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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. BluzieQ: I have been away for a week or so, and I just want to first give you my welcome also! This thread is awesome and very informative. I got involved in twi at the ripe age of 19. Even though I wasn't raised in it, twi dictacted every adult thought process I ever had. I instantly went WOW after getting in twi, and I spent 5 years on staff when lcm was at his worst. I was also there when he got caught in his own dirt. I left 2 1/2 years ago after being the only die-hard in my family to hang with it for almost 20 years....geez....I thought all along I was the better one for staying. What a rude awakening for me...lol! My Mom left after 2 years, and my sister was in a a Geerite group with her ex-husband until 1999 or 200. When we compared stories after it was all over, she verified to me that Geer was just as much of a fruit loop as lcm was. All in all, I have thankfully lost a lot of waybrain in the last 2 1/2 years. I have gone through a lot of anger and regret, but now I am at the point that I wouldn't be the person I am today without my involvement in twi. I think the experiences made me smarter about life in general. I will NEVER get involved in a a "we are the only ones with truth" group ever again. Hard lessons are not the desireable way to learn, but they make the most impression. Unfortunately for kids who were raised in twi, they have to have the hard lesson without making the mistake. You guys are awesome! It's great to see more perspective on this. Thanks so much for sharing your story.
  2. From Johnny L: When I left 2 1/2 years ago, they were BCs somewhere in Tennesee--maybe Nashville. I don't think they ever made it to the limb level.
  3. Nottawayfer

    Fed up with eBay

    A lady in my small group bought a Game Cube(or something like that) on ebay from a college guy. She never received the item. She called the guy up, and his visiting mother answered the phone. When the mother found out about her son's dishonesty, she told my friend that the game would be shipped the next day, and it was. I guess it took Mom to get that one done.
  4. Nottawayfer

    Fed up with eBay

    I bought my wedding dress on ebay from Hong Kong. I was very satisfied with the transaction. I received the dress in 4 days (I lived in San Diego at the time), and I was amazed I received it that quickly. There were some extra charges (about $30 for importing or something like that--and the seller was upfront with this) when I picked it up from the post office. I didn't mind since I was paying so much less for an item that would have cost me hundreds more in the states.
  5. I just go in on this thread, and I haven't read every single post. I really think that when a woman hits 50, and things are the same if she has a so-so or horrible marriage, kids are gone, she starts to think about her future and about herself for the first time. I work with a lady who just retired at 57. All of her kids are out on their own, and she decided she's getting divorced after 28 years of marriage. She will be able to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and she plans to have fun. I do, however, think it is sad that women wait this long to figure it out. I
  6. Call Headquarters some time, you will hear her voice. I just did the other day, so YES, she's still in OHIO on staff at HQ.
  7. They are just covering their arses by saying things that don't make them look like they are controlling people's lives. We all know that it is not done that way. I was in until 2002, and people were penalized for debt. I knew some very loving FCs who were no longer FCs once they decided to buy a home and acquire a mortgage. These people were not allowed to go the the ACS that year either. Another Corps couple I knew were dropped from the Corps and then were spoken badly of by the LC to people who had been in this couple's area. This couple was dropped because they wanted TWI to fairly see their research done in the financial category. These people were very savvy in the financial realm, it was their profession!! They weren't even the kind of people who were controversial in their presentations; they just wanted realistic facts taken in to consideration before making a decision. TWI decided what they wanted to deem doctrine.
  8. I don't think he has his hand in the pie. I think he's doing what he wants to do--be lazy like he always was. We were fools to think he was working the Word and being a good MOGGIE. I think he played a lot of golf. I just wish that he has to see what REAL people had to do every day. Somehow I don't doubt that Rozilla and Co. supplement his bally boy income.
  9. They say it's nobody's business (not like many of the WC who kept their noses where they did not belong)......I think someone could find out if they check court records. Isn't tht kind of stuff public information?
  10. I've had a few recurring dreams in the past few months about TWI. One dream is someone still in twi pursuing a conversation with me. I am telling them in my dream that I am no longer in twi, and I believe Jesus is God and if they have a problem with that to go elsewhere....LOL! The other one I am door-to-door witnessing for the Assessor's office (I am not an appraiser, but I work for the Assessor). I am not really witenssing, but I end up talking to a rude man who doesn't want to let me in his house. The next thing I know I am down the street talking with wayfers I worked with at HQ about my witnessing experience. --> Now I actually think that's a nightmare.
  11. Last I knew Cenciches went to be BCs in Cincinatti in 2001.
  12. Welcome Lavender! It is strange to me how similar JWs and Wayfers (a derrogatory name for people who fellowship in The Way) are. I recently hired a temporary in my office who is JW. I kept thinking to myself "I wonder if she's a wayfer." Anyway....we all got a story to tell, and it is wonderful to have discussion forums to talk about it--especially with those who understand it because they were in it also. Raf, I think you should try Ba Hai' next. They are very benevolent people (except they aren't very gay friendly according to a previous thread here at the cafe).
  13. Uh sure.....we're distant cousins, or Steve! could have been brother to my sister's husband's brother's wife .....how about we were in the same cult for awhile??? Does that make us related?
  14. I haven't hiked the Grand Canyon yet. I need to get my respiratory system in better shape before I do that. Since moving to AZ last year, I developed asthma. But hiking the Canyon sounds awesome! I saw something on the travel channel a few weeks ago with the mules at Grand Canyon. I knew I didn't want to ride the little buggers. The person who got bucked off must have had the bajeezus scared out of him. I will definitely hike it when I go. John, post some pics if you got them. I'd love to see them.
  15. My hubby and I weren't considering getting another dog anytime in the near future, but when I saw the pics of your dogs and clicked on the petfinder link, I fell in love with Pumpkin, an organge/white Cockerspaniel!! We will get to meet him in a few weeks as his foster mom lives in southern california. She will be meeting up with us in Scottsdale AZ in a few weeks so we can see if he likes us and vice versa. http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&...w=0&tmpl=&stat=
  16. You got it all wrong buddy. You are defending a man and his actions, AND actions you saw yourself of other leadership by saying that the Word taught was perfect. That is co-dependency. I should know because I spent many years defending that same bull.... myself because I didn't want God's ministry to be blamed. You completely forget that the fruit they produced was a result of what was in their heart. It surely wasn't God's Word or they would have exposed their wrongs and came clean about it. That would have been the respectable thing to do instead of putting a stupid saying on a grave marker to show the world that you were so humble.....Gawd!!! It makes me want to puke it was so horrid!! I'm not so sure that you love Him. It's your pfal you love and defend. God needs no defense, nor does his Word. Therefore, why do you spend so much time defending something so fallible?
  17. Mike, You really sound just like a typical co-dependent wife of an alcoholic who molested his own daughters. Such a wife would say something like: Yes, he did terrible things to our children, BUT he was a good provider. Yes, he was distant in our marrigage, BUT he was a hard worker. There will always be one excuse after another while trying to bring light to his good points. It is a sick reality in a lot of women's lives. And it is a sick reality in your love to VPW and his pfal.
  18. Quote by Mike: CLEARLY implied???? Now that's some scary principle to follow. Mike, I think if you really worshipped God, and NOT PFAL, then you wouldn't need to see verses that it did NOT happen before you believed it. You put wayyyy too much in to this without seeing what IS written. I rely on the black and white before I would imply anything. Geez....
  19. There are many roads to God, and MANY are ways to successfully get to Him. He does not limit Himself to a format like pfal, nor does He limit Himself through a man like vpw.
  20. Nope, Mike, I do believe you are one of a kind. Dr. Wierwille will be giving you a crown at the bema.
  21. Mike, Excuse me, but you do appear to be beating your self-righteous drum in the fact that you are the only one who has even attempted to "master" pfal (or is that you have mastered it??). You constantly deny the fact that there are hundreds, if not thousands, who have bettered their life AFTER pfal. You say it cannot be true without mastering pfal. This very cultish attitude is what drives people away from your madness. I'm really glad that you know soooo much about a lot of us without really knowing us. --> Sometimes it takes getting out of the cult to realize you were actually in one.
  22. I wonder why. I went to their house for a Christmas party in 2001 when I was visiting my ex-boyfriend. I wasn't impressed with moneyhands. As a matter of fact, he seemed really fake to me. I mentioned that to my ex when we were locking horns after I left twi. I told him moneyhands was a big phoney and a fake. He couldn't believe I said that. I asked him what kind of help moneyhands or his fellowship coords offered when he was accused of sexual harassment at his job.....by the way it was a BIG FAT ZERO!!! They only said it would be good for him to move away and live in my area (which was on the opposite side of the continent). That was A HUGE MISTAKE!! I really didn't want him to move to my area, but how do you tell someone that? I needed more time to figure out where the relationship was going. Gosh, it sure is wonderful to be past those time in my life.
  23. When I left, there were country coords in England. But I don't think there was a large twi influence there. Maybe a handful. And only a handful in a few other European countries. R*yse and Gr*ce M*ller were there names. I believe they are both corps grads. She came from Africa, and I think he was born in the UK. Jean-Yves DeLisle went to the UK while I was on staff to perform their wedding. I would be interested to know what was communicated to non-english-speaking countries to explain martinfail's dirty little secrets and his leaving.
  24. I knew him when he was a BC. Back then, he was nice, worked his arse off for the ministry, and supported lcm to the hilt. Right after that, Mark was ordained. And after that he got higher and higher up the ladder of twit leadership. Don't forget he was (is???) martinfail's best friend at the time trouble started in twitville paradise. I'm sure a nice guy got very clouded by the negative and judgmental attitude of the jerk he put on a pedestal. I know his family wasn't perfect either. Where does he get off telling people such horrible things.....geez.
  25. Nottawayfer


    Whoa.....Quaker??? 1. Orthodox Quaker 100% 2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestant 93% 3. Liberal Quaker 83% I thought Quakers were like Ammish or Mennonites--separate themselves in their own community. Anybody know?
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