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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. You have got to be kidding me!!!! The ministry of reconciliation has been going on for years WITHOUT PFAL! I've been to many churches in the past few years, and I've seen them reconcile many back to GOD, not some dumb a$$ class.
  2. I have never expected to receive the Word taught from a sinless person. I would be waiting until Christ returned. Has anyon else ever waited for this? I think the REAL issues are the lies and deceit that followed veepee's life. VeePee presented himself as a man of God, allowed himself to be called the MOG, and made us think that he was tapped in to God like nobody else on earth had been since Jesus Christ himself. VeePee's words didn't line up with his pseudo life-style. That is why I disregard him and his teachings. I don't give him undue credit. After leaving twi, I learned that a minister has a responsibility to NOT present himself without flaws. They are human, and they are not superior to those who come to hear them teach. The church leaders need to be aware of their own weaknesses and need to grow and be open about their hurt, pain, failings, and humanity. Instead of "having it all together" and being insulated from confrontation and change, they are in a process of healing and opening up to their own safe people for support and accountability. TWI has a terrible problem with leadership trying to appear flawless and never making mistakes or admitting them. It doesn't allow them to be human. It started with VeePee's ego. It didn't end there. VeePee didn't spearhead the truth like he wanted us to believe. Truth comes from other sources also. The churches are not the evil places VeePee made them to be. They were just his competition.
  3. Thank Hope! I forgot that hbo has that stuff on their website.
  4. No way!!!! Dang! I missed the first episode of this season. Is that when this happened? How was it explained that Lisa actually died and that Nate had Lisa's ashes? When I came back on episode 2, I only knew that they were saying she died. I didn't know what story they came up with to explaine it.
  5. ??? I am confused. Can you please explaine? Fischer and Sons didn't cremate Lisa did they?
  6. Do you think they are willing to take more risks than the average Joe to get rich and powerful? I saw a man on the news not too long ago who came to Vegas from England. He sold his house and bet the whole thing on craps. He won. Lucky dawg.
  7. Yes, dysfunction is big in this. But wasn't it always? I think the episodes have picked and and have gotten better. It will be interesting to see how this season ends. I think Lisa will show up again.
  8. Good point here Bramble. It is a good point to make for trinitarians. I think the more I have been away from the controlling doctrine of twi, I think more and more about who Jesus was. In my own personal experience, I think God being Jesus makes Him different than the God of Muslims or Buddists. Now, I am not trying to convey "My God is better than your god" kind of thing. I have just done a lot of thinking about this stuff in the past year, and I don't think I will ever not believe in Christianity. But I sure as hell won't ever walk with the closed mind I did while I was in twi. I like hearing what you all have to say. Thanks.
  9. Oakspear, Thanks! Yes I did ask. :D--> I find this thread very interesting. I do believe I need a savior because that's what I have known all my life. But you guys make me think. I think of Jesus' sacrifice as a loving act even though it was gory. I don't think he was a nut job who gave himself up without reason. One thing I haven't experienced in church is the US and THEM crap. I'm thankful for that.
  10. Dear Roy, You have a good, honest, pure, and lovely heart. You must do what your heart moves you to do. I, for one, do not believe in interpretation of tongues and prophecy as we were taught in twi. I don't read your interpretations or prophecies, but that doesn't mean I think less of you or dislike you. All of that stuff just has an icky feeling inside me because of twi. Just stay loving like you always have. Who can deny that? Bless your heart!:)-->
  11. Posted by Oakspear: Can you expound on this more? I'm interested in your thoughts on this.
  12. Sorry, I'm a little confused here. Are there actually two questions? I think the first one is "Is Jesus God?". Is this the correct intent?
  13. "The Prevailing Turd" LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! I would love to see that picture again that used to be on GSC of lcm as fat bastard delivering packages in a brown shirt and shorts. It made me laugh even when I was still an innie.
  14. iloveallaccess.com has a special concert package to go to a party, sound check, back stage, get a ticket in the first 10 rows, a tshirt, a hat, and a few other things for $475. I would LOVE to do this, but I don't have the fundage for it now. It's $100 dollars cheaper on the rest of their tour. Why are they jacking up the price in Vegas????
  15. $250 EACH??? That's a lot of dough there TommyStrange. But if it was worth it, I believe you. I know there are just some things in life we don't want to miss out on and we would be willing to pay through the ear for it. I just know I will NEVER miss anything in life again because of a cult.
  16. Herbie, You BIG spender you!!! Sting has made quite a name for himself since The Police. Here's a link to an article which states he still makes $2,000 per day on royalties from "Every Breath You Take". Not bad for a rich boy in England.....LOL. I know what you mean about the Stones. Keith R. has looked dead for the past 10 years. He smokes so much that I don't think he actually needs cigarettes anymore. I wanted to see them last year, but the tickets were wayyyyyyy high. Van Halen was in Vegas last weekend. I was there and hadn't bought any tickets because I was too damn cheap. It was killin' me to know they were playing, and I wasn't going. Thank God they are coming back to Vegas for another conert. I broke down and paid. It will just be a way of life if you want to go to concerts, huh? Oh well, I love them!! I loved Sammy Hagar, and when he joined Van Halen, I loved him even more. I was heart-broken when Sammy left in 1996. So I don't want to take it for granted that he will be with them forever. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/09/29/...ain575676.shtml
  17. My husband has a part-time business recording music. He has loved music all his life. As a matter of fact, he was adopted and took an interest in music at a very young age. When he met his birth family, he found out his biological father is an avid musician. We love concerts. I have attended quite a few in my life, but I am shocked at how much the darn things are costing. Looking back, here's what I paid for music concerts. 1977: First conert: Heart, Little River Band, and Bob Welch--$8.00 Early 1980s: Several jams which included several top bands playing in a day--$15 Late 1980sthrough early 1990's: Aerosmith, Ratt, Bon Jovi, and Monster of Rock Tour (Van Halen, Scorpions, Dokken, Metallica)--$17.00-35.00 I missed the conerts era in the late 90s because I couldn't make time to go to a concert on a work night while on staff. 2002: Heart--$75.00 This was a very good concert. They were better than when I saw them in 1977. Can't go to a Heart concert without hearing "Magic Man". 2004: Van Halen (yeah!! Sammy's back!!!!)--$125.00 for mid range tickets! What has happened? I realize a lot of things change in 25 years, but from $8 to $125??? I guess they know we are big enough dummies to pay. Well, some of us........ Signed, Big Dummy
  18. Good one, Tonto! Many more of us should have had enought guts to do that too. :D--> :D--> :D-->
  19. I heard she went in the corpse.
  20. No comments about this week? I couldn't believe the amount of sex in this week's episode. David, Claire, Nate, Brenda, Rico. Oh.....is Rico a big dummy. He could have gotten back in his wife's good graces had he kept it in his pants. That hoochy mama wasn't worth him losing his family. What made him go to her in the first place? I think I missed all of that. Brenda screwed up too. George is more of an @$$.
  21. It was more like a year before the lawsuit came out after the Allens were booted from HQ. The only reason we found out about it back then was because the local newspapers around HQ were releasing stories about the lawsuit. I remember RFR telling us that the newspapers were revealing things about her, and she was up front and central at lunch time to protect her sorry arse. She told the staff that their accusations were lies. I think the "accusations" were about the time frame in which she learned in martinpuke's indescretions. Guess that's why she's known now as Rosa-lie. As far as lunchtime sharings about martinpuke and his crap, nothing was shared to mark him or make him look like the $hit he is. I heard Harve Platig share at a staff meeting after martinpuke left. He said they didn't condone adultery. Of course he would say that publicly. They wanted us to believe that they were just as shocked as we were. They should have known it would only be a matter of time before they got caught with their pants down. Thank God that Paul and Fern Allen had the guts and fortitude to expose that treacherous hell hole who calls themselves the beloved of God. We'll see what God thinks of those jack@$$es.
  22. Kelly married M*k* M*rt*n from Way Productions. They were at HQ when I left in 2001. I only heard things about the whereabouts of her mom. I don't know for sure about her though.
  23. Thanks MTG! I am a happy woman now. My husband is wayyyyyy better than any wayfer dude I ever dated (or previously married). ;)-->
  25. Trustees got their cars maintained and cleaned regularly at the transportation department. They got housekeepers and people to prepare their food for them. They always had nice clothes. LCM seemed to have an extensive wardrobe. And they never lacked with an above-average car. I would be willing to bet my life savings that they didn't have to save from their "living on a need basis" salary to get those things.
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