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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. polar bear

    Christmas Music

    I like that Hose Feliciano one-Police drive a dodge.
  2. Dear Lindyhopper- Nice work, I think we are on the same page. I see where you are coming from. I think what Mark and Bliss referred to help me put it together. In a nutshell-we control our thinking but we are renewed by grace not works.
  3. I now pronounce that the name T-Bone be changed to Funny-Bone!
  4. Great thread Skyrider-You are dead right. I used to think the Way did everything perfect, but then I started to think. It didn't just get selective all of a sudden, it had to come from somewhere. I do agree with some who have said, it looked great (on the outside). But there always was and is a hidden agenda. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it. Please allow an addendum to your post. It was definately a selective teaching agenda. I was there until just a few years ago and now it's that way more than ever. There is a formula for almost everythng now. They have made moving the Word a science. There are mathematical stats on how- If you witness to so many you should have so many coming to fellowship. If you give so much, you should get so much If you prepare so much you wll avoid so much, and on and on. And guess what it's all about. Promogating the love of God? (buzzer) wrong. It's all about the corporation. Hail the corporation. Please excuse me for thinking=doesn't God give the increase? Now he can. We just love Him and each other on a daily basis in our own lives and families, (and on GSC)
  5. Dear Lindyhopper-Here's the way I see it. Correct me folks if I'm wrong. I think what you are referring to as renewing your mind is still an influence of twi thinking (I'm not trying to be critical, I'm still working on it too.) We do control our thinking. Yes we do tramsform our thinking, but it's not a regimented life time process that we try to get better at doing. That would be works. God did a one time thing in Jesus Christ when he made available holy spirit to us. I'ts up to us to believe it or not. That's what I believe the transforming means. We endeavor to think on the finished work of Jesus Christ in each situation. But we are not perfect, far from it. I believe God knows we are frail creatures with many faults. He doesn't expect us to be perfect all the time. That's why he sent Jesus Christ, he did it for us. I believe Twi has twisted the context of this phrase in a legalistic sense that we should't do anythng wrong and if we do we haven't renewed our mind. Thus to renew the mind it to believe in the accomplished works of Jesus Christ. Does this make sense, anyone?
  6. TBone-great post. I had the life sucked out of me too. I used to love to write music. During my stint in twi my desire and inspiraton dwindled to nothing. Now I'm starting to write again. Maybe there's still hope for my poor soul.
  7. Hi Oldies-I understand how you have doubts about decisions made by HQ. Even though we were taught some great Word in the Way, there is definately a system of error that devolped as an undercurrent to the Word that was being taught. It was though they were holding it over your head. Hey we taught you the Word do what we say. You have to realize the way started small, things were definately easier, simpler the first several years. But the way grew very fast and there were big finances involved. When big money gets into any organizaton there tends to be more and more pressure put on people to keep the money rolling in. This brings rules, regulations, and soon enough you get greed, corruption. Then you get wrong practice of the Word. Leaders start to get on power trips, people get hurt. I could go on but I'm sure you get what I'm saying. I have no problem with the Word, God is great and He is love. But the way is just an organization made of people. The fact is the one person who I told had been asked to leave was the tip of the iceburg. And it was, just because of his lack of being able to afford to abs. He had just started his own business. I know of several people who were told to leave because they were not abs'ing. Some of them were great committed believers. Some could'nt afford to abs, 10% do to debt and other situations beyond their control. Some of these people were devastated, and may never get over it. I was there when leadership did it to some of them. I had no say. Wish I could go back and tell them what jerks they were. They thought they were the cream of the crop, Gods apostles sent down to kick but. They thought they were doing God a favor. They even said that they had gift's in operation because they were the new Corps sent by LCM. I don't believe you could have been around in the late 90s when LCM told the corps to get rid of people who were not abs'ing. Not only that he alos told us to get rid of people who were not committed, who weren't faithul at coming to fellowships. I was in the Corps I heard him live on Corps nights. I started to comlain about some of the things leadership were doing to people and how they were hurting people. Guess what happend? They changed-LOL. No they raked me over the coals, you would not believe what they did to me and my family. Also I was kicked out of the corps, that's all I will say. The long and the short of it is the way became more interested in the money they wanted from people rather than people's hearts. Sort of sounds like the religious pharisees.
  8. Amen to that Rascal- I was also in that position. When you leave twi you go through all this stuff in your mind. We are taught if we don't tithe or abundantly share that God won't even look in your direction. For the first while I was paranoid about what would happen to me and my family. I finally figured it out. I wanted to understand that God is not going to punish me for not tithing? If God is good always as He says in His word, we shouldn't have to live in fear. Unfortunatlely that is not the case for twi people. I have a friend still in twi. On a couple of occasions I have given him money, so he won't go into debt, because he's terrified what will happen to him if he stops abs'ing and goes into debt. (He's afraid even to tell his wife about it.) So sad. I remember one time my overseer wanted me to kick someone out of our fellowship because he had he not been abundantly sharing faithfully. This guy was just starting a business and had a wife and kids. I told him I would not do it, and if he wanted to do that he could do it himself. Well he did it the jerk. My heart went out to this guy, but he had his orders fro HQs and I had no say.
  9. I know that there was much discussion in another thread about the percentage beyond the tithe that a believer should be giving. My question is shouldn't the tithe be no longer applicable to believers in this day and time? It was part of the OT law as stated in Leviticus. Jesus Christ said he was the end of the law. Are we not now under grace? I believe VP added his own interpretation to the Word in his book on as Belle so wonderfully said "Christians Shoud Be Preposterous". Can add my own take on this =Christians Shoud be Paupers-that's how Twi would have it. Just becasue Abraham gave a tithe before the law was made doesn't mean that it wasn't part of the law. Doesn't 2Cor 9:7. say that we give freely out of the abundance of our hearts. Then it should be up to us to give what we want. VP had to come up with ways to support the ministry. Why would he write a book on tithing? (Or, It should have been called= I'll tell you how much you should be giving us). How else would he get the plane, the bus, the millions that Twi has now. Ever noticed how all, I mean all, the money goes to HQs. They have total control. It never trickles down to the ones who need it. I know stories of how areas wanted to have some of the Abs that their believers were giving to stay in that area. VP would send in his big enforcers with military backgrounds and they would obliterate those poor souls. I'm not propagating a law suit, but I need your help to confirm this in my mind. The Word says "God will never leave us or forsake us". The Way says if you don't tithe" God won't spit in your direction". Isn't there a contradiction here? Isn't this a form of extortion? It's based on lies. I don't as this point support any religion, but I do like to give. I don't see anything in the Word that says you have to give to an organized religion. There are plenty of groups out there to give to if you want to. People that really need it too. I want to be free and clear in my mind on this.
  10. Drty Dzn-that was great=twi does put everything in a box, they have a formula for everything. A=B=C. You can't do that with God. Guess what Motherof2 ".... happens", that's life. Ops TWI forgot about that one. Oh no, "it must be your believing", or "what were you thinking". I wasn't thinking anything. (maybe that's my problem). Why are there doctors if we shouldn't need them. Every situation is different. It's funny how your relatives (the twi ones) have an answer for everything. So why couldn't they heal your son's hand? The bottom line is you do everything you can do. Pray for him, take him to the doctor. That's doing your best so you can be a peace to let God do the rest.
  11. Great stuff White Dove-We have the Christ is us just shine forth.
  12. You got it right there-Twi-found a way to take all the joy out of giving to the point you were told God wouldn't love you or look at you if you didn't give more that 10 percent. I still have not to this day seen any mention of the tithe in the NT. It was incorporated in Twi doctrine. Wouldn't a loving and just God want us to give out of a loving and joyous heart. Twi is just another money making buisiness. As far as I know the Fellowship leaders are still told to work ABS into one of their teachings at least once a month. Obeying their ordinances =how well the room is arranged and how well the service is conducted is more important than the love in people's hearts. The corps leaders have to check out the fellowships to make sure every song and prayer is in the right place like the SNS teachings. And that everything said any is in some ministry publication. I know I was there.
  13. Okay=since we're into medical jokes= An old man walks into the doctors office and the lady attendant asks him "what are you here for". He says" it's my penis". She blushes and says "next time you come in the office try to be a little more discreet because we have other people sitting here in the waiting room'. So a couple of weeks later the old man walks back into the office and the attendant asks him "what are you here for". He says "it's my ear". Then the lady asks him "what seems to be the problem". The old man says "I can't pee out of it".
  14. "automatically obeys leadership of his fellowship meetings for spiritual stiffling and mental stagnatioion." Great stuff. There's the new motto for TWI. No longer will I be conned into believing that if I don't give a certain percent of my income that "God won't even look in my direction". No longer will I be conned into believing that if I don't take a certain class I won't be in the category of a fully instructed believer to receive any kind of revelaton. No longer will I be conned into believing that if I don't belong to a certain group I will be left out in a wilderness.
  15. Yes, when you first join, they fall all over you. Everything is great. But it's like a trap, the longer you are in, the more indoctinated (seduced) you get. There are things like "we're in Zion the fortress of God, if you leave you are in a wilderness, the world is a wilderness". So you think, if I leave I'm outside of the fort. Then you get the doctrine "the more committed you are the more rewards you will get". So you move up. And the more you move up the more you see the corruption. Many have not seen this part but it's there I assure you. I worked with most right up to the top. Then you get to the point where you have to make a choice. Will you stay and bear with all the crap, or lose all your so called friends, be called a cop out and be ostrasized. If you stay you start to get comfortable with the corruption and eventually start to get along with it, then after a while you don't even notice it. But it so sublte many aren't even aware it's happenig. The other choice it to say SCREW IT! Let the good times roll!
  16. Thanks Bliss-I'm starting to see it now. We just bask in, and enjoy the beauty of God in our life and He works in us. Great stuff!
  17. Totally agree=The underlying premise of TWI is to do all the thinking for you. We will tell you what to do, how to think, and keep you so busy you won't have time to think for yourself. I really believe the leadership at HQ spend most of their time, (because they have nothing elso to do) figuring out how to keep their people busy. I know this because I worked there for awhile and heard this phrase used many times. People learning how to think for themselves?? WOW! I have to try that. LOL> One of the things that helped me get my logic straigtened out on this was to read Emerson-he was a real thinker. He wasn't the "follow the crowd kind of guy". He spoke up against the evils of religion. In one sense he is my hero. I think I will keep the singing to myself. but hats off to all of us who now think for ourselves!
  18. THanks Evan. I liked what you said about that mind control stuff. I guess that's what we have to weed out. Here's to controlling our own thnking.
  19. Does that mean we won't have as much fun??
  20. What? I can't eat off the buffet table? No fair! Great post.
  21. Isn't the real meaning of renewing the mind according to Romans 12:1 that we endeavor to transform our thinking from negative thoughts to the greatness and beauty of the spriit of Christ within. That's right, God has already wrought this work through the life of Jesus Christ, we just have to glory in it. I'm trying to dismantle the warped impression of what TWI practices as the standard for the renewed mind. The common thinking among TWI to this day is that if you don't want to do something that they want you to do, they just tell you to "renew your mind". Isn't that using the Word to serve their own means. Wouldn't that be just using a catch phrase to get people to subject themselves to their wishes. Maybe I'm wrong, anyone?
  22. Heard VPW admired Hitler very much. Sounds like too much! Ever try to question leadership, whoa, tried that and was run thru the gauntlet.
  23. Wasn't that around the time VP got the idea for the Way. hummmmmmmmmm. Maybe it was the alien who was pumping the gas in the snowstorm when he got that infamous revelaton and looked across at the gas station. hummmmmmm.
  24. Dear Pink Lady-Glad to hear you are doing better. You should have your children with you. We have you in our prayers. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
  25. Happy Bday ex10..Lots of love from all you friends up north.
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