lil ole me
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Everything posted by lil ole me
thanx! i was'nt sure if they were still in baltimore, so at least i can narrow it down a little. any suggestions for a good people search on the web... free..?
thanx laleo... for not jumping down my throat... and yes, analagies... helps when we look at things from different perspectives...we tend to think our own situations are the one exception, the one no one else could ever understand... and surely its the one thing God forgot to cover in his word... (no new thing under the sun right? ) but when your right smack dab in the middle, things get murky... we suffer from a clasic case of 'woe-ez me.' in desperation at times, we find ourselves comparing our own lives with those 'less fortuate' than us and then breath a sigh of relief, thinking 'at least my life is'nt as bad as that ones' you know... 'could be worse'...while that may get a through some tough times... its still focussing on negatives, and thats not what thankfulness is about... and on the subject of projection, yes in one way or another we do find ourselves doing just that... so all lil ole me was trying to say was, take a step outside for a bit and reconsider why you feel the way you feel, and be 'criticle' (not fault finding),be bold (its o.k. to consider another belief or perspective... we arn't afraid of 'unbrainwashing' ourselves anymore, or opening our minds up to devil spirits(ha)!)and consider the other sides of the story. why does some one else believe or feel the way they do? there is sound reasoning behind the thoughts of others, even if you don't happen to agree with their views. in the end, you walk away with a broader perspective and you will either be more convinced in your own beliefs, or you will see that maybe in some areas, why you believe what you believe isn't really all that solid...and maybe its time to make a change... or move on.., or whatever...(all broad and not nesasarily specific to any given situation...)
ginger... my ideas or thoughts(propaganda) were not meant to offend... they're no powerful influencial oppinions of some influencial somebody... just lil ole me! but... you've raised a few hairs on the back of my neck as well.. and as for that, i must repond... and i will, on another post... since, as you say, this is the 'friend tracker' and not a place to 'speel' my 'ugg'ly thoughts. but it was the thoughts and inspirations of the other posts in this post that inspired me to write in the first place. all this talk about legalism, gung-ho bible preachin splinter groups... and being one whose experienced some of this stuff first hand... (no offense jard...)i thought i may as well put my 2 cents in... sorry... yer right. this is a post on jerry carr's where-abouts and what abouts... P.S. i will respond further to your rebuttal ginger under "being thankful"
new york... buffalo to be exact... but that seemed like a whole nother country compared to the rest of new york... got in the word 'officially' with pfal in83... steve and lisa tulley ran the branch then... them were the days...
ahh yes good ole illinoiS... champaign wow in 85-86... hung around there til 90 or so... then came back again in 96 till 98... great place to raise a family... i dont recognize you guys though...
no way... i agree that there are many people out there who were TRAINED to people worship, but others are just plain thankful. so many people go around in life frustrated, feeling unappreciated... for example,so many of us have lent a helping hand in one way or another to another, and that person never said so much as a thank you, let alone showed any sign of humility... point is, its human nature to crave appreciation.... i know i do.. even in my day to day functioning as a wife and mother. i can't count how many times i catch myself walking around grumbling that no body appreciates what i do around the house; cook, clean all that happy nonsence... thinking it would just FEEL so nice if some one would just say "thanx." the words do not not get spoken often enough! so, dropping the weirwille name here and there should'nt be a problem... people need to get over it already. its like a bad relationship... say your married for some twenty years and there a few children involved(your fruit), and the relationship ends in an ugly devorce... there's infidelity, lies...all that ugly baggage that comes along with divorce. the broken family becomes disfunctional when wounds are not allowed to heal. they walk around saying that it was the biggest waste of their lives, all the heart and emotions invested in the relationship betrayed and gone down the tubes... they become bitter(and we know what that will do to ya!)and it starts to contaminate their children (the fruit of the relationship) as well. it gets to the point where they can't even look at their children without seeing their 'ex' in that child. pretty soon even the relationship with their children begins to deteriorate. its like that with this whole way thing. the 'fruit' we all walked away with was the word of God. that's what we got out of that relationship(or at least should have). (and let's not get on the subject here of whether it was all 'rightly devided' cause it certainly ain't any better prepared and served any where else! there is error any time man is involved... none of us is perfect yet!) there were some good solid principles and foundations laid, (like working the word to make it your own!) so... some walked away from this relationship having been more 'abused' than others... (and i've been in abbusive relationships before... its still the choice I made)but now its time to move on. its only a waste if you allow it to corrupt your relationship with God as well. i've seen that too. got a family member who can't even read the word any more, and won't go near ANY sort of believer. he can still throw a chapter or verse your way, but he's only going through the motions... the joy has been stolen from his heart... the joy that only God's word can bring. its a shame... back to the analogy, you got burned in a bad relationship... so maybe he(it) wasn't mr. right! but take care of that family,(the fruit, which is the word of God, and He promises it will never come back void...and that all things DO work together for him that loves Christ Jesus!) Focus on the good, remain thankful... you have'nt walked away with nothing... it only becomes a waste when you allow the advasary to corrupt what you have left! don't let him mess that up too. we're all still called to a family... and some family members are a little more dissfunctional than others... but we love 'em any ways, don't we! (maybe we wanna slap them around a little and knock some sence into them at times... corse we know that won't work, so we don't...)but God is still at work in you and me dispite the family we came from... dispite our upbringing! we ar'nt babes any more... and don't need to be taught whats right or wrong... we all know in our hearts, cause we have God in Christ in us,and if we stay humble to God, thankful and not arrogant... the seed... the fruit will not become bitter. life is like a box of chocolates... you come across a bad piece every now and then, but you keep looking for the good ones! there in there!!!
no... not from his fellowship.. directly, we've fellowshiped with people from that area like the Guarini's and have gotten together with the Zolezzi's(sp?) and such. great bunch of people. I hear Jerry's wife is pretty sick, so you can all keep her in your prayers.
i was in touch with his niece and sister a while back... might be able to help you track him down...
no legalism there... and no "gun ho" move the word either... where do you get your info?
been thinkin alot about theses guys.. any one know where they are? my husband did some recording with him once, and we came across the tapes... thought it would be nice to touch base...
hmmmmmmmm... yeah, and on that note... i can always tell what my cats thinking by looking at her, kinda like politicians, you can see right through that big sht eatin grin(or mouse eatin grin) and they always leave a trail of guts behind them... :D-->