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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. Change the water for New Years!?!?!? Whew!!! That's a new one to me! I've only driven through Arkansas on the way to the cult festival. We just knew we had to keep our mouths closed while there for fear a big bug would fly in. :P
  2. mmmmmmmm! Seafood!! Well my plans have changed. I'm hopping a plane to Maine! I should be there in time if I leave NOW!! Oh well, it sounded spontaneous anyway. :P Hubby is on call (as he was last year ). So we will be hanging out at home. His parents, brother, and brother's wife will come over tonight though and we will drink Cosmos and Purple Hazes. (Purple Haze is a martini made of Vodka, DeKypper's Sour Grape, a splash of Sweet and Sour, and a splash of 7 up: shaken and served in a martini glass with fresh purple grapes) Have a great New Year you all! If you are going to go get drunk and do the bump and grind, be sure to protect yourself! It's a different world out there!
  3. I heard derrogatory comments from Ramona's very own mouth about her late husband even after martinfail left HQ. I don't think he was an ex because he killed himself before a divorce could even happen. At the time, I believed the BS story that martinfail "saved" her from death because Tom was possessed enough to go kill himself and had Ramona been there, she would have been dead also. WTF! Did martinfail get revelation on that???!!! I think NOT!!! This is one of the worst scenarios I've heard so far. It's a damn shame, and martinfail should fry in hell for this. Ramona can move on and forget because she has a new husband. I wonder how the new husband felt after he learned his wife had been banging the MOGGIE. It's all sick. She needs to be smartened up. She has the brains of a slug.
  4. I painted in another life. I can't paint my way out of a paper bag in this life!
  5. He looks good either way! purrrrrrrr!!!!
  6. Nevermind....It was already said....oops! My dad used to dare us to say the fig plucker one when we were kids.
  7. You know it doesn't really matter how much they settled for. They were due compensation for the mental and physical pains caused to them. I think the most important thing is if twi learned a lesson from hiding the sins of the MOGs. The only time I ever heard Rosa-lie speakup about the lawsuit was when she told the Staff at lunch that one of the newspapers lied about something concerning her. She just wanted to be sure we knew that because she knew the staff was running to the local stores to buy newspapers to try to find out all we weren't hearing. If the newspaper lied, why didn't she sue them?
  8. It wasn't about the posters, though. It was the Allen's lawsuit. People didn't have to provide information if they didn't want to. Did Paul make promises to people? I don't know because I never got to see waydale until today. I can't blame them for settling because they wanted to move on with their lives. They must have been in turmoil for a long time. I couldn't imagine living in a state like that for so long. You mention they settled for megabucks, but do you really know that?
  9. Radar, If you are going to Vegas, I wanna know! Girl, I will meet up with you. I"m only 1.5 hours away.
  10. You know Oldies, you might think that all the Allens did was make accusations and then sit back with their website to get people to support them. I worked with them at HQ. I was there when they got booted. I know the lies that were told about them. They withstood a lot more BS than you will ever know. Paul had some HUGE cajones to do what he did, and obviously you don't even know the tip of the iceberg.
  11. Oldies, your arse must be talking today because I know your mouth knows better...
  12. Dear Belle sent me a link about Rainbow Bridge when the best dog in the world, Hershey, had to give up life to cancer. It was very sad for my hubby and me, but this site gave us hope beyond death and the grave. If you don't believe in it, that your perrogative. Sometimes it's just nice to keep it to yourself.
  13. Gee, Oldies. TWI pushing to settle out of court tells me that there was a lot they didn't want the public to know. You and I both know that if TWI didn't have skeletons in the closet they would have gone to fight against accusations. I wished I could have seen in happen in vpw's day. But political correctness didn't mean as much then as it does now. And that's a damn shame.
  14. It would be nicer if TWI leadership were honest and didn't do things that they've done.
  15. Oldies, Are you just kidding, or are you really acting like a dummy?
  16. Oldies, I think your thoughts do not take in to consideration the amount of time the Allens had to invest in order to do what they did. Think about your wife being abused and living it over and over, day after day, for 1 1/2 years? Wouldn't you want to end it sooner if you could? I don't think the Allens were out to make TWI non-existent. I don't think that's possible. TWI will do that themselves. I think they exposed a lot of stuff, got martinfail ousted. I think had you been in their shoes, you would have wanted to move on with your life as soon as you could.
  17. Well said, Raf. The Allens endured things that most never had to. Paul had a lot of courage to do what he did. I don't know that I could have been that brave. Thanks Paul wherever you are! You did make a difference and exposed a lot of evil in an ORGANIZATION (not God's ministry) that used God for a front.
  18. Nottawayfer

    Santa Sez

    "BTW, I'm on the naughty list, too! That means we get NAUGHTY presents, right??" YEAH! Naughty presents! :P
  19. Nottawayfer

    Santa Sez

    Pirate!! You're on the naughty list?!?! Me too!! I told him to......nevermind...LOLOLOL!!!! It doesn't take much to entertain me. Shame. :)
  20. themex, Where does the avitar come from? It scares me a lot!!! The eyes are wicked scary!
  21. Your car will get possessed? I'm confuserated?? Do you mean repossessed because you spent so much money?
  22. Nottawayfer

    Favorite Quotes

    My dad is an Okie, and he used to say the following when we told hm we wanted something: "Want in one hand; sheet (I used the nice version of the word) in the other and see which fills up faster." "People in hell want ice water, but they don't get it." Lord! It's amazing we even grew up half decent hearing words like that...LOL!!
  23. As of yet, I haven't gotten any messages from my profile until I sent one and marked to put it in my sent folder.
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