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If someone was interium corps in 92-3 what number does that make them?
simpatico replied to Mocha Tree Girl's topic in Corps
Hi Mocha Tree Girl :)--> I think that would make your interim corps friend 22nd Corps, and perhaps the apprentice was 25th Corps? -
Hi Valerie, Thanks so much for sharing all the details with us. It sounds like a good time was had by all. :)--> ...waiting for the pictures!
How was it! Sorry I missed out on the fun. I'm still in California, or I would have been there too. Did you get those rabbits?
I have to agree with Jonny Lingo on this one. I liked it way more then I ever hated it. I took what I could from it. I Have had many occasion to use the training from the corps. More along the lines of leadership skills, public speaking, working a room. From a business and social perspective. Though I would have to say that the corps training could have been much better. Before going into the corps, I was involved in a fellow laborer program at Emporia, this was 73 or 74 (still early days) the year they purchased that campus. I learned more in that one year then all the years in the corps training. That experience was priceless. Having been a fellow laborer almost spoiled the corps for me as I could not help but compare those two experiences. But this I attribute more to the size of the corps by the time I went in. It was huge! I did not go in or come out a drone, I think I managed to maintain a fair amount of " boundaries " . I realize some here had horrible experiences , my worst times pale by comparison. My worst experience in the corps was the block I spent at Rome City, I was literally bored to tears.
I just sent my lead boots to the goodwill store about a month ago. I had to finally except the fact that I probably would never wear them again. :(-->
Mj412 to bad you can't see the numbers they are on the black wall and writen in grey. My numbers were 3,1,2,1,1,2,1,2 they may not be the same for your game. make sure the overhead light is off and the lamp is turned on to reveal the code. The level you are in #12 has lots of rooms and a couple of hidden pasages ( behind things like cabinets and such ) the code to the best of my recollection is almost the last thing , possibly the 3rd force field ? I also recommend using the game chat to get fast hints on the spot. thats quicker then waiting an hour or more for an answer here. the game chat is fast, if you see your answer fly by, just use the scroll button to go back and re-read the message.
I made it all the way through !! :D--> there's 12 levels.Tto see what level your on, click at the upper right corner of the bar across the top . That will then reveal a side bar with icons. The bottom icon tells you what level your at.
Now I'm stuck in the rooms with the snail mail box. I have 2 wheels instaled ( missing the pink wheel ) and I have a pen and paper. I'm just wandering around clicking all the same things over and over. Could I get a subtile hint ( not to easy ) please ? Should I be trying to catch that moving transport box ? Oops...never mind! I just went back and read though all the hints in this thread, got what I needed for now!
mj412 On the right side of the screen theres some little icons, one of them is for text, another one is sound. The text makes it a little easier to find the clues. And I just had to get rid of the music. :D-->
you need to close the staircase to get the door to open,try the rail posts.
I spent a couple hours last night getting to the fire place rooms, got as far as lighting the fire and had to quit from pure exhaustion. So this morning I wake up and and as I'm walking around my little apartment, I heard the music in my head Truth be told.... I can still hear it !! Do I have to start from the beginning again to finish? And mj412 move the tiles a little until some of the lines connect, you have to creat a path for rat head to follow.
Sandra Bodager was 7th Corps. She married someone named Workman after graduation, but I don't think they stayed together. Any one know how/where she is? She was a top notch hair-stylist, and probably is still doing that. Its really hard to find the gals through google, they keep changing their names! -->
Thanks for trying Shellon :)--> When you spoke with Doug in 2000 was he still doing music stuff. He had the voice of an angel and also played the guitar as I remember. Anything you feel comfortable telling us, would be appreciated. I haven't seen him since my last Rock, and I can't remember when that was around 86 or 87 ????
Arkansas! How strange... of all the places! He and I were Wow's together in Arkansas! I just always thought he'd be in Massachusetts near his family.
Any one know where/how Doug is? He was 7th Corps, and also Way Productions for a while. A very independent person and a good freind.
Congratulations ! :D--> It makes me so happy when people find their long.... lost.... freinds !!!
I wanted to suggest a great book that may be helpful to many of us here. Though this book was not writen as a self help book and as such is not dumbed down in any way, it is a quick and easy read. The Drama of the Gifted Child; The Search for the True Self by Alice Miller For some of us it may add insight into our own personal human condition, and how we relate to others. We all share so much in common, this is something that has helped me along the journey, just thought I would pass it on. :)-->
Hi Sharon49 ! Great to see another 7th Corps poster here! :)-->
I didn't choose a church of any kind, and will only really enter one for reasons other than worship. To see the architecture, a wedding that sort of thing. I have decided to be true to myself, and except the fact that the thing that kept me for so long in "the way" was some kind of replacement for "community" the Tribe. I do believe in a higher power, though it does not require participation in a group.
Hi MCarroll! Great question. Perhaps without compromising your own belief system or walk (however you may choose to call it) If you try and keep in the front of your mind that it is " your own" personal walk not that of your new found friend. This way your new friend should she be Hindu, Buddhist , Jewish, Atheist, or Christian will feel safe in your presence. We were so indoctrinated for so many years, we were all taught to allow ourselves to be controlled, and at the same time to be controlling of others. Hows that for "Iron sharpeneth Iron" . So in our honest attempt to build character we were building character defects. This kind of goes into the area of "boundaries". It might be helpful to check out a few self help books from the library , or do as I do and take a whole stack into the cafe area of a Borders or Barnes and Noble and read away. I would love to offer a title or two, but I will have to think about that and post again later. :)-->
:D--> Thanks Valerie, Maybe it was just me...but I needed to hear that!! :D-->
Hi Valerie, Thanks again for all the hard work your doing! I thought I would just drop a line here to let you and any other interested party's know whats going on in my head. :)--> I really hope this reunion happens. I'm a single person with no kids to think about, so for me perhaps its easier to jump up and go off somewhere for a few days. Though I will confess here and now that in my business its more famine then feast, especially now. :(-->Today I am flat broke, I hope not to be by then.So even though I only have myself to pay for and schedule, I'm a little worried that I won't be able to afford the trip. My other concern is that Its going to be you, me and igotout. Are we going to need 100 rooms! :D--> Thats a joke! Are you hearing back from a lot of folks that aren't posters here??? Is it to soon for me to ask that question? I'm dying to know :)-->
Okey I just had to give up! I got stuck in the Organize section. couldent go any further. 1st my picture was to big so I resized in Photoshop, then I had trouble replacing the "to big" photo, and kept losing my captions. and either way I could not get to the next step. Help! I'm worn out :(-->
Bramble, Great success story! I'm so happy for you and your family. It makes me sad to think of all the family's still involved in the way who have the same scenario going on in their lives, even as we speak. :(--> Hopefully , someone will read your post here and be inspired to seize control and take back their lives; as you and yours have done. :)--> :)--> :)-->
Imbus, Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. :)--> :)--> :)--> Everyone here adds some flavor to the soup ! I wanted to respond to you without sharing my story, But I will say that since ending my involvement with the way. I hold the ownership of my time left on earth like a closely guarded treasure. The bliss of a Sunday morning, where I can do as I please, a lazy day, reading the Sunday Times in bed, brunch in an open air cafe with a friend. Just being free to be me ! :D--> That is one little tidbit of my success. Imbus, you would surely get many more response's if you move your story to the "my story" threads.