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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. I saw people smoking pot at both ROA 1983 and 1984. The one in 1984 was in the back of the area I think in the Cathedral of the Woods where kids were acting in a play. VPW was at the same showing of the play I attended at the 1984 ROA. It's not like the pot smoking was being hid in any way.
  2. I would have never thought of the auditorium as a worship center. I never worshipped God there. I was there Sunday and Sunday after Sunday for 5 years. I'm sure TWI had Way Publication put their stamp of approval on the article before they allowed it to be published. Teaching Center with a capital T and a capital C in the middle of the sentence screams Way Style. Why else would it be initial capped??
  3. I work for our County Assessor. We sent out Notice of Value Cards this past week and have been bombarded with unringing phones this whole week. One guy came in to ask what programs we had to help people. We have one to help those over 65 and another to help widows/widowers/disabled. There are income criterias which have to be met in order to be eligible for these programs, but it is something. Our State's Legislators are the ones who make the criteria for these programs. Our office just implements them. This guy was ticked because there was no program for him because he didn't have a job. He wouldn't be able to pay his taxes. He said it was like the mother devouring her young. If there were programs that paid you taxes because you were unemployed, there would be many more taking advantage of that scenario. I disagree with the mentality, but I am compassionate at the same time because I have been unemployed for a few months at a time in my life. I'm thinking this guy should go to some fast-food joint and make some money!!! His property taxes aren't so high he wouldn't be able to pay them with a minimal job. He should be happy he has a home to call his own. A lot of peple in this world don't. Devouring the young? I don't see it. Yes, there are many changes I see that can happen to lower taxes, but my office doesn't deal with taxes. They deal with valuation. If we valued the property lower, the taxing authorities would raise their tax rates to get the money they wanted. It is a vicious cycle. Is there a side I'm not seeing in this scenario? I'm thinking the County is way more lenient than the IRS will ever be. I feel lacking in the compassion mode this week just because I have heard the same thing over and over and over. Hopefully this weekend will recharge me so I can go to work in a better mode next week.
  4. My husband has a recording studio. He gets several magazines on his part-time business/hobby. Yesterday morning he was looking at his most recent Sound & Video Contractor magazine and sees an installation spotlight on TWI. They are purchasing more equipment to get up to speed in this digital world. He came to me asking me if I knew R*ger K*ntz. The name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I was on Staff with him and his wife, but I only knew them in an acquaintance manner. They did their best to sound bigger than they are. Here are some blurbs: Tucked away within the heart of America's farmland, near the village of New Knoxville in northwestern Ohio, is The Way International, a worldwide, nondenominational biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry. Since 1942, the ministry has provided research for the study and practical application of the Bible. Befitting its global focus, for 21 years The Way International has produced video and audiotapes of services recorded in its Victor Paul Wierwille Prevailing Word Auditorium. These are distributed to subscribers around the world. Within the auditorium, a 1,500-seat Teaching Center has full facilities for worship as well as musical and dramatic presentations.
  5. There is a television commercial which has that kind of art on it. I can't remember the commercial though. I was too intrigued by the changing images.
  6. That is the most accurate description of The Way Tree I have ever heard. And it's just like TWI to be so a$$backwards.
  7. What??? That is unheard of in my nick of the woods. I would probably have less complaining about how my clothes fit if I didn't like it. I don't just like it; I LOVE IT!!! It makes me feel so good--almost like sex, but not quite as good.
  8. I was called names in Junior High because I was developing buds on my chest at a larger and faster rate than most girls my age. They called me "High Ride". It irritated me immensely. I didn't get what the name meant until I saw one boy cupping his chest and saying 'High Ride". One day, the guy who sat behind me in Social Studies kept tormenting me. I doubled up my fist and swung it back and busted him right in the head, making is glasses fly across the room. The teacher asked him if he had a problem as he was chuckling under his words. The guy said no, and he NEVER bugged me again! :P
  9. DirectTV kept sending me a guide in the mail, and then they would charge me something like $6 on my bill each month. I called their customer service and told them I didn't order it. They said I responded to an automatic choice on the phone???? I didn't. I wouldn't buy a TV Guide for $6 a month. I couldn't get anywhere with teh stupid people on customer service. I sent a scathing email. I finally got credited for the 3 months of $6 charges for the guide I never ordered. I also got HBO free one month. I haven't had those kind of problems with DishNetwork. I hope when I move somewhere else, I will be able to get Cox Cable. They had the best service IMHO. By the way the industry is heading, we will all have to have HDTV in the next few years. It will be the "norm". Some cable and satellite providers may have a converter from HD to analog, but I wouldn't count on it if it costs too much money. They will just want you to buy a new TV.
  10. It's a tossup between Rise and Expansion and the class Walter Cummins did (I can't remember the name). The Walter Cummins class was one from the early 70s and he made us look in the mirror and say "Behold! The glory of the Lord!" It was really dorky and boring.
  11. I've had both. I constantly had billing problems with DirectTV. Dish Network has been good, reception and all. Maybe you can call the local office or whoever installed it for you.
  12. Memory saves you. I remember almost every single thing people tell me about themselves. It helped me a lot when I was internet dating. If something didn't line up, I asked more questions. If I felt I was being BSed, then I kicked them to the curb.
  13. @#$@#!!! liars.....i have no pity for them.
  14. My husband's boss lies all the time about how much over time he worked on the weekends and where he is going during the work day. They work for a communications company which requires them to go to different job sites at times and repair radio and television equipment. One day, hubby's boss made a huge deal about having to go to a job site which is 3 hours away. This meant he wouldn't be around the whole day. My hubby was in another town about an hour away doing some work and spots his boss driving on the same road! He calls his boss on his cell and asks him how it's going. The whole time he is talking about what a biyatch things were to fix and how he was still coming down the mountain. Right when they were both getting ready to come to the same stop light, hubby asks him if he plans on stopping at Inn and Out on the corner for lunch. The boss looks over and says I gotta go. CAUGHT!!! This happens all the time. The boss will say he can't go certain places because he is already at a job site. Hubby drives by his house and sees him at home. The owner of the company is a complete idiot and lets him get away with it all. Shameful IMHO.
  15. Nottawayfer


    I worked with a lady who claimed to be a swinger with her husband. Mind you this lady was the ULTIMATE hag!!! Everyone at work couldn't stand her because she was so mean and rude. I was driving down the road one day and a woman in a ruffly mini skirt, cowboy hat, and short boots caught my peripheral vision. It was the woman who worked with me!! She was at least 55, and had shaggy permed hair which always had at least a 2 inch gray line on top of her head. Did I mention she wore no makeup and thick black rimmed glasses. Yes, she is a real babe!! At her husband thinks so. Good for him!! She would come to work wearing a moo-moo and thongs thinking she looked nice and acceptable for office attire. Or she would wear an extremely clingy dress made of stretch polyester and platform hooker sandals. This woman had bulges in places that clingy dresses should not hang. She claimed a guy at the Laughlin River Run was killed becase he was fighting another guy to pick her up for the night. Mind you she is married. She was kicked out of a casino in Laughlin, Nevada, because she was wearing a fish net style shirt with no bra on. Her nipples were sticking out. She said they were jealous because she is so sexy. I'm glad I didn't have to witness that outfit. They did stop swinging for about 6 months and turned to Jesus when they found out one of their swinging buddies became HIV positive. After they felt safe, they went back to swinging.
  16. That's so true! But I have to laugh because a lady I knew who was on Gunnison staff (housekeeping coordinator) wrote an article (published in a secular magazine if you can believe that) about what it takes to maintain a 5 star resort in the Rocky Mountains.
  17. I've called quite a few old wayfer "friends". I was received well for the most part. But as far as any friendship, I'm not holding my breath. They know I'm NEVER going back. My supposed best friend didn't bother to stay in touch after I contacted her about 7 or 8 months ago. Oh well....it wasn't a real friendship then was it? Only person I contacted still calls me regularly. They left twi for a few years, went back, and now see the grass isn't so green. They ask their leadership questions and still get yelled at. I told this person NOBODY has the right to yell at people. This person has to get over the waybrained ideas that TWI is the place where "The Word" is. I told this person that TWI doesn't hold the license to "The Word" and that there are many organizations who have it and teach it well. This person doesn't even want to to go an offshoot because they feel the offshoots only want to trash talk about TWI. This person has a lot to get over, but I think they will come around. Until then, I am there for them. I don't try to persuade them either way. I don't have a problem with people staying in TWI if that is what truly makes them happy. I just hope they aren't so jaded in their thinking that they don't associate outside the walls of TWI or think that anyone outside the walls are delusional for not believing the same way they do. We are all great examples that life is good outside the cult.
  18. Free and Potato, I understand how you guys feel. If you are able to live peaceably with your decisions, more power to you. When I left, I was not able to live peaceably knowing those jackasses owed me an apology and that I would never live to see one from them. For me, I had to forgive them. It didn't release them from their wrongs, but it allowed me to move on. I learned that my feelings only caused harm to myself. So I had to do something, and that something was forgiveness. That was my way of giving it to God. Ilearned this when I was in a Divorce Care group. I benefitted greatly from the learning I received in that group. It was awesome for cult recovery too!
  19. My friend is female. I told her she was completely wacky to go to his apartment alone. But she did. This was a few years ago when she was out. She said the excuse he gave for sleeping with so many women was because VPW taught him everything; and he believed that if David had so many, so should he. So it seems he rationalized that there would be nothing wrong with him having many women. She also said he said the only reason lawsuits came about was because he wasn't giving those women the attention they wanted. (WHATEVER CRAIG!!! GET OVER YOURSELF! YOU ARE SUCH A PIG!!!) These are all twisted ideas of course. Any man who only thinks with his penis would rationalize those kind of thoughts. She said he doesn't think he did anything wrong. The only thing she said is sorry for is the hurt he caused his kids. She said he didn't appear to make much money. I hope he suffers a lot emotionally and physically. He deserves it. Too bad he couldn't eat some of his own $h*t.
  20. You would have to talk with your orthodontist excie. But I don't see why kids couldn't use them. I know that you have to brush after you eat or drink anything. You take out the device to eat or drink, and then you floss and brush before putting it back in.
  21. He may have lived there at one time, but I don't believe Craig lives in this house now. I have an innie friend who actually left a few years ago (and then went back, but that's another story). This person lives in Toledo. They ran in to Craig at Bally's and went to his house with him. He feely talked to this person about his take on things. This person said he lives in an efficiency apartment. They also said Craig looked like hell with his hair wild like the professor on Back to the Future movies.
  22. Rejoice, Do you care to share how much it set you back?
  23. I am considering getting Invisalign. Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually move your teeth. You wear a set of aligners for about two weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush and floss. As you replace each set of aligners with the next in the series, your teeth will gradually move until they reach the position your doctor has prescribed for you. The average treatment time is about a year. I've always had crooked teeth, and my parents never thought braces were important. Anyone get Invisalign, the alternative to metal mouth? If you have, I'd love to hear your experience with it and the cost too if you don't mind.
  24. Interesting. I remember him saying the Spanish War was affected by Sam Houston being a Mason and the leader of the Mexican side being a Mason as well.
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