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Everything posted by reikilady
We are starting to look at places to live as a family and it's very exciting. It will take awhile to make it a reality, however, it's getting closer.
I like getting away and then going back to my place. Road trips help my perspective. Roam if you want to....Roam around the world!!!
My man and I pick out movies together. Once, and just once for each of us, we didn't particular enjoy the choice of the other and it was all right. I've been really ill and asked for assistance and received it. I was so sick it hurt to take a couple of steps and they were doing a remodel in my kitchen and the stuff in and around the cupboards needed to be moved. Daughter wasn't acting like she would do it and I called Oak. He didn't quite understand why I was asking for his help until he saw how ill I was. He has helped me with math when tears of frustration have been streaming down my face and he still loves me. Some guys may be like what the intro to the thread was like. Mine is not. I do recognize some differences between communication styles and the sexes. I have learned you have to speak plain english and not "hint" about stuff that is important to you and sometimes you have to talk about on more than a few occasions for the other to get how important it is and consider a different way of handling some situations. I don't like anything that even resembles a confrontation and have to be careful of saying "Oh this is great" when in reality it wouldn't be if it was an all the time thing. Jim, it's awesome that you and your wife can depend on one another for stuff around the house to be done and that you can handle it when your girls are sick. They are lucky to have you and I think the reverse is true is well. I liked Steve!'s comment about how it shows you have a woman in your life if you are purchasing female sanitary products.
Gas prices are not going down anytime soon, unfotunately! I will be with ya'all in spirit for the Greasespot anniversary bash. Between finishing up school, saving for our special day, and a brand new internship starting we'll be staying around the homestead. Ya'all have fun now, ya hear!!!
I just could not leave out Raf in good conscious, even if he is the co-conspirator of the campaign of pizza with pineapple is not pizza militant group. "Bad Boys, bad boys, what ya gonna do when they come for you?"
I have met Raf and he has good manners and is quite intelligent like Oak and Belle! I think it's great you like your Oxygen saturated water. I like some of the things I do that not everybody else is into. However, what works for me may not work for you.
I like to read what Oak, Raf, and Belle write! I've met Steve and he has excellent manners! I've talked with Belle on the phone and we have e-mailed and she has excellent manners! Oakpear has excellent manners, even after dating for 19 months... That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! The resident witch has spoken!
That phrase "Jane, you ignorant sl*t" conjures up fond memories of Saturday Night Live! Bright Blessings and may good communication always win!!!!
Communication is difficult enough face to face let alone on posts. I say be an example of what you want to see on these posts and don't get caught up in the nasty stuff. The naysayer's have to put their two cents in when it isn't always asked for and that has not always been pleasant. I actually kindive liked it when you couldn't swear in chat and if you did you had to be creative. It made it more fun. However it was pointed out to me in a most loving and caring way that this is a PUBLIC forum. We do still have a certain amount of free speech left and we need to be able to keep it. Part of that is letting it go when people don't speak the way we would like. I like good manners and try to watch what I say on the forums. I'm concerned about the long run and am lucky to have people I can rant to when needed off the forums and chat and in. The spirit of this site and the people on it are enchanting and so with most things, I have to take the seemingly good with the seemingly bad. Bright Blessings!!!!!
Happy, Happy....JOY, JOY to Ms. Ahat on her Birthday in a few hours! Bright Blessings on this wonderful year for you!!!
I have enjoyed reading the responses to this thread a bunch! Linda Z., Sudo, ex10,WhiteDove, Cindy!, Steve!, Lifted Up, Ala, Long Gone, Wayfarenot, Laleo, Johnny Lingo, outandabout,Zixar,Larry & Lianne, gladtoout, oldiesman, smurfette, chattycathy, jardinero, CoolWaters, coolchef1248, Socks, Shellon, act2, Mr. Hammeroni, dmiller, Bramble, The Highway, John I Am, Wacky Funster, Krysilis, watterbuffalo, George St. George, Radar O'Reilly, and Cowgirl, Thanks Bunches!!!!
I was told.....that having pineapple on pizza was an offense that was punishable by going to h*ll...Now picture my revenge when Oak suggested that catsup be applied to pancakes!!!
Blessings for you, your daughter, and your Grand daughter!!!!
Thanks for all the wonderful well wishes!!! Yes we are full of wonderful occasions. I kept my mouth shut for about 6 months on Grease Spot not saying anything about our engagement until we were closer to setting an actual date... Oak cooked a marvelous dinner after a long day at work and he is such a great cook!!! Then he gave me a beautiful necklace with peridot. As I sit here tonight in front of the computer there is a big smile on my face. Three years ago I was stuck. Then little by little steps were taken to take back my life. Out of the seemingly bad can come the seemingly good. If I hadn't gotten hurt, Village Inn might still have me as a server and that was not the direction I needed to continue in.
Congratulations Cindy! and Steve! and the rest of the family! on your 1st wedding anniversary. Oak and I had an awesome time at your wedding. Good people, good conversation, and a GREAT adventure to be remembered for years to come!
Your pun is not wasted on me, Dmiller! Thanks for all of the positive thoughts! Raf, *I will make no attempts at getting any pineapple near any pizza at the wedding and the reception. *Now if someone else somehow manages to get past the armed guards that will in place to watch out for wrongful ingredients of pizza for this major offense, I am not responsible....
Oak and I have waited a long time to tell you guys. We just wanted to get closer to setting a date before sharing. The funny thing is that I wanted to talk about our getting married on Monday night in chat and then Oak sends me the link to where he posted the announcement!
The wedding will be in Lincoln, NE. A friend of almost 11 years will be performing the ceremony. Like Oak said, it won't be fancy, however it will be fun! Raf, what year is your thunderbolt?
Happy Belated Birthday Dougie!!!!
Happy Birthday to you, HAP!!!
My birth number is a 4 and in some ways I am very conservative (don't like to gamble) and in some ways I'm not.
Belle,the birth number is the destiny number and you have other numbers as well that can be configured. And there is more to each number than is listed here. You can't put everything in a posting situation. I have the Idiot's Guide to Numerology and it's pretty thick. Highway did an excellent job of explaining how to calculate the birth number. :D-->