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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. Oh my. I am so sorry for these poor people. I hope they know now that they didn't give up on God becaus they left the stupid kork. Talk about bondage twi causes people. We all bought in to it for a time. I pray God heals their wounds from tht crappy organization.
  2. My opinion of one of the worst (sung to the tune of "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Be Cowboys"): Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be homos Don't let them wear earrings and carry a purse Let them chase women, drink whiskey and curse That's a christian organization??
  3. If anyone wants to know their actual status, call HQ and ask for permanent records. They maintain the "Book of Life" and have access to your information via computer. I wished they wwold just take me off their records completely.
  4. Wow, forgot that one. Boy did we learn to trust ourselves more than God or what???
  5. I truly believe we were brainwashed. We drank the koolaid--"God's ministry", "Man of God", "God will bless you", "No one else has the Word like we do", "We are the elite of God"....some examples of the koolaid we were given to drink. Thank God I have learned differently. I will never let anyone have access to my life like twit did. Thank God my wounds aren't physical. My mind and emotions are healing.
  6. MJ, Dr W had no right telling someone what to do about their health. He and your friend must have thought he was more than he was. He used his "spirituality" to make people think he was tapped in with God. That is why your friend followed his recommendation. She trusted him; and he obviously didn't have revelation on this situation. It's that kind of thinking that got people in trouble. Too bad your friend had to find out in such a bad way. We were groomed to believe that VPW was spiritual. That is the koolaid we drank. Why would anyone think anything less until God opened their eyes???
  7. Of course we were told in twit that we were giving things up for the Word, but in reality it was for twit. They used the Word to put us where they wanted us.
  8. In twi, we obviously shunned any friends or family members who did not want "The Word." Marriages were terminated by one not wanting it anymore; friendships were ended because of it; and people lived dull boring lives without many vacations or much money because they chose to do "The Word". I gave up my good fertile years to wait for a believing man to marry; I shared a dorm room for two years straight with a very judgmental woman; I worked for less money than a secular job on Staff because I thought God was blessing me for working for His ministry (I didn't see any extra blessings). I know this seems meanial compared to what some of you gave up. What did you give up?
  9. Raf, TWIt did indeed quit selling bookstore items to those outside their household. If I believe correctly, the reason was so that those "pirating" pfal couldn't have materials to do their classes. I remember being asked by an outtie while I was on staff if I would purchase a children's song book for them. I was a righteous arsehole back then and said no. Now I wished I had. It wouldn't have hurt anyone. So many things I would have changed had I not been a koolaid drinker. Hind site.....can't keep focusing on the past. I can only focus on the present and future.
  10. I don't think Carmela would get whacked, but I sure think if she were offered a different life with a secure financial future, she would rat Tony out to the Feds.
  11. Is the next season the final one? For some reason I thought this one was the final one until I knew they couldn't wrap up the story lines in the episodes they had left. I thought more would come up in the recent season about Tony killing Ralph Ciffereto (sp?), but hardly anything came up about that except when Tony talked to Christopher about what Adriana may have been able to tell the Feds before they knocked her off. OK you guys, I have one more question about the recent season. I kept seeing in the previews that Carmela walks into an empty house. I somehow missed that on the show. Did it happen? Was it a dream? Was it when she was dreaming about AJ as a child? I also missed the previous season of Janice and Bobby getting married. I'm going to have to rent the darn DVD.
  12. Yes that was lcm's doings to close the bookstore to rank unbelievers. He also had abs checks sent from rank unbelievers returned to them also. For you pfal enthusiassts who may be excited to order the collaterals, be cautious. I happen to know that some things were changed in the newly printed prevailing word editions. They won't be the same as the old ones you have. They made them reflect the present truth....whatever the H that is anyway. If someone is truly interested in buying a set of collaterals from the "original" printing, email me. I have a set I bought brand new, hardbound, before the prevailing word edition came out. They are practically brand new. I hardly read them, and I doubt I ever will again. Hope, I have Mrs. Owen's book. I will sell it to you if you want it. I was considering selling all of my way crap on ebay anyway.
  13. I left because of the lies and manipulation. Even if TWI apologized on all major network news stations, and changed every bad policy they have implemented, I would not go back. I don't have a need for twi anymore. I get my spiritual needs met without them. Screw me once; shame on you. Screw me twice; shame on me.
  14. We can't forget the famous words of RFR when she wronged a fellow GS poster while on staff. Something to this effect: "I'm sorry your feelings were hurt." Wow, now that's real sincere.....NOT!!!
  15. I NEVER received any apologies from twi leadership when they were wrong. I also learned from their behavior. Cover your ***, never admit mistakes, and live like a righteous arsehole because you are in God's ministry and live in His household. What a crock of BS!!!!! I learned this about myself after leaving. Funny thing is: my innie boyfriend at the time told me I never apologized for things I needed to. I instantly changed. I was shocked at how hard and calloused I had become. It was completely unknown to me. Now that I am married (not to the innie ex-boyfriend), I apologize even if I snip just a little at my husband.
  16. Well, the season finale sure made an unexpected ending. I thought there would be more intensity; I NEVER thought the fight would end with the NYC mob getting indicted by the FBI. Also, can anybody explain the episode where Adriana got whacked? I thought she was packing her clothes herself and waiting for Christopher to return. I also thought she was driving herself out of town to go toward Baltimore and Washington. Then she gets the call from Tony. Then Christopher is packing her clothes, getting rid of the suitcase, and leaving her car in the airport parking lot. What was the deal with her packing her clothes and driving away? Was that another dream? I'm confused.
  17. ps: they did give away all of the pfal books a few years back--martinpuke was still around. I'm sure they did it because of his class. But they may have printed them again after they started focusing on pfal a few years ago. If anybody wants to know for sure, why don't you just call and ask for the bookstore and place an order? If they don't sell to those who are not "active", then they will let you know.
  18. Anybody could buy a Way Mag subscription or a SNS subscription all along, even if they were marked and avoided. It was just other bookstore items that were not made available to those of us outside their precious household.
  19. I saw it and liked it. Brad Pitt had some good backside shots. It was a very entertaining movie. One thing I am not sure on is the historical part of it. Anybody see it? Was that whole story about Helen of Troy (originally from Sparta) true??
  20. #1 reason: I was a dumb foot. I believed the BS. I drank the koolaid. I forgot how to think for myself. I was afraid. I was dumb enough to think there wasn't anything better out there.
  21. I know Jesus is more than VPW or anyone else in twit taught about him. I'm still learning who my Lord is. It's a darn shame that VPW became so egotistical in his dogma that he couldnt' see beyond his own human frailties.
  22. Shellbert!! New look! I haven't seen you for awhile. When did you get it??
  23. I saw many people who took the foundational class and then didnt' see them for dust. They were the smart ones. I am an example of someone involved for almost 20 years before leaving. I was on staff at headquarters for 5 years before leaving. Sometimes it takes a lot for a brainwashed person to see what is really there before they leave. I got tired of being controlled in my personal life. I got reproved for not consulting leadership in a decision I made to move across town. They threw the "safety in a multitude of counselors" verse at me. I told them I was perfectly fine with the decision I made and didn't need any counsel. Other things came up later, and I was very frustrated. But it took more and more crap before I woke up. I had drank wayyyyyy too much koolaid. LCM getting fired was a great way for me to realize the MOG is a BS concept, and it showed me that the whole preface of the ministry was fallible. Once someone realizes that, then they are able to think for themselves again. I remember being afraid that I was thinking evil of leadership. Where did that idea come from? LCM I'm sure. We were trained to think leadership walked with God and we were to do what they told us.
  24. I remember that! What a freakin' dummy. I remember shortly after that a guy on staff who understood microwaves explained it. But there was always somewhere where the sky was falling in lcm's life. Probably his guilt got to him and his conscience but his pride kept him from relieving the guilt.
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