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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. Thanks Pawtucker for that interview. I can't wait to hear the second episode!! I remember being at HQ on Staff and hearing lcm come to lunch all peesed off. He would say that the devil spirits are stirring about him and that the spiritual realm was thick with evil. At the time, my koolaid-fed brain thought "Wow! He is spiritual if the Father is revealing that to him." I laugh now because he and Linder were probably on the internet all day seeing the stuff posted about him. It's wasn't just being peesed off; he was seething and foaming at the mouth in his rantings about the copouts talking about him. Of couse, he said Father told him it was happening. It was weird. He wasn't spiritual. The whole Way International is a farce regarding their teaching on revelation. Thanks to Greasespot Cafe that my eyes were opened to the truth.
  2. What happened to episode 3 of GSC radio? Paw said in chat a few days ago that it would be ready to hear the next day. Did something happen??? I'd love to hear it!!
  3. 1. What time do you get up? Monday through Friday 6:34 a.m. Saturday-Sunday 9:00 ish 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Jesus. I would have a lot of questions to ask him. 3. Gold or silver? Platinum 4. What is the last film you saw at the cinema? Ice Age II with my nieces 5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? Sopranos and The L Word 6. What did you have for breakfast? Oatmeal with real maple syrup, FF milk, and STRONG Peet's French Roast w/FF 1/2 and 1/2 and splenda 7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Someone who talks too much and doesn't listen 8. What is your middle name? Ann 9. Beach, City or Country? Beach! Beach City aka San Diego 10. Favorite ice cream? Hagan Daaz Belgian Chocolate Chocolate 11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter/olive oil mix and kosher salt 13. What kind of car do you drive? Honda Accord 14. Favorite sandwich? Reuben or Turkey BLT with avocado 15. Favorite flower? Orchids 16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Europe: Italy, Portugal, and Spain 17. What color is your bathroom? Purple and tan 18. Favorite kind of clothing? jeans, sandals, anything comfortable 19. Where would you retire to? Mendocino County, Sonoma County, or Napa County, California 20. Favorite day of the week? Saturday Why? It's the first day of my rest day and I get to hang out with my honey ALL DAY!! 21. What did you do for your last birthday? I flew home from Playa del Carmen Mexico after being stuck there during Hurricane Wilma. 22. Where were you born? Klamath Falls, Oregon 23. Favorite sport to watch? None, not a sports fan. 24. Who do you least expect to respond? My ex husband......LOLOL! 25. Person you expect to respond first? You 26. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide Why? Because hubby only likes it, and I do too. 27. Coke or Pepsi? Duh!! COKE!! 28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Mid morning 29. What is your shoe size? 9 goshdarnitanyhow!! 30. Do you have any pets? red/white cocker spaniel named Pumpkin 31. Are you happy with your job? No, I work in County government. Need I say more? 32. What is one thing you want to do in life that you have not done yet? Finish writing my book and starting the ultimate and profitable business 33. If you had the chance to get married again- would you? No, this time around is a dream-come-true!! 34. if you won the lotto what would you do? Retire, do volunteer work, get out of debt, help my family, and travel 35. If you had three wishes - what would they be? 1. Solve all world problems 2. Become young enough to have kids 3. Make sure everyone in the world has their heart's desire 36. What are your hobbies? Karaoke, internet, home improvement/interior design, kiss my hubby 37. What are some things you always hope you get for christmas? To always spend time with my family
  4. Oh....I think I'll pass then. I thought it was some kind of newfangled martini. Thanks, I'll keep the helium.
  5. What is orange sunshine? I wanna know! Is it something I want to try? The helium is drying my throat out.......
  6. I don't tithe, and I haven't seen any difference in my life either way. God is still the same God for me when I did tithe (and then some). I didn't see any difference when I gave over the tithe also. I give to any good causes such as March of Dimes and Muscular Dystrophy type. I also give to organizations which help protect animals like haltaz.org. I am much happier in my giving. God loves a cheerful giver right?
  7. If I were in Freud's shoes and discovered an acquaintance was a former cult leader like Craig Martindale, I would want to post also to find out whatever I could. The reason would be: JUST BECAUSE! I wanna know. I used to get teased by my old roommate at HQ if I DIDN'T know about someone because I always met up with the new people and talked to them to find out about where they've been and what they did. I'm sure it's very interesting to Freud to hear our POV and experiences based on what he has seen from martinpuke himself (especially based on his own studies).
  8. I am just wondering if anyone knows of or has been served papers based on things they have posted on GSC. If twi hunts down postage meter information to bust someone, surely lawsuits based on posts by people here are not beyond their bag of tricks. Anybody know???
  9. Oldies, I think you need to walk in the shoes of some who have experienced the rape. Maybe you would be more compassionate. Maybe you would feel the pain of that kind of violation. That fact that it was done in the name of God makes is worse. The fact is that VPW isn't here to defend himself. If he were, he would probably lie about it. There are way too many who were sent away and called "possessed" after they reacted to his actions (rape). LCM will never come forward to admit he raped. He did not have consentual sexual affairs. A person in a position of a minister has a HUGE responsibility, and they both failed miserably with their responsibilities. They used their power to do harm. That is WRONG!!!
  10. I would be happy to provide another list for a mass mailing at HQ, but I've been gone too long! Omigosh! I finally just finished listening to the second episode! AWESOME listening! It is long, but it's worth it! (((((BELLE)))))
  11. George, I really had to chew on what you said. I hope I understand you correctly. Are you saying that if someone is a Christian and does one of the big evils (i.e., murder, rape, etc.) that they escape consequences because Jesus died on the cross for them? I'm just thinking that people do stuff they regret. I personally don't understand why people murder or rape, but it is a reality that we deal with. I know you know that. Anyway, I don't think people escape consquences totally even if they are forgiven. I think that if they are truly remorseful for their action, they live with the guilt unless they are a heartless person. Guilt can't bring back what that person took away, but I think that's beauty of a Savior. There's forgiveness from God. There may not be forgiveness from society and that person may die. That is a reality for a murderer or rapist in this world. In a perfect world, they never would have done the evil in the first place. I do believe that world will exist in the future. Darn, this is complicated. I need to think some more.
  12. Allan, I think SOGWAP stood for Son of God With All Power. Remember the song? "You are a son of God with all power you are here to worship the one true God" Acts 29 around 1984?
  13. I don't think the point is whether anyone is actually born again or not. It's that they are in a position of ministering and did evil when they damn well know that what they are doing is wrong.
  14. Freud, Here's a link with some clips of Craig yelling. It will give you an idea of what kind of minister he was. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/main/real.html He consistently used the "F" word even with children present. I was on staff at the way headquarters for 5 years. When Craig was upset, we all knew about it. He used us for sound boards, only we didn't get to talk back. We also didn't have a choice as to whether we wanted to be there or not. It was a lunch when he used to yell, and he required that all staff be at lunch. Listening to some of his rantings will show you why many of us think he is mentally unstable. I also want to mention an article called "Why It's Not An Affair". See this link: http://www.advocateweb.org/hope/notanaffair.asp. It talks about ministers using their power and influence to coerce women in to sex. It's not just sex or a consentual affair. It's rape because there is manipulation involved. It doesn't matter if it's mental or physical manipulation.
  15. Freud, I'm not a specialist in psychology, so I don't know what diagnosis Craig would have been given. Ironically Craig majored in psychology in college and that was the area he dissed the most in his teaching as a minister in TWI. If you feel that the Lord is leading you to minister to him, then you should. I honestly hope he does get healing from his sexual addictions and the burden he probably bears from being such a fraud in his own life as a minister, a husband, and a father. His actions were a major disappointment to me as a follower in The Way, but I am thankful I am no longer involved in that organization. But we are all people here. We aren't God almighty who sees all and knows all. We don't always forgive. I forgave Craig a long time ago so that I could move on. But I don't forget what he did. I pray he does become meek and make his wrongs right before he has to face Jesus.
  16. Timidity huh? I believe in repentance and forgiveness also. But if Craig Martindale wants to repent and ask for forgiveness of all of those he hurt, that would be a HUGE liability on The Way's part. They would go bankrupt from the lawsuits that would be started by his demands of people in the name of God. He would be admitting to a lot while he was basically the CEO of tha organization. Keeping the money for the cult is more important than people's hearts and lives. I hope Craig does get the opportunity to some day apologize for his wrongs. He must be in agony if he has (or ever had) a heart or conscience. You can thank him personally for me because it was his very own words which kept ringing in my ears that helped me leave the cult. His manner was to always yell in public and go on for hours like a drama queen. He always yelled, "Practical error ALWAYS leads to doctrinal error!!!" Remembering that and then finding out his life-style helped me to realize that I couldn't trust the doctrine I had been taught all of my adult life. I also found out that the Man of God before him did the same things. Thanks Craig! My life is soooo much better now.
  17. Uh, yeah, that's him. I worked on staff while he held the great Man of God position, and I can truly verify that he is a psychopathic loon. My only regrets are putting him on a pedestal where he didn't belong. But then again, he lied about his life-style. His loonacy was apparent though. I drank The Way's koolaid for 20 years. It took me awhile before I realized it. I have heard from reliable sources that he is not remorseful for what he did and that he feels he did nothing wrong. That is true sadness. He hurt a lot of people and ruined a lot of lives in the name of God.
  18. My husband's family is Catholic. He stopped going to the Catholic church when he was in junior high. We have a crucifix in our house. It's in a place where I dont even think about it most times because it's on a wall next to a door. That door is open most of the time, so it hides the crucifix. If I were to actually display something like that for decoration and remembrance, I think it would be just a cross as opposed to a crucifix. I don't think crucifixes have devil spirits behind them, nor do crosses or angel pins.
  19. George, I understand how you think even though I disagree with it. What do you think would be more believable if you were to believe? I'm just wondering.
  20. Dr. Phil made a good point IMHO about pornography. The women, children, and men in the videos, pictures, or movies are being exploited. Think about it if those people were your relatives. Would you like someone getting their jollies on looking at something your relative did? I know it doesn't seem as invasive for men who act or pose in pornography, but it is still exploitation. Most people in the pornography busines are doing it for one reason only: the almightly dollar. If they had the choice to do something more rewarding for the same amount of money, I'm sure most would. Maybe some of the men in porn would still like to do porn for a living because it may seem like their dream, but that's sexual addiction and another story.
  21. Too soon? The only thing I can compare it to is Pearl Harbor. When I first vacationed in Hawaii, it was one of the places we toured. Before they take you there, they show a documentary of the history of what happened. It had been YEARS since that happened, yet there were still people sobbing in the theater. Death is always a sensitive issue. I know that if people are still tender from the whole thing (especially those who had family die at the WTC), they don't have to see the movie. I think if I were among those, I probably couldn't watch something like that even 10 years after the fact. But the reality it would give to those who didn't see the tradgedy of it all, it could be a reminder. Middle East terrorism will be an enemy and threat for our country for the rest of our lives IMHO. We must not forget.
  22. Nottawayfer

    It`s a FOAL!

    Awww! What a cute baby! Birth makes life beautiful. Thanks for the pics Rascal.
  23. I can't figure out Taylor. His singing doesn't really move me. Kellie Pickler should be out IMHO. I would not term her anything than "average" in her singing abilities. Elliott is good. I just wish that America would stop putting that boy in the bottom 3. goshdarnitanyhow!!! Chris is damn good no mattter how you put it. Simon is right about Ace. He is SOOOO Karaoke! He only stays in because there are so many girls who are hot to see him from week to week. He is hot, but that doesn't make him a good singer. He trashed "We will rock you." Katherine is good, but I think whoever said she is a broadway singer is right. Paris is good also, but how many girls does America have that are already like her? I think Mandisa was far above Paris' abilities. Mandisa just did horribly on the country night. Too bad. All in all, it doesn't matter. Those who have real talent can be approached by a record label whether they are THE American Idol or not.
  24. Yes, Pumpkin is neutered. He was neutered just last year after he was in an animal shelter (and before we got him). I wonder if that affects their personality to be neutered later rather than earlier. I will definitely get educated on the pack mentality of dogs so we can try to resolve this this issue. It amazes me how aggressive he is. All of the dogs who have come to our home have been males. I wonder how he would do with a female dog. I'm totally dumb when it comes to dog mentality. I grew up learning just to love them and then scorning them verbally when they do wrong. Duh!! That doesn't work.
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