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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. Real, honest to goodness friends? I'm sad to say, NO. I had a best friend while on Staff. We shared a lot in common and hung out all the time, enjoying shopping and girl talk. I was the maid of honor in her wedding. I called her about 6 months ago. She thought it was "sad" I couldn't work out my "issues" so I could stay in TWI. I never heard from her again. So much for a REAL friend. It saddens me that our friendship was based on my fellowship with the ministry. She doesn't realize I didn't give up on God; I gave up on an organization. I love God more than I ever did.
  2. Wow, I am surprised to hear that. They always appeared to have a good relationship.
  3. The Departed was EXCELLENT!!!!! It has Jack Nicholson, Leo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg. It is about two guys on the Police Force. One has Irish Mafia ties. Jack Nicholson is the Irish Mob Boss. The other has a HUGE desire to fight the Irish Mafia because his family was part, but his father was not. Both are under cover. It has a huge twist and keeps your attention because the story line is good.
  4. Nottawayfer


    OK. Here's an example. My ex-boyfriend (still in TWI) had a way of being so frickin stupid, he embarrassed me. If I said I needed to exfoliate my face, he would fixate on the word "exfoliation". He kept repeating every version of the word "exfoliate." "exfoliation" "exfoliator". He would go on and on and never shut up. What do you call it? BTW, I never married that dumb arse. Thank God!!!
  5. Nottawayfer


    Actually I don't mean to say willingly when I mean fitting in to stereotypes. Some people fit stereotypical personas and don't acknowledge it because they think it's their God-given right to act the way they do. Say for instance, a person who is obnoxious and loud and disruptive in public may not like that they are offensive. There may be several names a person like this could be called, and that person will not like that they are called names. "Rude, obnoxious, and loud" could be the stereotype. If the stereotype fits and they don't like it, then change. That's just an example. I went to a department store one day and was trying on clothes in the dressing room. Two teenage girls come in to the dressing room with a small boy about 2. They were picking on the boy and yelling at the top of their lungs "Mama!!! Mama!!! Come look at this dress!!" It was very disturbing. The little boy was crying because of them pickinig on him. After the girl yelled 3 times at the top of her lungs, I said "Your mom can't hear you. Quiet down." She told me "Don't YOU tell me what to do!!!" I came out of the dressing room and told her to stop picking on the boy. She told me "Don YOU tell me what to do!!!" I rolled my eyes and left to her screaming "Don't YOU roll your eyes at me!!!" I got 3 aisles. Here the girl comes with her mama. The girl is saying "That's the one." The mama comes up to confront me. She says "You have no righ to tell my daughter what to do." I said "Your daughter was acting in a manner that you may not be pleased with and was very disruptive to those around her, AND she was picking on the little boy, making him cry." She said "You don't tell my child what to do. Little boys were meant to be toughened up." I said "Obviously we have different opinions." I walked away. That lady gave her daughter title to act like an arse in public. That is a shame. My mother would have kicked my arse for that kind of behaviour because it is disrespectful. I think I was targeted because I was white.
  6. Nottawayfer


    What I understand about gang markings is that it is lack of respect for people and property. What gives any gang the right to mark up property. And if someone in a gang is from another country, why wouldn't we expect them to exercise respect for our country and it's citizens in risk of them getting deported back to where they came? If someone comes here from another country (African, Mexican, or European) and they break the law, deporting their azz back to their country is what should happen. We have enough issues with our own citizens, why would we let someone from another country come here and break laws? By the way, gangs are usually known for breaking laws. If they weren't disrespecting law breakers, then people wouldn't stereotype them. If they don't like the stereotype, then they should change their actions. I would say this to anyone who fits into a stereotype. If the stereotype fits and you don't like that you are stereotyped, then change.
  7. My husband grills the best thin cut ribeyes on the grill by just putting garlic salt and pepper on them. They come out juicy and perfect. Because they are thin cut, you don't have to cook them that long, so they fall apart easy and and tender-juicy-licking good!!!
  8. Nottawayfer


    I grew up with a racist biggot father. He always said "The only good n***er is a dead n****er." I never believed him. I HATED his words and comments because I had enough sense to know you don't hate people for something they have absolutely no control over. Now....is racism based on color, or is it based on ethics and morals of people? I don't like the gang attitude; I HATE rap music; I don't hate the color or lack thereof of the people who are partake of these things. I don't care for the attitude of certain colors who have developed bad cultural habits which include lack of respect for others around them. By lack of respect, I mean words and actions they have in public which are downright rude. I live next to 2 Mexican families. I love Mexico. It is one of my favorite place to vacation. I love the culture. One family is respectable Old Mexican type of folks. They are nice. The other is a family with a minimum of 9 cars parked all around their house of which only 3 actually run. They are always working on their stereos and listening to loud bass music without care of who their music affects. I dislike these neighbors. I run outside to tell them "No me gusto la musica!!!!!!" They don't care. I call the police. It's a regular thing around here. We will leave. Call it white flight or whatever the hell you want. If my neighbors want to live that way, carry on. I don't have to. But don't ever judge me for for pursuing a way I want to live. We have a couple of trashy white families as well. Their yards look like crap, they have 3 dogs in their front yard who bark or howl all night. They are just as guilty of disrepecting their neighbors. There are white punk @$$ kids who do the same thing, and I dislike their attitudes, words, and actions as well. Is it a race issue? It is a cultural issue which knows no color, or it knows all color. YOu pick. Respect for others is a lost art.
  9. All I have to say is Heather plays a vicious game of Phase 10. But I ended up THE WINNER!!! neener neener neener!!!!
  10. I spent Christmas time in Portland. I saw some innies while I was there. I was told T & D Hendricks still work for the big shoe company, and they are still in twi. Tony, we must have run in to each other. I lived in Portland two different times: 1988 to 1990 and again 1993 to 1996. What side of town did you live on? Your name is vaguely familiar. I lived in the Beaverton area.
  11. The audio clip on "Lifelines" sounds like R*y W*id*nhamer. I really miss him and his wife.
  12. My experience while on Staff was that they didn't want to give a staffer anymore than they had to. I asked for $20 for gas money. It was brought to my attention that I did not have a car and why did I need gas. I said "You don't expect everyone to cart me around for free do you?" I was given the $20, but it sure didn't cover my need. I should have asked for more, but I was scared. I'm sure there are lot of things that happened financially that we will never know. My question to the BOT is "Why isn't the ministry's budget made available to view? Other churches make their's available. Surely YOU want to do above and beyond any old idolatrous church."
  13. I remind myself that I don't have all the answers (like wayfers think they do), and that is perfectly OK.
  14. Benjamin is Bob Ed's son. Bob Ed is Rueben Wierwille's son with his first wife. Rueben's second wife is Rhoda.
  15. Hubby will definitely be watching, and I may drift in and out asking too many questions while I do laundry... Chloe has a strange face. Sometimes it looks evil.
  16. I guess that would depend on WHO you are talking about. Even if I were a guy, yummy isn't the word I would think of when "those kind" of girls do their thang.....ewwwww! They are nasty.
  17. Free porn? What's in the name?

  18. Yes, there are guys handing out pamphlets with pictures of nakee women (they put big stars on the nasty parts so you can't see them). We've never run in to any problems with these guys. They try to get your attention by putting the thing in front of you. You can either take it and throw it down or you can keep walking like you never saw them. Although my husband did take it once, stopped to talk to the guy, and asked him if that was the guy's sister. The guy wasn't enthused.
  19. Hey Jonny! Get some military ID, and you won't have to pay to go to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch! 13 military people have claimed their "prize". http://snopes.com/inboxer/nothing/brothel.asp
  20. Mr. Lingo, I live 100 miles from Vegas in Arizona. Las Vegas is the place I go to do "real" shopping. I agree that you HAVE to do a Hoover Dam tour and see at least Circe du Soleil or Blue Man Group. The place to get tickets is at a place called Tix 4 Tonite. It is on the main strip next ot the Harley Davidson Cafe. They have different tickets each day. I think if you wait until 4:00 each day is the best time to try to get tickets for big shows like the Cirque du Soleil shows and Blue Man Group. They definitely are less than regular price. Personally I like "La Cage" at the Riviera. It's isn't a huge show, but it is funny. I guess you have to like that kind of stuff though. The great thing is the monorail is running up and down the strip, so you don't have to walk and walk and walk. You can ride. You have to tour through the different casinos. They are so unique. The Venetian, The Bellagio, New York New York, and Caesar's are my favorite just to walk through and look. The Venetian has an area which looks like it is in Italy outside, and they have gondola rides. And you HAVE to stop and see the water show in front of The Bellagio. They are building a huge bridge over the Hoover Dam to divert traffic going between Vegas and Arizona. Be prepared for traffic when you are there. We drive over the dam to get to Vegas, and it is slow moving on the weekends. Be prepared that you may not get your spending money if you don't buy a time share. Those people will do anything to get you there. Be firm. I'm sure you will be. HAVE FUN!!!!!!
  21. Nottawayfer


    I would be the last person on earth to get myself involved with any twi-related offshoot. Howver, of all the offshoots, I respect CFF somewhat. I've chatted with CFFers in GSC chat, and they did not have the common twi attitude "we are the only ones with truth". The people I've spoken to recognize other christians as the Body of Christ and don't try to put themselves in a special place. However, seeing what has happened in CES would scare me even farther away from ANY ex-way fellowship. Church suites me fine. I especially liked the divorce care group I attended at church when I first left twi. It helped me with my emotions involving twi and helped me get over feeling so much animosity.
  22. You know darn well they will charge 5 star resort prices to stay there. Is it worth it? I'd rather go to Hawaii.
  23. AWESOME letter potato!! I like to remind innies that I didn't leave God or give up on Him, I gave up on an organization. AND I get my needs met just fine at church!!! GASP!!!
  24. I have an innie friend who questions their involvement in TWI daily. They don't leave because they dont' believe there is anywhere else to go. I remind them that TWI isn't exclusive to God or His Word and that there are other reputable places who do a fine job with teaching and fellowship. This person is irritated that they can now attend the Advanced Class Special being ran in their Branch. It is tapes from a previous one. The irritation is because the person could NOT attend the ACS live because they were in debt. They are still in debt, but now are welcome to attend it in their Branch (for $50). Can you say their rules are frikkin' crazy? Where is the logic in that? HUH ROSA-LIE??????
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