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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, that's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
  2. Thanks for sharing that. Your dad was a good man. He made the right decison. Sometimes you need to get away from control freaks.
  3. Skyrider-you are right. To add nauseum, when you really think back, never did hear much on the love of God, especially in the gospels. It's like they forgot about the gospels. Everything was based on the 7 epistles, believe, believe. Isn't love the foundation of believing? They just wanted more numbers.
  4. What a hoot. Sounds like she just left TWI.
  5. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Tom we'll have to check out the U2 concert. Evan, great stuff, bless your heart, another classical guitarist, a man after my own heart. When I get things figured out I will post some stuff too.
  6. My heart goes out to you. We were boxed in, we were taught if you leave the household you are in a wilderness. What crap. You thought you were doing the Word by staying, then you knew a lot of stuff was off the Word, but you thought, where would you go. Then along came Greasespot-(just kidding). God knows our hearts and knows when we've had more than we can handle and provides a way out.
  7. Many who were in the Way in early times experienced some gooness and kindness. But as the Way grew into a big organization, it became what most big organizations become. It became all about numbers, and who could kiss someone's a** bigger and better to climb to the top. They would step on anyone in their way to get the power over someone else and make money at it. We joined a boat club and were stunned to find the people there more forgiving, more kind, and more lovng than those we knew in the Way=go figure? So we woke up and left TWI for good. Never looked back.
  8. polar bear

    I forgot

    Hey Cowgirl-I am doing some similar projects, need to know what it is exactly you are doing to give the best advice, there are many options.
  9. You never know when a Kodak moment might pop up.
  10. You'll find all the info. you need right here, who needs a book?
  11. Many times I use limewire when I want to see different takes on a song. For instance 500 groups have done takes on Big Yellow Taxi. I have the original CD but I like hearing what different styles the song has been done in just to learn what you can do with a song. Many of them are not copyrighted they were just groups having fun with a song. Nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong with downloading it. Many groups put songs on there just for fun. Other times I've seen it where a group will put one song from a CD on Limewire to get exposure. You can listen to it and if you like the one song then you say hey I like their style so I will go out and buy the CD. Iv'e done that too. It's not just about money.
  12. Yea, no family camps for at least 15 years or so. Typical of TWI nonsense. Tell him you would like to go to one of the family camps, they were for anyone. Watch him turn red. They do train the corps there all four of them. The staff required to maintain the grounds must be 20 or so. Then there's administrative staff. All that for 4 people, go figure? The word on the street is that this is the retirement HQs for Rosalie and her cronies.
  13. I for one don't understand why people think Jesus is God? I never had any involvement in church before the Way. The bible clearly says Jesus is the son of God. You will find that the Way had a lot of truth, they just used that truth to manipulate people.
  14. Bring on the ?s. Hope we can help you out.
  15. Hi Dove=I was not referring to the beating of kids in my post. Of course I would never endorse or even think of anything along this nature. The thread topic was started as "is it impossible to obey God without first obeying your leadership. Yes there are some things that are black and white but to generalize that satement can be dangerous. That's why religious groups have caused so much heartache. There are many times when leaders made decisions they believed were from God but were not. There are obvious ones like beating children but then there are very sublte ones. Of course the answer to this thread is simple -Yes is it possible to obey God without leadership consent. However I tried this once in the Way and I was shoved down my throat for 3 hours in a yelling session. That was the problem with TWI or any big corporation. They begin to think they are God! And you are not allowed to question decisions. Whit dove I enjoy your posts I have no critisicm of you at all.
  16. I was not referring to White Dove's or Waysiders post. I was simply agreeing with the originator of the thread.
  17. The problem is that the Word is not black and white. We all know that the scripture can be twisted to say whatever someone wants it to say. These leaders were given responsiblities to take care of God's people not Lord over them. Many of us just wanted to do God's will. It just took us a while to figure out we were being given the shaft by the ones we thought loved God. Glad we got out, and let the good times roll!
  18. They only said they had no members on paper so they could make all the decisions, this was totally illegal anyway. They will have to answer for that we're out- so "let the good times roll".
  19. I saw a funny one the other day t said Holy Spirit-don't leave earth withou it!
  20. Dear Oldiesman-God continued to bless His people sometimes despite the continuing mess the Way made of their growing list of manipulative programs to recruit newbies. Glad we're out and "Let the goodtimes roll".
  21. I agree, LCM had not right to stick his nose in where it didn't belong. He had a habit of dong that, and oh my he stuck other things in where they didn't belong too. I have people working under me and they have needs. There's a difference between honestly taking care of a need and slacking off. If you are concerned about a situation at home it's better to get it taken care of, then you can go back to being productive. I guess the best situation would be that everyone has to know what their work place will torerate and they only way to do that is to work out what the boundries are with your employer. Then everyone is happy.
  22. Maybe there's something in the coffee!
  23. It's all about motivation isn't it. He had to right to do it, but that doesn't mean it was right. He did it for the glory, we all know it and saw it.
  24. In many ways it was just as hard on the corps adults. We maybe didn't get the physical abuse but mental abuse can be just as bad. How about this. one time I had two Way Corps yell at me for three hours at in front of my house with my wife and kids watching because I told them I didn't understand everything about LCMs bonehead decision to drop all the "old" VWP Corps in our area. Those b'''''s can rot in hell.
  25. The leadership in areas were expected to send so many wow's out depending upon their numbers of believers. So much for God giving the increase. I went out 3x still can't believe it. I thought I was committed to God.
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