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Mr Incredible

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  1. Whatever is going on, its really sad that all this 's___' has to get in the way of the movement of the word of God. What has it been, 20 years since the TWI stuff was raging and here we go again with good people getting hurt! I guess it comes down to the theory of the frog and the water....try to put a frog into boiling water and he will jump out right away, but put him in a pot of cold water and turn the heat up slowly he will stay there until he dies.... <_<
  2. Yosemite Sam huh? That ratzin-fratzin varmit? Whar iz he AT? I thought he was only interested in bunnies!
  3. um yeah I guess so! Notice I already changed my icon??
  4. ROFL!! Oh that is toooo funny... ....but on the other hand I would not put it past them either!! Kinda scary when you think how close to the truth it might really be!
  5. UM.....Not to appear stoopid... but whats a WayGB?
  6. is seeking the meaning of life!

  7. Hi, did you get my email/PM about wytedove chat transcripts?

  8. hi there again! Thanks for making me feel wanted!

  9. ok I got one! I was in a small music group that played for the 'twigs' and other functions. I mean we really had a good time. There were four of us in the group, including the wife of our fellowship leader. One night the twig leader told us that he wanted us to play some Roy Rogers song for him (I was so ....ed about it I cant even remember which one to this day!), but we all thought he was kidding because that was his nature...most of the time he was trying to be humerous. Then one night he called us all together and began lighting into us (or 'reproving' us to be PC) because we had not taken the time to play this dumb-@ss song for him, and proceeded to tell us how selfish we were being and on and on and on...it was a total joke! Needless to sya three out of the four of us said "f___ this" (bet cha cant guess which one wanted to keep it going!) So in my mind that was pretty stupid, I dunno; what do y'all think?
  10. One book I read that I absolutely fell in love with is "The Lakota Way" by Joseph M Marshall III -- in it Mr Marshall gives you an insight to the spirituality and wisdom of the Lakota indians - fabulous book. Another he has written is called "Walking with Grandfather" which discusses the wisdom of the elders.... You wont be able to put them down! Happy reading!
  11. Ya know, I shoulda known that! Hey ...maybe I'll start doing the same thing...umm, lets see? Undies or bra's -- wonder which one I would get in the least amount of trouble for....
  12. Hmmmmm.....sounds like my house... ...Only my problem is that I have a drier that eats socks! I swear I put socks in by the pair into the washer, make sure that every piece is transfered into the drier -- then all is taken out of the drier to the couch to be folded (making sure that I do not leave a trail to the couch) and start folding. I usually end up with at least one if not two socks missing a match. ARRRRGHHH! One of these days I am gonna go crazy and disect the drier to find them (or go on safari in my house for the sock monster!)
  13. Thank you and Bless your heart! Michael
  14. Welcome "another spot'.... I hesitate to speak for anyone else on GS because of the diversity of each persons experiences, but I can share mine with you. I had many of the same questions as you. After my wife and I left TWI (or were dropp kicked), we searched for a home church or somewhere to worship all the while trying to get as far away from TWI's doctrine and mannerisims as possible. Not that all the doctrine was bad, but in my opinion the good was destroyed by all the wacko stuff that was allowed to occur. One thing that I could never embrace in the Christian culture is the 'trinity'. TWI taught that God and Jesus are not the same person, and that I have taken with me (although even as a young child I never believed that anyway). The problem that my wife and I have found is trying to find a home church that does not cram the trinity down your throat. For this reason, we actually now have embraced the Messianic faith (Jewish failth that accepts Jesus as the Messiah) and found that to be a nice fit. TWI (at least in my experience) always taught that the 'old testimate' doesnt apply to us' and thus put all the attention on 'the new testimate'. I dont agree with that and feel cheated now because I never learned anything about the old testimate within TWI. Maybe that was not the case anywhere else in TWI but that was at least my experience. I guess to make a long story short, God is still God - no matter how distorted TWI made Him, and Christ still sits on His right hand. If you can dismiss everything else and start again with that as your building block and begin to study the bible for yourself, you will begin to build a relationship with God the way He wants you too. I hope this helps....thanks for tolerating my long winded post.... Michael.
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