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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. Juliet Trinidad here. :D-->
  2. Diane M was the BC for the north county of San Diego when I left in 2002. Dave and Susan E were out last I knew. Their son, Jared, posted once here to tell everyone they moved on to better things in 2003. I haven't heard anything since.
  3. They are most definitely in and are the limb coordinators for California (and Hawaii too last I was in--2002).
  4. Was it worth it? In thinking through this question, I have to truly determine if twi was able to do things for me that other christian organizations weren't able to do. No it wasn't. So was it worth it? Absolutely not. I would have saved myself a lot of garbage in my life had I never taken pfal. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. It was learning that benefitted my life. I am not talking about the learning of the Bible, but the learning the detriment of being so black and white in my thinking, of thinking I was so superior because I had the truth, of thinking there was no other place like twi, of blindly following for so many years, and of course, being blind to what was going on behind the scenes. Where I am today is great for me. Some people have a bumpier road than others, but when they finally get to the good spot in their lives, they really appreciate it.
  5. Quote by HCW: Good point. It could be viewed as a cop-out attitude, but for those who truly tried to keep their marriages together despite all of the crap floating around in our lives while in twi, it provides a way of escape. For some, it was escape from abuse.
  6. For the record, I have known of regular, Christian churches practicing cult behavior: controlling congretations' lives, undying loyalty to a psychotic leader, excommunication for refusal of beliefs, fear tactics, etc.
  7. Quote by GrouchM: Groucho, I would have considered destructive behavior a large part of a cult. What do you define as a cult?
  8. I agree it sounds old-fashioned, but it is probably pretty practical. I don't think it's meant to belittle women or the character of women, but I think it is meant to acknowledge the problem of vulnerabilities in the indivuals being counseled and the ones doing the counseling.
  9. Garth if you re-read what I wrote, I didn't say that non-trinitarian beliefs contribute to an organization being a cult. I only mentioned that the non-trinitarian belief was a controversial doctrine. IMHO a cult is an organization with a mind-set that they have all the answers and that no other organization has the truth like they do. A cult also has an attitude that harm will come to those who leave their organization. TWI, JWs, Mormons all fall in to this category. Even though I disagree wholeheartedly with their doctrines for the most part, I want to be understanding and sympathetic toward people in those organizations instead of being to darn black and white. I would embrace something like Universal Unitarianism more than any of those organizations only because they are not condemning of other beliefs or groups. That is the point I am trying to make. I don't want to be judgmental, but I want to keep Jesus in the picture too. Garth, I'm sorry my brain isn't loose enough for you....but we all move at our own pace and develop different thought processes. Can you accept that? :P-->
  10. Supposedly RFR's ministry is of a pastor. Personally, I did not see it. My few encounters with the woman invovled her being a b i itch er to me over trivial things. She didn't impress me or minister to me in any way. She just ....ed me off.
  11. He came to San Diego a few years ago. I didnt' go see him because I was so newly out of twitville. But he seems to really have a heart for God and to preach wholeness to people, not condemnation or perfection.
  12. We were discussing what "blog" was at work today, and discussion forums came up. I made a joke about my ex-cult discussion forum. The temporary (I had previously had the thought she could be an ex-wayfer) who has been working at our office for a couple of weeks perked her ears up and asked about it, so I explained about the controversial doctrine (non-trinitarian, blah, blah, blah). She went on to tell me she was a Jehovah's Witness and that people thought it was a cult, but it is not. It was all I could do to maintain my facial composure...I wanted to scream "Yes, you are!!!! Of course you don't think that because you are in the thick of it without any other thought processes besides what they teach you!!!" But I then composed my brain and decided I couldn't be judgmental of her no matter what she wanted to believe. I hate that I still deal with this after almost 2 1/2 years out, but at least my thoughts and actions are slowly changing. I had to think of a "What If" scenario if she decided to start witnessing to me. I don't want to be involved in another group who separates themselves in any manner from other religious groups and who does not practice the one Body of Christ. This is a really important aspect to me right now. It is actually freeing to think other beliefs like Catholicism, Muslim or Godess-worship are not completely evil and propelled by devil worship. I just hope I can get this brain to loosen up a little more....
  13. Nottawayfer

    Matt Talbot

    That's cool Seth. :P--> I like being more open-minded about things now and realizing that I'm not opening doors to devil spirits. There is good in a lot of things. I spent 20 years in twi missing out on a lot. But God is good in that He is helping me to make up for lost time.
  14. My sister and I were talking about me and my last year or so in twitville. She asked me what I thought about things that were taught. I told her I remembered thinking a lot of things were BS, but I wouldn't dare step away from the household nor speak evil out loud about my thoughts because I was convinced my thoughts were wrong. Sheesh....that was a BIG joke! I think now it was the holy spirit working in my heart to prepare me for my exit out of that place! It took some time for me to get to the point of mutiny against twi, but it's been AWESOME since then! I could have married a suitable man according to twit standards, and I could have been miserable for many years and feeling like I wasn't free to be me. My life now (and my hubby) is the best it's ever been! :D-->
  15. Congratulations to Gramma, Mommy, Daddy, and Auntee! I got misty-eyed just reading about your experience awaitng the birth of that beautiful baby! She came out in this world with a big surprise, I'm sure she will grow up to be full of vitality and life like the other wonderful women in her life. :D-->
  16. In the marriage, it depends on the what the couple decides. But in divorce, I see that changing a lot. I've known many people who divorce and share custody 50/50. The kids stay one week with mom and one week with dad. No money is exchanged for support. It does, however, limit either one from moving. If they live in a metropolitan area, it requires them either to live in the same school district, or one drives the kids to school on their week. I've seen this work out quite well.
  17. Awesome news! I'm happy for both of you! It is a wonderful thing to finally meet your soulmate and have fun living life with them.
  18. I didn't know he had a son in the 18th corps. He definitely has a daughter who graduated 25th Corps (Somewhere around there). She and her husband were on staff when I left. But you are right, Bud M didn't do anything much but videos for twi. I think he did the "Changed" Video.
  19. That is a great interactive questionairre. Thanks Radar! English Cocker Spaniel here.....woof :P-->
  20. I love it! :D--> He definitely made history in twitville!
  21. Does your wife know you feel this way? If you talk to her and tell her how her actions make you feel, will she listen or show insensitivity to your feelings? Have either of you learned to speak the other's love language? I know it sounds silly, but it really does help if you know your spouse's love language and how to speak it and vice versa. There are things that show certain people how you love them. For instance, my husband could tell me all day long that he loves me and he could buy me presents every day, but those two things are not my love language. I need kisses, hugs, and physical affection. My husband, on the other hand, needs to be told that I love him. For some people it is doing chores like washing their car, buying gifts, or actually telling someone how wonderful they are. I am a true believer in this although I know it is extremely hard to start over when you've made so many bad habits with a person. But it's worth a shot if you want to honor your marriage. "They" have said that communication is the key to a successful marriage. I think that communication isn't always talking. It can be your actions.
  22. She's a neat lady. She was on staff when I was there from 1996-2001. I don't know if she is still there or still in.
  23. HUH? 10/26/1963 10 + 26 + 1963 = 1999 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 28 2 + 8 = 10 Where's number 10? Or am I a 1?
  24. I remember my BC telling us that the Corps were asked to give their insight on debt and the Word. I knew several people who were very smart in money management and investing who had given a lot of information concerning mortgages. I as also told later on they were told at a Corps meeting that debt was still debt; they didn't change their policy (or is it not a policy???) on it; no discussions; case closed. I knew people who went back to discuss the work they submitted on the subject and were basically kicked to the curb. They were now dropped from the Corps because of it. They are out now with a house they bought. I'm sure they are enjoying life much more NOW!!
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