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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. Add this: "Keep your cell phone on in case I need to contact you while you are gone. You should always be in touch with the household. There is safety in a multitude of counselors. You never know when you will need counsel from leadership the next time you need to wipe your arse."
  2. OM, this was because the almighty dollar was the controlling factor for attendance back then. VP was in for the money. There was no prejudice against anyone willing to pay. Remember, it was the "sign" for commitment? It sure wasn't about grace and mercy from VPW. He liked having a large crowd; I'm sure it made him feel spayshul.
  3. When I went to the ACS in 2002, I had friends from a state coordinated by B*ll Gr**n who had a mortgage. They told me that they were harassed by their BC, but BG told them they could go to the ACS. They also told me that BG told them they could contact a "no longer standing" ex-corps couple that they were friends with a long time ago. In the area I was in, there was a "faithful" couple who had decided to buy a house. They were not allowed to run a fellowship or go to the ACS. I think going to the ACS depends on who the leadership is and how controlling and nazi-like they are. But then again, why in the H do you have to ask if you can do anything? Think about it, Innies.
  4. I was on Staff when Waydale started and ended. I heard about it from a Corps person I worked with. He read in the newspaper that Paul A had a website. I wanted soooooo bad to go online and see what was going on! BUT the ONLY internet access I had was at the St. Marys or New Bremen libraries. When I was there, there were several other staffers there making it impossible for me to look up Waydale. I left Staff in 2001. I got hooked up online almost immediately and tried to go on Waydale only to find it had shut down. Then I Googled "Waydale" just to see what I could find. I got a link to Greasespotcafe.com and started lurking. I remember seeing the picture of lcm's face put on Fat Bastard's (Austin Powers movie) body. I laughed my arse off! Then I started reading a few threads on the discussion forum. I went into chat (scared as hell) once, but nobody was there. I had 2 innie roommates and was scared they would find me out. The following year, after leaving staff and having been up and down the road of frustration more than a few times with leadership trying to run my life, I started posting on GSC. That was October 2002. I went to the ACS that year, and after spending some time REALLY searching my life and what I had spent the last 20 years doing, I left TWI for good. Thanks to a Greasespotter (who I had known back in the 80s) who showed me some things that help me make the decision to leave. :)--> Thanks WW! Now it's been 2 years, and I have never looked back or regretted leaving that nasty organization. Thank you Greasespotters! It really does help to see other people going through the same things. It helped me to see out of the dark glass I was in. And I hope some day that I will say something that will spark someone else in twi to evaluate their involvement with it. I am dedicated to telling the truth about twi, and it ain't Christian.
  5. Nottawayfer

    VPW and Rhoda

    Rhoda did marry Reuben. They got married in 1962.
  6. I am not going this time! I remember I started posting on GSC right before the last AC-Not-So-Spayshul. I was still an innie and in major turmoil because I knew that I needed to get the H out of twitville. Yet my waybrain took over and justified my existence in that putrid place. Yes, that spayshul was BORING, BORING, BORING!!! Did I say it was boring??? This year we are having Mexican for Thanksgiving. I'm making flan. And we will be drinking margaritas. No freaking hotel with expensive food and BORING teaching! I will be with family enjoying myself. Now THAT'S spiritual.
  7. Not when I was there! I left HQ in 2001. I never saw an angel, Santa Claus, or any pagan decorations (although there were "Household Holiday" decorations). The only gift exchange in which I ever participated was when my department did a "new to you" gift exchange. In other words, most people got used items. Now that was an abundant Christmas at The Way International Headquarters!! :D--> BTW, we used to put on our own birthday parties. Nobody ever made me a cake at HQ. I always made my own. The Trustees, on the other hand, got a birthday cake made by Food Services. They were even asked ahead of time what kind of cake they wanted. They also got to pick the meal they wanted that day. They got this for their anniversaries also. God isn't a respector of persons, but The Way International Headquarters surely is.
  8. lOh, that is a tough one. I keep telling myself it's OK to not end a prayer with that. I've toned it down by saying "in Jesus' name I pray", "in your son's name", or ending it by not saying a closing like that at all. That's all it really ever was in twi. An indicator to the end of the prayer. The "magic" words to make it all come true.... No different than playing Simon Says.
  9. MJ, Based on your responses, obviously they are not from a person who is compassionate in this category or life or of one who tries to walk in the other person's shoes. For you to say selfishness is a reason for older people to have children is completely ridiculous. But I am done discussing this with you. I won't waste my time with you. It seems you have like debating with people on all your threads lately.
  10. MJ said: I don't know how you could say this. If her motivation is to love the children, then I wouldn't knock her one bit. If you aren't a woman who has past her good childbearing years wihtout having babies, you can't possibly know what her heart felt like to not have children at a time when she really wanted to do it. If I had things to do over again, I would have gladly got myself knocked up out of wedlock to have a child at an earlier age. But being divorced at 31, beinging involved in a cult, and spending 5 years at hq waiting for my own little mog didn't allow my mind-set at that time to make that kind of decision. I was more worried about what other people thought. Now I don't give a .... what they think. I may still want to get pregnant at 50 if I don't before then. I'm not taking the opposition of this idea personally, I just want other people to see the other side of the fence. Plus, I just don't like people passing judgment on other's actions when the actions aren't necessarily evil.
  11. Yes, thanks LindaZ! I got a free DL. Bowtwi!!! Alden is so darn handsome! He holds himself as a very mature young man compared to most guys his age too. Thanks for sharing that!
  12. I guess it depends on the individual. I am 41, newly married, and definitely trying to get pregnant. I don't know how long I will try. I know people can be very critical thinking the parents may not be around when the children get to certain ages. I really believe this is an individual decision. I wouldn't question anyone's intent on having or not having children.
  13. My family had never been asked who was calling when they called. Sometimes in Founders Hall people would ask because they would want to tell you who was calling when they knocked on your door. The only phones in Founders Hall are in the hallways--about 3 phones per floor. There is only one room where you can go to have a "private" conversation. They said they were putting booths around the other phones in the halls, but I don't see how private that could be. Anyway, the switchboard shouldn't be asking who is calling. They told me they had way too much to do when I was there. I wanted them to screen my phone calls from my ex-husband, and they told me they couldn't.
  14. Sounds strange to me also. I would NEVER trade my children for ANYTHING (if I had them). Having a knowledge of the Bible just isn't as important to me as having an honest heart and honest relationship with God and other people. I guess I'm not a Bible worshipper anymore. I believe it's God's Word, but I don't put the main emphasis on it anymore like I did in twi. I think the Bible worship came from one verse: God magnified his word above his name. Was it to be taken literally?
  15. Circumstancial evidence is evidence like they found the bastage in San Diego with dyed hair and a car that he bought under a fake name with fake identification. Several credit cards: some his, some of family members. The car was full of survival gear--tents, sleeping bag, etc. He had $10,000 cash on him. He also had Mexican money on him. That must have taken a deliberate intiative to an exchange. An innocent man would have maintained and fought for his own integrity and wouldn't have made such a stupid move like this. I'm sure he was freaking out because he knew it was coming to the end once they found the victm's bodies. Nothing like running to make a man look guilty as hell. He did it all himself. He was a liar, a cheat, and an arsehole. If he never wanted children, he should have gone to get himself fixed. It could have saved a lot of problems. But that's all hindsite. I think the verdict was just. The death penalty is too good for someone who kills like that. I'm OK with letting someone like him live in hell for years and living a ....ty life for what they've done.
  16. Bow, I would LOVE to see the handsome young man, but it requires me to download Realplayer. I put in the information to download it, but they want a credit card. Am I missing something?
  17. Dovey, If she is really on your heart, then you should call her. She may be happy to hear from you. If she acts snide, then SelahV babe! Her loss. They won't keep you from being transferred to her. It will be up to her if she decided to talk to you or not. Only you know what kind of friendship you both had. It may turn out all good. If she is no longer there (which I seriously doubt since she's single Corps), then they will tell you.
  18. Of course we do :)--> Suggestions from leadership in twi are tantamount to a command. If you didn't take the "suggestion", you got your arse chewed.
  19. All of the people I knew who carried around day-timers were the worst people to be on time. I'm not say ALL people who carry them are late, just the ones I knew. They would be so meticulous to write down all of their appointments and look so organized. They couldnt' go anywhere without packing the damn thing with them, BUT THEY NEVER LOOKED AT IT!!!! So what does that help? I never carried one. I relied on my brain and post-it notes on the fridge to remember stuff. Sorry to derail a little on your thread Steve! Day-timers set off a certain soap box for me. I never knew anyone who was selling day-timers. I thought you always bought them through the mail or office supply store.
  20. Rascal, Thanks for the info; I missed that thread. I read a few pages of it tonight and all I can say is OMG!!! That is horrendous and makes my blood boil! That is just a PRIME example of twi covering their @sses "lest the ministry be blamed". CW, that is a terrible thing for you and your family to go through. Your daughter is a brave girl. So is your family to stand up to that. God bless your hearts.
  21. Ya know, after 20 years in twitville, I never understood that teaching. Especially when they got to the Believers the Hall of Fame in Hebrews. My mind swirled for years and years and years on that. Now I know why....cuz it is crap!!
  22. Nottawayfer

    Dating Question

    Belle, Was this the thread you were talking about? http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&s=9...6643#8676046643
  23. I also knew of a situation while I was on staff where parents were counseled to mark and avoid a "rebellious" teenager. This girl ended up going to a foster home. Martinpuke told the lc of ohio (LP) to handle the situation for HQ so that it didn't put HQ in the limelight. It was a sad, sad situation. Martinpuke spewed for a long time about these parents and how the effed up they were and how he had to personally get involved in counsel with their family. It makes me wonder what the REAL story is. These people continued to come to the sunday service after they were booted off of staff. Martinpuke had the balls to say he was disgusted to see their faces in the audience while he was teaching. Just shows the heartlessness the bastages have for people.
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