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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. How do you check someone's navy discharge status? I have more information that most would have, but I cannot find where you can get that information without mailing a form. I don't have time for submitting a form. I'd like to know this in the next day or so.
  2. Nottawayfer

    The WAG of Gustav

    Hurricane Wilma.....that was my worst vacation EVER!!!!!
  3. When Wayne Cl*pp was there as the research guy, there was a very small area for him to operate. I don't know what was in there place, but I don't think it would impress anyone who really is in to research.
  4. My last year on Staff was in 2001. That was the year they had the Reverends at HQ teach different sections of the Advanced Class. Rozilla didn't teach any. It was really exciting.
  5. Today's Koolaide is that LCM is a far gone memory. They don't think about him anymore, and they've moved on. That sounds all fine and dandy except that there are MANY victims of his reign which were hurt. Families were torn apart and women were used, and that is to list only a few of the things. No form of counseling to help healing was done to my knowledge. The Koolaide drinkers are in the dark and "don't want to know" so they can still live the Verd (whatever the H that means.)
  6. For me, yes. I found a great church which excited me to get up on Sunday mornings. By the time I left TWI, I was in a major funk. I LOATHED going to fellowship at that time. I tried offshoot fellowships when I first left, and they made me sick too. I just needed to get away from anything related to TWI.
  7. I remember dreading fellowship nights, but you are right that Sunday fellowships were the worst. I wanted to sleep in, eat breakfast at my patio table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. For me, it got to the point that I wanted to start being true to myself. I didn't like it, so why go? I didn't have a husband to deal with when I left, so I understand it's harder for someone who is married and still wants to stay in.
  8. Sorry to hear about that, but I am glad you are doing better and on your way to recovery. I have been wondering who you are, and now I think I know. I'm PMing you.
  9. Nottawayfer

    Make Room For...

    Well, I always had a hunch you were a stud, Raf! Now this just proves it! Congratulations to you and the Mrs. This is wonderful news!!
  10. Have any of you heard of this guy or what he's doing? He was in Arizona this past week. My husband ran in to him today in Needles (aka Needless), California. He gave him some water. He's going to need it walking across the Mojave Desert. Hakim Maloum's Walk Across America
  11. And the fact that a minister feels the need to teach his flock about sex is WEIRD!!! Showing large, erect penises to children was not the best teaching IMHO. BTW, Jenna Jameson says spit is the best lube.
  12. I saw Mama Mia! this weekend, so it's everthing ABBA right now. I feel like I flashed back to junior high school.
  13. If you snore, you could very well have sleep apnea. Don't let the scarey comments get to you. If you have sleep apnea, you owe it to yourself and your family to get diagnosed. It WILL save you life. I've been on the hose for 14 months. I snored like crazy and stretched myself across the whole bed. Now I stay in my own spot (hubby is happy), and I don't snore because I use a CPAP machine. 95% of compliance with sleep apnea is getting the right mask. Go to cpaptalk.com to get some great support by those who have been on the hose. I've gotten many free things and tried masks for free from others on that forum. They are EXTREMELY helpful. Please do get checked sooner rather than later. I found I had 60-75 apneas per hour with my oxygen level going down to 70%. I would wake up with my heart beating out of my chest. I feel way better since getting on it.
  14. I didn't get a chance to read all of the posts on this thread, but I have one comment. When you get involved in an organization like TWI in your early 20s and you stick around through your 30s and sometimes 40s, your thinking becomes conditioned. I saw things that didn't make sense, but my logic was to make excuses that anything evil was happening. Thank God I wasn't one of the women approached for sex. I can't say for sure that I would have headed for the hills ifI had been convinced it was a service for the MOG. I remember when LCM taught in the Believer's Family Class that it was OK for single people to get their needs met, I raised an eyebrow, but I didn't dare question anything the MOG said. That's where the mind conditioning was happening. One thing I've learned through all of this is that you can stand back in hindsite of a situation and say "I wouldn't have let that happen." But the reality is different at the moment when your common sense ethics are being contradicted by what the MOG says. If you hear the contradiction enough times, you start to believe it. That's how mind control works. That was/is an every day even at TWI.
  15. I believe exercise alone leads to weight loss depends on your age. When I was 20, I gained 30 pounds. I started aerobics, which I did for 1 hour, 5 days a week. I lost 30 pounds in 3-4 months. I changed nothing about my diet. Today, I can exercise that much, but it will be really slow progress in comparison to my earlier years. I know because I did step aerobics like a nut when I was at HQ. I was in my 30s while living there. I had to MAJORLY watch my calorie intake to lose any weight. I believe age and gender makes me weight resistant. My husband lost 45 pounds in 3 months on the Atkin's diet. I believe he lost the weight on that diet because he ate way less than he did previously. I tried it, but I can't stick to that one. I love sugar way too much. That's my experience anyway. Less fuel in and more fuel exerted will make you lose weight. It doesn't matter HOW you do it. If you find a way that works for YOU, stick to it.
  16. Oak, Isn' it surreal that we even gave those jackarses any power over us to begin with? The whole subject to the higher powers idea was definitely manipulative in a major way.
  17. Oh, Belle, quit being so modest! You were a Wayward Wayfer who's insurgence covered the whole southeastern seaboard all the way to Headquarters. You stirred more stuff than most here did. And I, for one, got a big kick out of it! You had Moneyhands on the biggest witch hunt ever. JavaJane, if you haven't heard Belle's interview, you HAVE to hear it. Link to Belle's Interview
  18. I sent my FC, BC, and LC an email telling them I wasn't going to fellow$heet ever again and that nobody was to call me, come to my house, or try to talk to me ever again. The hard thing was I still had a boyfriend who was still in. They tried to be loving and told him to tell me hi and they missed me. I dumped the boyfriend about 3 months after leaving TWI because he was a miserable bastage. Ironically the boyfriend started talking to me about GSC before I left. I chastised him for going online to read negative stuff about TWI. Buat then my curiosity peaked, and I started posting while I was still in. I was out about 6 weeks later. It was the final Advanced Class Special in Dallas that helped me make up my mind. That was in 2002. That class was SOOOOOO LAME!!!! What a freakin' waste of money. Plus I shared a room with somone in my fellowship who I couldn't stand to be around. I felt pressured to share a room with her. Gawd! I shiver at the things I did in the name of God. The miserable bastage is still in TWI. I'm a new me, and I'm liking me. Plus I met my soulmate, and married life has been bliss for the last 4 1/2 years.
  19. I lived in Midland, Texas, with another woman who was friends with Augusta. She used to talk about her all the time because she admired her. I think they were WOW together in Kansas City. I never met Augusta, but you NEVER forget a unique name like that.
  20. Nottawayfer


    :blink: What does that mean??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIKER BABE!!
  21. I was at HQ during this time. Staffers worked extra jobs during this time. I remember that 3 people were sent packing, but I never knew why. We were working about 70 hours a week, so nobody had time to even talk or ask questions. I remember after the class was over, we were waiting to hear LCM talk about why the people left. Nothing was said, which was very odd because LCM used lunchtime to talk about all of the copouts who didn't want to be full-time ministers for the Lord Jesus Christ. After the class, I had heard from others how disappointing it must have been for Rev. Linder to have to escort people who he helped get in the Corps off grounds. It's interesting how people instantly went to "they did something bad" even though we heard nothing. But we did hear about WC and his family. LCM went off about him and how they had been trying to get him and his family "up to par spiritually". He really made WC seem like a huge slacker. But then again, I personally heard LCM ranting and raving about FC and how she was requesting her granddaughter to go to the SNS. FC's son and DIL had graduated and were being recognized at the service. FC wanted her granddaughter to be able to see it. By the way LCM was raving, you would have thought that FC had done something beyond horrible. I was in the auditorium while they were taking pictures of the graduated Corps. LCM called Don W, Donna, Howard, and others for an impromptu "meeting" right there in front of everyone. We could hear everything. He said that FC was putting a dark cloud on the whole graduation. It's just so bizarre that I thought I was at the ultimate place on earth doing God's will. I think had many more people heard what happened, it may have caused another exodus. How fitting since TWI was in the Promised Land of the Prevailing Word. I remember when P*ul All*n and F*rn All*n left, we were told they were evil and making horrible accusations against the Trustees. Rosalie was there, and she let it all happen. God bless her little heart. She's a worthless piece.
  22. At the time I was still drinking koolaide, I had a boyfriend (also in TWI), who proclaimed to me that TWI was effed up. I arrogantly chastised him for going to GSC and told him "Of course you're going to hear negative!!" Two weeks later, my eyes were opened, and I started planning my exit. I ended up at GSC myself, and started posting while I was still in. God worked a lot of things in my heart. I'm better than ever right now, and it's been 5 1/2 years since I left TWI. I didn't give up on God; I gave up on an organization. Wayfers have a hard time separating their ministry from God. It's an idolatrous ploy.
  23. I was on Staff from 1996 to 2001. In the beginning, they paid 100% of our medical and prescriptions. There was no medical plan per se, but we turned in all of our medical for reimbursement. If we had something "big", we had to get approval. My hunch is that TWI wrote that off their taxes. A few years in to being on Staff, we were only reimbursed 80% of our medical and prescriptions. Although I heard those in the Trustee household were still reimbursed 100%. We didn't receive additional money from our "living on a need basis" to cover the 20%. If you were someone who went to the doctor regularly, you were just screwed. Most were afraid to ask for more even if they needed it. We were taught to not be an exception. We were encouraged to get regular checkups by that point. I think they started to change their thinking by that point.
  24. I'm glad you had a great experience with her JT. I am a decent, if not good, singer. My husband, who is a musician, and sound engineer, tells me I have a great voice and natural ability. I was on staff and had a huge desire to sing in the choir. I saw CR almost daily because she came to do some of her work in the department i worked in. I approached her once to ask her how a certain part of a song went and what was the best way to handle your breath because I seemed to run out of air. She said "If you have to ask that, you better not try out for the choir!!" I was crushed. I thought she would tell me how to handle the breath during that song. It felt like she was telling me I wasn't worthy to be in the choir. At the time, that kind of statement coming from that kind of person was a huge let down. I worked with her on staff, and I even traveled with her once. My observations showed me that she picks and chooses who she wants to "bless" in a very discriminating way. It was as if she wanted certain people to know that they were extremely blessed to have her attention. Others here said she appeared full of herself. I agree with that statement.
  25. He isn't just a regular Joe who was leader$h*t during LCM's reign, he was a good friend to LCM. He got there by puckering his lips to Craig's arse.
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