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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. Anyone know if the jockstrap martinfail ever rode one of those bulls? He was always so macho in his words, did anyone see it in his actions?? That would be an extremely funny sight to see his arse knocked on the ground. I'm picturing it in his ballerina tights......hohohohoho
  2. Jonny, I just want to say that I can tell you are a great husband, father, and man. Your family is lucky to have you. And vice versa I'm sure. ;)-->
  3. These people are part of a Fundamentalist Latter Day Saint Church residing in the Northern part of Arizona since the late 1800s. There were raids on their compounds in the 30s and 40s due to the polygamy. Now the law enforcement doesn't have time to deal with the kind of thing. The local law enforcement in the city is all ran by people involved in this religion. Only county law enforcement would step in to enforce any real issues, but it seems they are slow to move. The school superintendant (also involved) is elected by these people, yet they do not send their children to the shool. It is rumored that the superindentant sends the money to the prophet of the religion. Their city is one inhabited almost exclusively by people in their religion. They all live and work together. The men obviously have several wives and more children than they probably even get to know. It's sad. Girls are shoved off to an arranged marriage to men 3 times or more their age when they are 16 or so and are expected to bare children all their lives. Boys have been kicked out of the "camp" to reduce the competition with the older men for wives. It is a sick situation. Their motto is to "leach the beast", meaning they live off of the government. Only the first marriage is recognized by the State, so the remainder of the wives live on welfare. Today, some of these people came to my office because they are splitting up their property tax bills. I work for the assessor in my county. These people were respectable and very nice. They brought in doughnuts, cookies, fruit, juice and milk for the employees in our office. But all day long, I was think "they are another cult with the same kind of BS mentality as TWI". They actually think they are exclusive to God and doing His will. They, too, have an "us" and "them" mentality. One woman in our office jokes with one of the men by asking him, "Dude, do you know how to dance?" In his culture, it is not proper for a woman to act or address a man that way. He blows off her question even though they have had many conversations over the last 20 years or so that she has worked there. Yet, he is still polite. I began to think about these girls who grow up in this city. They don't know anything else. They are taught from a small age that they will marry in their teens and have babies until they can't anymore. It is all for the sake of the religion. Heck, in biblical times kids married as teens. I guess if you live a secluded life-style, you don't know what you are missing. But they are missing out on a lot. They dress like school marms from the 1800s(like Amish). They don't watch TV, they don't learn anything except wifely duties unless they are one of the lucky ones allowed to go to nursing school which will only benefit them in delivering all of the babies born in the community. The boys aren't taught any kind of skills, and they aren't schooled enough to be able to get a job outside of this community. It is sad to see things like this going on. I thought about it all day today because these people were in our office. It is slavery and sexual abuse of children. Sad
  4. Last I heard, Angela Coleman was married, had 4 or 5 boys, got divorced and was living in San Antonio Texas. Their family moved around a lot before that. I think they all follow each other.
  5. Jonny, I was not offended. I think the situation you mentioned of the girl who felt more confident as a result of getting laid is not common. I know several women who have spent their younger years getting laid to help themselves feel more confident, and end up feeling less and less because it's not the sex that is fulfilling them. It's the attention from a man that they are craving. I also know a lot of younger girls end up having sex with every Tom, Dick, and Harry because they never had a real relationship with their own dads. It is important for a father to tell his daughter how special and beautiful she is. I really think that is lacking in our society. It could really make a difference in the confidence of young women. Sorry to derail this thread....
  6. Jonny, bringing this back to the context of sexual abuse/harrassment, do you really think some old fart who used his mogness to coerce girls into sex was healing? It could only be healing in the context of a loving relationship IMHO. VPW could lie to himself saying that he was loving them, but in all honesty I really believe he was only in it for himself and his own greedy lust.
  7. Posted by Jonny Lingo: I don't know. I don't know your real name. I did see your pictures you shared though; your face didn't seem really familiar to me.
  8. Jonny, I'm glad she is living a fulfilled life now and that that her desire didn't get her heart hurt. Yes, it is completely normal for a woman to want to be desireable. Even after you are married to your soulmate, it is still something that you don't ever want to lose. I trust your judgment that this girl was a complete knock-out and considered one of the top ten lookers. It does, however, shock me that some guy didn't take her up on deflowering her. You were just a nice guy to have a hot chick flinging herself on you and not taking her up on it. Not all men are that way. Are you sure she wasn't just "playing" you? You are a good-looking man. Maybe she was giving you line to get you where she wanted? Women can be devious in the sexual category too. Ever hear a group of them talk about sex? ;)--> Most men will take whatever is offered. I saw it hundreds of times while I was on Staff at HQ. They would spend time with men and do things that they thought would make them more desirable to these guys. The dating scene was a completely sad situation. But, again, I think it was a lack of self-respect and self-worth on the part of the women. I'm sure that the lack of single men propelled the desperation in single women too.
  9. I completely and totally agree. Excellent point Abi. It is ironic that human nature is to somewhat obssess over what you dont' have: money, big boobs, tight arse, small waist, big penis, or we can all fill in the blank. This girl was obviously extremely attractive. It is sad that her upbringing didn't let her see that and that she depended on what men though of her sexually to make herself what she thought she needed to be.
  10. Maybe for her Jonny, but I don't necessarily agree with that across the board. My thoughts are that it was kind of sad that she still had to look to someone else to feel "worthy". I think our society pumps this attitude toward women all day long and has been for generation after generation. Learning to be satisfied with yourself and what you are without anybody else is also very liberating. Then when you meet that special someone after you have "found" yourself makes the relationship so much beter because you aren't constantly bothered by your lack of self worth.
  11. Johnny, your wife rocks! She handled her situation really well. :)-->
  12. In 1984 when I was WOW, my Fam Coord told us that VPW told him that sex could be healing for some people. This Fam Coord fukd my WOW sister among several other women that year. He used to give really long and great backrubs. I let him give me one until he started kissing my neck. It was wayyyyy too weird. In 1985, I went to ROA. My best friend was going in the 17th corps. She and I stopped to talk to another girl who was also going in the 17th. That girl was a dancer in Athletes of the Spirit. She was telling my friend about going on a motorcycle ride alone with LCM and how good looking he was (whatever!!). She seemed completely smitten by him and was telling us how she got to spend so much time with him. I shrugged it off as BS and a girl with a crush back then. In between all of this, I had ran in to several limb schmucks and region schmucks who were obviously dipping their wicks wherever they could. Single women would live with them, and the single women were telling me of their "love" affairs with some of these married jerks. My cousin went WOW and ended up walking in on his Fam Coord screwing the limb coord. That was in 1984. While on Staff, a cabinet wife told me about VPW cheating on his wife with several women. This was after the announcement of lcm's one time affair. I thought back to all of these incidents at that time, and thought it was stinking to high heavens for many years in twi. It wasn't until I came to GSC and heard of ex's experiences and the ones I read on John J's site that I realized how bad it actually was.
  13. My first thought was to dart out the door on the 12th session of pfal. Damn! I should have listened....it could have been revelation...... LOLOLOLOL
  14. I don't think any of it was a con job. I truly think they lcm believed in the MOGFAT crap, and he kissed VPs holy ring. LCM was just an overbearing arse who got out of control. And then he liked being the MOGFART himself so that others could kiss his holy ring. The whole issue about blackmail doesn't make sense to me because the sexual escapades of both men (and the others) was an accepted dysfunctionality throughout twi. It just came with the territory of being a bigwig in the cult.
  15. Don't forget the massive quantities of drambuie consumed when they did this. I'm sure that's how they got revelation on who was to live with whom and where they would go. I can't believe we actually thought our assignments were from God. I knew of one couple who were shacking up together and had kids together. They decided that if they were assigned to the same place as WOWS, it would assure them that God wanted them to be together. Of course, they weren't and ended up getting moved half way into the year. Two weeks in to my WOW assignment, I knew that it wasn't from God. My WOW family coord was an alcoholic interim corps guy. I told him that he was worse than my obnoxious, drunken father and that God wouldn't want that for me. The guy ended up getting booted because I narked on him. If it was revelation in the first friggin place, why didn't God tell the MoFos???
  16. Gr*g and L*ri B*lchalk were running the kork program last I knew. He is a nazi from what I hear. I had a friend who got booted from the kork in 2001. She came to live with me right after the incident. She was distraught and kept repeating "It's a damn cult!!" But she is still in....go figure. Her only excuse is that nobody else teaches the Word....whatever....
  17. So, when are you all coming to Vegas? My hubby (who has never been way) asked me when we were going to meet some Greasespotters.
  18. Thanks so much you guys! That answers a lot for me. Abi, what is a "typical" practice for Yom Kippur?
  19. I occasionally instant message with a corps person on staff at HQ. I was informed that D*vid Ch*voustie is the cabinet overseer for the research department now. I don't know how much research is being done, but he was moved from being a region man to HQ to do this job. Not that it actually means anything, but I thought I would pass the information along.
  20. OK, I grew up in Western United States, and I have not had much exposure to Jewish people. I only learned a small amount about them while in twi, so you can expect that I still don't know much. This past Sunday at church, we heard the teaching on the holiest of holies and how the priest entered into to atone the sins of Israel for the year. Yet, that Jesus Christ is our high priest and we no longer need a priest to perform this function for us. My question is: Do current Jews perform some kind of ritual to cleanse themselves from sin yearly? Do they perform any kind of offerings up to God like they did with lambs and other food in the Old Testament? If not, why is is different than what I think I understand from the Old Testament?
  21. Do they do "christian" forthtelling also? hahahahahaha Sorry. I just had to say that. ;)-->
  22. Belle! Why I do delare! Sometimes it gets so dreadfully hot, a girl needs a mint julep while sitting on the front porch.
  23. It should work, but look at your PTs.
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