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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. polar bear

    Stock Market

    You have to stay in the for long haul. Never, I say never sell lower than what you buy for even if it takes many years.
  2. Thanks Ellen-I figured that's what you meant.
  3. Is there anyone who actually gets the Way Mag. I know people in the Way and they don't even get it. What a waste of time.
  4. I know a guy in TWI who I work with on occasions. He has been acting a little strange lately. Jumpy and anxious etc. So I asked him if everythng was ok. He told me that he and his wife have been fighting for quite a while over some issues in their lives concerning beliefs of the Way. No, go figure? It has come to the point that his wife has insisted that he get professional counselling. And get this, I bet at the advice of leadership (they wouldn't dare do anything without the consent of leadership). Wouldn't you think that even if their were issues in a marriage that both would go to the counsellor? He was told that he's the one with the problems. We know why he's got problems- all the pessure put on him by the Way. He has been told their are anger issues in his life which is affecting the kids and the marriage. (Now comes the fun part). He tells me just recently that his wife he has been pestering him becasue they have debt on their credit card. They want to go to a class and she feels they will contaminate the class if they are in debt. And if they didn't go they would be looked down upon. What kind of God is that? What kind of love it that? Doesn't coersion and intimidation makes a person afraid to live for God? Isn't it the goodness (love) of God that leads a man to repentance (change)? I remember once I was told be my leadership that I needed to cut my vacation short becasue they felt I needed to be at a meeting they had planned. Coersion again. That didn't help me to love God it made me mad just like this friend of mine. How can they not see that punishing someone for having debt or not being at a meeting does not make someone change for the better? I'm glad I'm out. My marriage and my children have been noticably different since we left. We have been happier and more prosperous than ever. Maybe one day this guy will see it before he becomes another TWI roadkill.
  5. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Socks-I listened to some different versions. I like doing that as well, sometimes you can find some interesting interpretations. I have decided to do it down in the 1st positon because I like the sound of the D7 on 3 down to the C7 which is a big part of the song. I'll just mute the higher notes on the open Em and hit the bass to got the funky sound I want. Thanks for the help. That song is a great song for any singer/guitar player to learn, it has such a syncopated melody.
  6. My heart goes out to you too. What a horrible thing. You guys should have been treated as the most precious. But you are to God. Those guys who did that will pay one day.
  7. polar bear

    Stock Market

    One last thing, you can't go wrong with gold whether it's stocks or funds.
  8. There are songs on limewire that artists have put on ther for free that have no copyrights on them. It will tell you which songs you need the rights to. In answer to the question about how to burn them onto cds. You have to have music software that will burn the songs to cds. Nero is a good one. You can find this one and others for free by going to download.com. Just follow the instrucions. Usually you open your music file and drag them into the music burning software and click burn.
  9. polar bear

    ! Update

    Dear Cindy-We will certainly keep you and your family in our prayers. Please keep us informed on your progress. God is all loving and all powerful.
  10. Thanks Paw-You have helped a lot of people. Let us know if we can do anything for you. Go out and have a great day eh!
  11. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Socks-you're my kind of guy. Great stuff I'll let you know how if turns out.
  12. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Hey guitar folks-I'm working on James Taylors "How Sweet it is" in C. I'm trying to work out some alternate chords but I'm still not happy with what I've come up with. I would prefer to keep away from open chords so I can do it in a sort of funky muted style. Right now I'm doing the intro. in the 3rd pos. C G then Am7 to D9 in the fifth pos. I don't like the sound of the C in 3rd pos. any suggestions? Then in the verse I'm doing G and Em in 3rd pos. (don't like the sound of Em in 3rd pos. either). Then I'm doing the D7 in 3rd pos. which is okay then going down to the C7. Any ideas?
  13. polar bear

    Free software

    For those who are interested in free software programs download.com has some great ones. I upgraded my computor a while ago and I was told I would have to buy microsoft office again. So I went to download.com and found open office. It is almost exactly like Word and also has a program like Excel. Costs nothing. You can even convert and save old Word and Excel files and when you make a file you can save it as a Word or Wxcel file so you can share them with Microsoft users.
  14. I use a combo of both. Limewire is free but you can't always get what you want. If I can't get it there then I go to Itunes. downlaod.com is a good place to get Limewire and you can also get Cd burning softward there too. Nero is a good one.
  15. polar bear

    Stock Market

    Great stuff Stub1. Can you give us a few recommendations on which ethenol fuel stocks to check out?
  16. Happy Thanksgiving from all your Internatonal friends. What a great day to be thankful for the freedom we all have, especially freedom from spiritual bondage.
  17. polar bear

    Shooting Stars

    Belle-Keep us updated on the best time to observe the meteor shower. I would love to get a peak at it. For any who want to know more about celestial stuff you can find classes on them at your local boater associations. We go out sailing into Lake Ontario in the summer and watch them at night. Anyone is welcome to visit and take it in.
  18. A big guy ties up his Rotweiller outside of a bar and walks in. He is sitting there enjoying a couple of beers when another small man runs into the bar and says who owns that Rotweiller outside. The bug guy at the counter says I do. The small man says well, your dog is dead. The big guy says what, how did he die. The small guy says, my dog killed it. The big guy says what kind of dog can kill a Rotweiller. The small guy says I have a Chiwawa. The big guy says how could that happen. The small guy says well, he got stuck in his throat!
  19. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Hey Waysider. Is Xm radio worth it. And what do you think about Sirius. I've justn been listin' to good old fashioned CDs and radio so far.
  20. polar bear

    Urban Pioneers

    Can you make it February? Jan. we will be in Mexico.
  21. polar bear

    Urban Pioneers

    Thanks for that info. Ev. Keep us informed as to how it is going there. Most of us have no idea of what is going on there and how much devastation there was. My heart and prayers go out to those people. Hey Ex. we would love to go New Orleans let us know when you are going. Maybe we can get a bunch of folks to go. I would love to support the economy there too. Party on!
  22. polar bear

    Stock Market

    Good advice Hills Bro. I will add to that Twinot. It may be good to watch some funds or stocks for a while before you jump in. Maybe track them for 6 months or so. Here is another one I'm aware of Small Stock Strategy report. also MSN and Yahoo have free sites that they give reports and advice on concerning what's happening on the markets.
  23. polar bear

    Stock Market

    Very tricky stuff. I do some but I'm no expert. The best advice I can give is find out some companies that give leads like zaks.com of wiess reseach. Buy into companies that are recommended one at a time who have solid financials and stick with them. Don't jump from stock to stock just because they may go down for awhile. It takes a lot of patience but that will bring the best results in the long run.
  24. I think you have the wrong Jim Gregory. The one I know was still in around 2000. He would be in his 60s by now and has a faimly. I believe he was a union rep and worked for the township in Binghanpton Ny.
  25. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Chatty-Your stuff was great. Nice backing tracks. I'm working on some too.
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