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Everything posted by reikilady

  1. I Love "Finding Neverland" and didn't want the movie to end. I wish it had gotten best picture instead of "Million Dollar Baby."
  2. :D--> Happy Birthday!!!
  3. What a beautiful child! I wish you many bright blessings and beautiful days!
  4. My daughter is almost 13 and I get absolutely freaked out when I don't know where she is. I had her check in with me every so often when she was younger and ask her to do that now when she is away at a friend's not in the neighborhood. She forgets sometimes, however it is getting better. We had a discussion the other day when I thought she was coming staight home from school and she was at the library. I found her and explained how it really frightens me not to know exactly where she is because that is the best defense against anything happening to her that shouldn't. I told her that while we can't dwell on bad things happening, we want to guard against that. It's like locking your house or car up to prevent a potential issue. I would have the kids stay close and check in often. Maybe have them only go 3 or 4 houses away if they have friends in that perimeter. Normal, imho, doesn't exist.
  5. I will say this about children who bleed their parents dry. I think it's awful and it only helps the immediate crisis, not the long run. I've seen a drug addict almost die from Mommy always coming to the rescue. I got tossed out at 19 for ....ing off my stepmother one to many times. She was pregnant and slapped me around pretty good one afternoon. The worst part about being around her was her not talking to me at all all day long until my Dad came home for work. I was 19 and didn't have any job skills except watching kids so that is how I moved out and it was a disaster. I ended up in the bar business under age to put a roof over my head. My daughter appreciates things more than she used to. She says thank-you for rides and I still have to put my foot down about being a taxi service on the spur of the moment once in awhile. I don't have blood relatives that come to my rescue. I do have some wonderful friends. A dear friend picked me up the other day when I had misplaced my purse with the car keys in it along with the house key. She left work and dropped me off to get the key from the office. The purse was recovered with everything in it. I am lucky to have friends that will help out. I do the same. One thing I do when I don't have wheels is not have the same person drive me everywhere. That is just too much. It's been a really long time since that has happened. I'm glad I wasn't handed everything and had to learn some things the hard way. It has made me appreciate so much. Even to this day after the summer of hell with the stepmother, when someone just says "Hi" and are pleasant, I appreciate it.
  6. Happy Birthday Shell! One Bold and Beautiful Lady!!!
  7. You do fine work, Oakspear! I say fine work!
  8. I didn't make the once a week time frame very clear... Here is a prosperity prayer for those that are interested. Those that are not...Just disregard it. Prayer Treatment for Unexpected Income I believe that God is the source of all supply, and Money is God in action, and should be used for good. I believe that My good is now coming to me now freely flowing to me bountifully. I cannot use it all, and I have an abundance to spare and to share, today, and always. I am expecting "Unexpected Income!" I believe I am worthy and deserving of this good. All channels of financial supply are now open to me and I am richly, bountifully prospered in every good way. I believe true Prosperity includes the demonstration of Right living conditions, Right activity and Right kinds of happiness. This word that I speak in faith, believing, now activities the law of increased universal good for me, and I am open to receive my good. I surrender my little will into the "Will of God" and allow the highest and best outpicturing of my good for me, and I am open to receive my good. I am grateful in advance! I bless all the good I now have, and I bless the increase. I freely give of myself, my money, my time and my talent. I know that giving to others from my heart keeps the channel of good open for me. This is so now! I am grateful! Thank-you God! (For best results, use this prayer treatment twice a day for 30 days or more)
  9. I was talking about a once a week route. We have something called "Journal Star Extra" that is delivered once a week. I know someone who has done very well with this type of delivery. 7 days a week would be very daunting unless it was shared and was for a specific period of time. I hear ya on the wear and tear aspect. When I was cleaning for people they would cancel and I guess the thought was that while some people will cancel, the paper is kindive like the mail and it doesn't get terminated the way other part time jobs from home or otherwise do. I hope you find something that works out for you!
  10. What a nightmare Steve! I do think there are a lot of scams around with making money at home. I hope you find something. This summer I may try a paperroute for extra money. Unlike doing cleaning jobs, where people decide they don't have the money some weeks, the paper has to be delivered. I figure that starting in the summer with lots of daylight and cool mornings would give me a heads up about where the papers go with the addresses. Have you thought about being a party entertainer/organizer? You could dress up and entertain kids or take up belly dancing...That may sound a bit far fetched...Trying to add humor with possibilities!
  11. reikilady

    First Date Food

    Belle, have fun and go out for drinks or coffee, is my suggestion. It worked for Tom and I...Our first date lasted about 5 hours and he e-mailed the next day to say he had a nice time....Which I took as a very good sign that we enjoyed each other's company equally well. I tend to let people know (friends) how much fun I had after the event because I think that is good manners. High maintence or low maintenance...you either are "into" the person or your not....I take between 5 minutes to 40 minutes to get ready and the windows can be down in the car in the summer because my hair doesn't have to be perfect. The truth is dating takes effort. It shouldn't feel like an obligation or a sentence to be served. If your really nervous around someone and it doesn't go away withing a date or two, I think that is a warning sign that they are not right for you. I dated a guy that's ex-wife called him "Mr. Opionion" and I soon found out why. I could not relax around this person and felt like I HAD to make things PERFECT!!! Those days are gone.
  12. Linda, I can't see the picture. That sounds like quite a story...
  13. Early 21st century...Like Raf said. Or turn of the century...
  14. Mr. H. I'm not ex Way, however, I'm a regular in some forums and chat. I have never seen one and I do believe they exist. Why would this planet have the only lifeforms? The other planets in our solar system are not hospitable to living things as we know them. I've always thought it strange that people wouldn't believe there could be life somewhere else. As for the fun da MENTALIST'S...I'd like to think we have fun..no matter what we believe and that we can respect each other's differences. I spelled fun differenty on purpose.
  15. I agree with Linda Z about going to Washington D.C. or New Orleans. Washington is fascinating with all all the musuems and historic places. New Orleans is intriguing with the southern creole food and music. I would probably go back to D.C. first over New Orleans.
  16. Danny Devito, Ruthless People, Bette Midler
  17. One more point I meant to include...being available for my daughter includes LISTENING and being available for a spouse would include LISTENING as well!!! :D-->
  18. I believe than men do need to feel like "heros" and they do need to feel like they are "needed" on some level at times. I also believe that women need to feel like they are "needed" and "wanted"...and this idea of engaging instead of sitting around watching the tube and talking to people not in your house via the computer makes sense. I don't think I would want a man I was going to marry to run off and join these guys on retreat, however, the ideas of being fully present around spouses and children are great. How many times do we talk to people not in the house when the ones we live with are sitting a few feet or a few rooms away. This is okay if it's not done to excess...I have to watch myself and make sure I'm not spending too much time with the outside world instead of available to talk to my daughter. I did that when she was younger. I feel like I lost a lot by doing that. Being such a social creature, it is hard to not be yacking to someone else constantly...So I try to be more balanced with it these days.
  19. They said on the Early CBS show it costs $1 million to clear one inch of snow off of New York! Suz, it can't be easy being stuck in a hotel. Hope you brought a good book and made some new friends. It's suppose to get in the 50's today here in Lincoln and I hope it melts off some more snow.
  20. reikilady

    ebay wins

    Shell, I think they do sell real estate on e-bay. I was a frequent bidder last year acquiring Signature A Club make-up from the lovely Adrienne Arpel. Her skin care is awesome, too. It's either through HSN network, or the their website and e-bay that you can get the stuff. I have this night creme that has beepollen in it that is saving my face from our harsh winter. There is also this stuff called "candlelight" that gives a "glow" effect that is cool. And the eyeshadow, face poweder, and blush are all a bunch of colors that makes you look fantastic!
  21. I have a thing about having "My Space" not violated and it is hard to feel the love when someone doesn't allow me "My space" as in a parking situation. Tom always parks right in front of the fence or behind my car..depending on the snow situation...or facing the playground, where his big stationwagon isn't sticking out in the area where cars are driving by.
  22. My neighbors over here have been pretty good until recently. My only complaint is the way her company parks their vehicles. Her car sits in the carport with a flatire and doesn't move. Her visitors are there frequently. They don't pull in front of the parking spot with their headlights facing the fence..They pull in next to the spot with their headlights facing the parking lot. Then they have their car at an angle sometimes. The worst is when there car is parked where part of it is hanging over a few inches in my carport. I hate that and I hate it when they are talking and sitting in their car and I can't get into my carport without them moving...They look at me with disbelief that it would be a problem. She isn't really loud. It's just the parking.
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