nice thing) Teaching Hi*hlights for June and July A*vanced Class 2004 article (nearly 250 students) A new release besides the T-shirts of an audiocassette of s*ngs, poems and scripture H*art letters WC advertisement Okay Pat I'm leaving now, sorry for the derail.
  14. Well if it weren't for the 5 leaders standing in front of them a cell phone camera would do the 5 new grads just fine. :)--> The fox said "they are a very promising group". And guitar man Harvey taught them "servant-style leadership". Run Forest run...run Forest run... :D--> Um...please return to numbers, thank you for the interruption.
  15. Well the numbers can be low or high determining which side of the podium you are on. Since we know if leader side well it is God keeping the trash from even logging onto their web site. And from the ones below it was our lack of believing big enough not to have made the numbers grow...vision, mind you...we needed bigger vision. Some at hq would want the folks to come seek their new T-Shirt. 'The Word For All S*asons' with 4 trees. They would probably not want us to seek their huge graduating class of WC for 2004...it was 5. (in new mag, I don't do their site much)
  16. NC-17 has become the supposed antidote for films containing only pornographic or explicit elements.
  17. I did not think of my post as NC-17. It was the truth, that is all I was thinking of it as. I guess I thought that this was a support group like others I have been in that are for sexual abuse survivors. It is something that you would regularly see there. I understand but still think you would have avoided a great deal of hurting had you come in differently. Regardless I wish you well in your recovery. I am familiar with the process.
  18. waysurvivor, I apologize for offending you, it was not my intent. As well I did you a disservice in assuming you knew much more about twi than you do. That aided in my delivery to you no doubt. I am no longer in twi, have been out not a long time, was in a bit under 20 years. There are those of us here who have histories important enough to twi for them to monitor what we offer here. That process is overseen by a gsc poster by the name of John Linder. He is in charge of security at TWI's HQ. Some of us have knowledge of our file with them. They have not hidden it from us. Background for.... Your not being a part of twi does not negate their interest in you for your parent/parents sake. Thus based on what you gave us here they would deem your story as one that could bring about no good for them. I respect how you referred to ones I stated "those who would desire to make us appear as fools", with "who would be so stupid". That said something about you, thank you for that. If you still want info from us then ask what you want. Even if you don't agree with how some of us responded, you have seen a ready answer is amongst these folks. But I still have one question of you please. If the first post you do is rated NC-17, then what did you expect of us? Not to incite anger, an honest question of you.
  19. I am genuinely sorry for what you are dealing with. But I don't understand a few things. --> You said raped at Camp Gunnison when you were seven possibly until you were twelve. Is this saying you were raped at CG over that period of time? Or it began at seven and continued until you were twelve in some other location? You see later on you stated... Thus you may see my confusion on that point. If they wanted you to stop doing something I think they would do it differently. And this may be a good time to tell you that you now have a file started at HQ. Any details you have stated are in fact being chased down for authenticity. Not to scare you but to inform you that you are not in play-land here. For your protection and consideration only, not to induce fear in you. Why did you not say this coming in? You have been registered for nearly 2 years. I'm going to assume that you have read us to some degree because you know of the abuse stories we have spoken of here. So did you not consider it may be a good thing to just start by saying hi? You would have seen how most go about joining in here. Leading me to another aspect of this. Have you then not also observed when "those who would desire to make us appear as fools" came cruising through? You would have seen it if reading us between your registration and present date. There is no problem in believing Temple. Nor would there be one in you if perhaps you had started this out a bit differently. Something for your consideration. And regardless of my questions of you, I am sorry for any pain you endured. That is genuine on my part.
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