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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. Lovely girls Dooj=Must be the joy of your life!
  2. polar bear

    Santa wanna be

    Ths is funny-http://xmas.daileyads.com/ you can download it here or look at it in the next post. Thanks Dmiller
  3. You just need one, there all the same. Maybe you could use the pictures.
  4. Was at several-Gunnison was supposed to be the permanent home for family camps. It's more like a rest home now for Rosalie and her possee.
  5. Have fun with these pics-
  6. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    I thought it would be nice to get give some homespun holiday music to fellow GSCers who don't look at the guitar thread. Iv'e started a thread on the open forum. Hopefully you folks will add more. (you too Evan).
  7. I am very thankful for all GSC has done for my life. Wonderful people, wonderful conversaton. Now it's my turn to give back. Here is a little homespun Christmas music. I'm a little rusty. You can get them from the next post. Merry Christmas to all of you from Polar Bear.
  8. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Thanks Dmiller-That's what I call fun.
  9. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Hummmmmmm-Ana serious minded. That's the same why I see it. Too serious, I know what kind of committment it takes to play at that level. You have no life. I got a little serious about it one time. It's like being in twi, it sucks all the life out of you. Music should be fun!!!!!!!!!!! My Point-Don't get too serious, life passes you by too fast.
  10. polar bear

    I'm Dying

    Dear George-All I can say is, what honesty, I never saw that in twi. You are loved by many. We will see each other face to face one day.
  11. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Speaking of guitars-have you heard about a program called -Band in a Box? I've been using it for years. It's a great program for any musician. You type in the chords and it will add the bass, drums, piano etc. for almost any style of music you want. You can loop and do hundreds of things with it. Great for developing solo work. It's available on pgmusic.com. They have a great help forum too.
  12. Great thread Linda Z-loved the mint thing-been there seen that. How about these ones-I used these when I thought of some of the arrogance of twi. Laugh Lines The Way Histerical Centre
  13. I had a name for our group. Can't mention it here.
  14. polar bear


    Don't forget the spam! Grilled spam, fried spam, spam on spam etc. (I liked the scotch idea too)
  15. I used to sing that song in a children's choir. It always gets to me.
  16. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Hey all Blues fans-Jeff Healey just opened up a new club called Healey's Roadhouse here in To. this weekend. He's planning to have top name groups from all over come in and rock the house. Anyone game? Come visit. Some of us have seen him several times and also met him. He's a great guy, glad to see he is doing so well. He also does a jazz thing every Sat. afternoon which is very cool.
  17. polar bear

    Christmas Music

    Dmiller-That was my liberal translation according to my misusage. Thanks from your fellow joser! LOL. How about-"I'll Get Stoned for Christmas" and another favourite "Walkin' Round in Women's Underwear." Now I've ruined these nice songs for all you poor folks.
  18. Dear Pink Lady-Hope you took the advice of those who posted before me. Get help, there is plenty of legal aid out there if you need it. Please let us know how things are going.
  19. Dooj-what a heart you have. I wish you would have come and smacked me upside the head when you left. I stayed way too loooooooooooooooooong.
  20. I know how certain events can bring back emotions and hurt. But you always know you are welcome here and loved.. Twi can shove their stupid rules, they have no effect or place here. I hereby pronounce you unmarked and unavoided!
  21. Merr Christmas-All the best to you and your children.
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