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Hey, anyone know the whereabouts of this couple? Last time I check (10 years ago), Frank and Cynthia were in Riverside, CA. I'm trying to nail down a mailing address. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Back up top once more. In case anyone is concerned about copyright issues, I'd be glad to purchase whatever original U of L coursework you might have. As before, please contact me via private message. Thanks, Motorhead.
Briging it back up. Looking for folks who can provide copies of University of Life courses. If so, please private topic me. Thanks!
Anybody out there have copies of any of the University of Life classes? I have Timothy, but would like to get copies of the others on the church epistles (Romans - parts 1 & 2, Galatians, Ephesians, Thessalonians). BRC out of Belize used to offer the classes on CD before they got shut down. Looking for someone who'd be willing to make me a copy. I'd be glad to compensate you for the effort. Please private topic me if you can help. Thanks!
Rascal: Thanks for checking. Yes, I'd be interested. In fact, if your hubby is reluctant to part with it, I'll be glad to pay shipping. Feel free to private topic me. Regards, Motorhead. Don't post intentions of copying material that is most likely under copyright!!1 Thanks Pawtucket
Anybody out there know where I can get my hands on some of the University of Life courses? (Romans pt1 & pt2/ Galations / Ephesians / Thesalonians / Timothy). Beliean BRC used to offer a wonderful supply of these and other such materials, but it seems they have been shut down. Anyway, I'd even be interested to bootleg a copy of someone's existing copy if you have it. Anybody out there have a copy of any of the above mentioned courses or know where I can fine one? Thanks! -- motorhead.
I'm curious if anyone hee at GSC can vouch for (and describe here in detail) any specific pre-marriage counseling they received via their local leadership at the time of their own pending nuptuals. I'm specifically intersted in ground covered regarding: finances sex / proper arrangement relevant future plans re: corps or no corps? (i.e. "equally yoked"?) etc. Love to hear your stories. Note: I'm intersted in real details here, not just the usual generalities about how TWI subjugated women, or how TWI maneuvered to put every marriage under the spell of administrative control, etc. Let's hear what you got!
Last I heard they were out (i.e. long since out) and living in FL. Is Mike still working as a commercial painting contractor? How are their little girsl? All grown up? oops: the topic should be "Michael & Pauline Marsicano"
Thanks Whitedove. Big help.
Hey Folks: Many of you out there have probably heard of Belizean BRC. In the past they offered items such as collaterals, concordances, old STS tapes, etc., through their store on ebay. It had always been possible to contact them by mail (to their PO Box in Belize) or email (via a generic hotmail address). I once received a catalogue from them with a list of items which was quite extensive -- including DVD's of good ol' Vic, PFAL, etc. Where are they now? Have they gone underground? Ebay store is gone. Anyway, just curious if they're still doing the work they did in the past, or if they've been squelched by certain unnamed parties residing in that midwestern state known so well by all of us...??? Any info is welcome. Thanks, Motorhead.
Just curious if anyone has current data on this gal. She was in Charlotte, NC a long while ago. WC recently, sent to Baltimore, MD area? What now?
I remember hearing about many of the homeopathic remedies in TWI, but one in particular that struck me as "hardcore" was a particular colon cleaning protocol. It involved fasting for a week and drinking nothing but water and eating nothing but a very specific "fibrous" herb that swept everything out of your intestinal track. Gave new meaning to the WC exit poll phrase: "You don't want to go in there!" Anybody remember this or hear of something similar? --Motorhead.
From Yahoo people search based on other info posted earlier in this thread: No phone numbers or addresses, please
Word over the World = Jesus is coming back. Ever heard that one? I hold this notion to be completely false, but I've heard many a respectable "believer" make the link between WOW and the return of Jesus Christ for his Saints. They claimed, basically, that when we get the Word over the World, Jesus Christ will appear. As if we had any control over that! Lends some urgency to witnessing, though , doesn't it!
Kerusso I'd like to get a copy of this CD if anyone out there has it.