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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. I would buy Chris' albums definitely. Survivor is a good show, but I never kept up with it after season two. When I was at HQ, there were 8 of us who sat together for lunch each day after Survivor so we could talk about the show. I try to get a club going for Sopranos at work now, but I work with a bunch of duds. The foums on hbo just don't cut it for me.
  2. Is Chris the bald rocker dude with a wife and two kids? If so, I think he should win also. Mandisa is a star IMHO. Simon is still an arse. His rudeness is getting old.
  3. Since we didn't actually see Adriana get killed, maybe Silvio is giving info the feds and he just faked killing Adriana. The scenes on that episode were so confusing to me. Remember when it showed Adriana driving down the road by herself? Maybe her death is a coverup.
  4. None of the phone voices sounded familiar. I don't think it was portrayed as his real family. I think it was all meant to be alien to him and us, the viewers. Maybe it goes along with if Tony really didn't want to be in the mob, he would have had a different family. What if AJ ends up killing Uncle Junior? I think in that scenario Tony would fink out the NYC mob to save his son and then they all go in the witness protection program. Of course, it would be a lame ending that way. It would be like everyone dying at the end of Six Feet Under.
  5. About Adriana, we only heard her get shot. We'll have to wait to see what becomes of that one. Last night's show was kinda weird with Tony's dreams and the exchanged ID with Kevin Finnerty. I had to laugh because I live in Kingman, Arizona, and there really is a Stockton Hill Road. It is the major road running through town. The scene with the monks was kind of surreal. I guess the whole dream was meant to be, but it was just weird. At least with his other dreams (Carmella driving the carm and Ralph Ciparettto with a butterfly on his head), it made more sense because there were connections to his dreams.
  6. Nottawayfer

    Who Shot JFK?

    JFK Murder Solved The FBI employee mentioned in this article is now an elected official.....
  7. Omigosh Allan. What a heartless bastage! I feel so bad for those parents.
  8. A house is the only way I know of to make free money. You just hang on to it, and wah-lah! Money made with hardly any effort (unless you have a fixer-uppper ). Many Californians learned this by living in their houses for many years while they acquired equity in the house. They took that equity and bought another house in a less expensive area, paid cash and live without mortgages. It didn't take much effort. I wished I had bought a house in Northern California when they were still $100,000 in the late 80s. That same house today would sell for $500-600,000. Can you say retirement fund? Shoulda, woulda, coulda.....darn it anyhow! $100,000 seemed like so much back then. Now I would love to find a nice house for $100,000. Investing in real estate is smart most of the time IMHO.
  9. RIP Little Lucky! ROFLMAO! T-Bone. That was darn funny!
  10. I remember when Donna M came back from Gunnison saying that they were wayyyy too much in to the hunting there. There was a ban put on hunting for everyone! That sucks royally! If she knew men, she would know how much a man who enjoys hunting is IN TO IT! It's not idolatry; it's an ejoyment of freakin' life! She should have been chastising her husband for his extracurricular activities. His were damaging to people. I hope they lose that place some day so that people can actually go there and enjoy the place instead of working the arses off all the damn time.
  11. I have The Way International on my resume. I have 5 more years before I can take it off of my resume since most employers want 10 years of work history. What would you put if you had worked at The Way? It was 5 years I was there, so it is a huge chunk of my recent work history.
  12. I would reply with a FIRM "NO THANK YOU!" Not ever again in this lifetime. :)
  13. Johnny! Look at her FACE when you ask that!!
  14. Nottawayfer

    Big Love

    Actually, Tommy, I think most women believe they can be the ONLY one too because that's all we can handle too! There's just not enough room for more than one woman in my house...LOLOL! The polygamist groups in Arizona have one HUGE house. As a man acquires more wives, they just add on to the house. Some of the houses have restaurant style kitchens to feed the masses in their homes. They don't always have a separate house for each wife like this show portrays, just different sections of a larger house.
  15. Nottawayfer

    Big Love

    The nagger is back..... <_< and up to the same old same old...... Even if the Mormon church still practiced polygamy, I would like to believe that they wouldn't make teenage girls marry men 3 times their age. If they are all consenting adults, I don't care how many wives they have if they are all happy in their arrangement.
  16. I live off a road called Andy Devine, which is part of the famous Route 66.
  17. I missed Season 1 because I was on staff at HQ where you don't get HBO.....anyway, I haven't gone back to watch the seasons I missed. I started watching in Septempber 2001.
  18. Nottawayfer

    Big Love

    I don't agree with the beiefs of Mormons or anything branched off of it. I don't believe that any Mormon-believing individuals on this forum have been obnoxious in any way. I don't think that anyone has tried to convince me or anyone else to become Mormon. I do believe that everyone has the right to their opinions AND has the right to post them as long as they aren't attacking people. I think Templelady has been gracious here--UNLIKE SOMEONE WHO NAGS HER.
  19. Nottawayfer

    Big Love

    Big Love is about a Fundamental LDS group like the ones in Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah. We had a thread going about these groups on the open forum. I saw it. The only unrealistic thing I saw was the main character's interaction with the Prophet. I don't think they would still be friendly if he had been kicked out of the compound at 14. The series is interesting .
  20. Did anyone see the new showtime series based on this group called Big Love? Did anyone see the new showtime series based on this group called Big Love?
  21. The ending sure was an unexpected event. It makes me wonder how the rest of the season will go. It was a great episode though IMHO. I'm going to enjoy it. Doesn't it make you sick that Carmella acknowledges that Tony does terrible things, yet she is more than willing to use his power to get what she wants. I don't like her. She isn't the innocent mafia wife. She knew what she was getting into, and she likes it as long as it conveniences her.
  22. Since I live in the same county as a polygamist community, it will be interesting to see this show and the turnout of it. It's eerily similar to the community here. I hope that it is without the teenage girls being forced to "marry" and have babies with men 3 times their age. I wonder if the intent of this series is to make us more acceptable of the polygamist life-style? I've heard of closet polygamists in the Mormon religion.
  23. I am excited and sad at the same time to see the last season. I've been a die-hard Sopranos fan. It will be interesting to see how they wrap up this season. I hope it's better than Six Feet Under. Anyone else watching?
  24. We had DirectTV and changed to Dish recently because we got a deal with our phone, DSL, and Satellite. So definitely Dish is less expensive for us. We had major problems with DirectTV sending us TV guides and then charging us for them. We never ordered them. I talked to customer service several times and ended up frustrated that me, the customer, wasn't right. I sent an email and got a month of our HBO. It almost takes an act of God to get someone live when you want to disconnect service with them. Buyer beware I say.
  25. Getting people in the Word: that really gives me the creeps. Before we left, we would go do mall witnessing at least weekly. Once in awhile we would have a few newbies, but the TC would scare them away. She was a nazi. When fellowhip was over, she would drill them on what they learned. That was soooo dumb IMHO. I rememer when I first went it wasn't everything I learned that kept me coming back, it was the people. I barely learned stuff because I thought the Bible was boring. This TC was so stupid; she couldn't figure out why there were no new people. The fellowship was dead, and she thougth we had to have 1 1/2 to 2 hour fellowships. When they were over, even the regulars were itching to leave. She couldn't figure out why we didn't want to hang around. Uhhhhh let's see......I've been here for 2 hours already, and I need to get to work in the morning. Plus it was a 30 minute drive home....geez! I had another situation where I had witnessed to an older lady. My TC kept pushing me to get her in the class. I knew the lady didn't want the class. She was lonely and just wanted to hang out with us. She was still very influenced with her previous religion and though we were a bunch of nice christians to hang with. When I left for lcm's advanced class, they signed her up for the class. Later they mark and avoided her because she wasn't up with the program. That poor lady had no idea why she was being treated the way she was. It was a shame.
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