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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. Dear friend-They know you left. And you know what the way tells people about contacting those who have left. If they really cared for you they would call you. You may have thought they were friends. I actually thought I had a few in twi. When I left I talked a few others out too. The ones who stayed in twi who I thought were friends went behind my back and tried to talk the ones I had gotten out about coming back. They are very deceived. I'm not telling you what to do but be careful, you don't want to get hurt or get into arguements.
  2. polar bear

    Health tips

    Some of my relatives have problems with osteoporosis=sorry about the spelling. Their bones are giving out. I did some research on it. Here's what I came up with. After about thirty or so the bone density goes downhill. Bones are not just solid mass. They are very complex and have different functions other than just holding us up. They also produce our blood. Not to worry, there are things you can do. Weights-very important, keeps the bones and muscles strong. Doesn't have to be heavy weights, just enough to do 10 repititions or so and not be too strained. Vitamin C-we don't get enough. Take vitamins and with it you need folitate and vitamin D (D you get enough when it's nice and sunny out.) Anyone else?
  3. I remember getting a call from the Limb HQs more that onec about dropping everyone when leadership decided to make a surprise visit. More than once it was in the middle of winter where we would have to drive hours through snow storms. We'd call and say "there's a big strom, so it may not be best to travel". Guess what answer we received back. "Oh you woudn't want to miss the great blessing of the Word that will be taought so believe God." Don't you wish sometimes that you could go back in time and tell those creepy jerks what you really thought about their stupid decisions. It's a great feeling to realize I will never have to jump through hoops for those egocentric leadership jerkheads. Anyone else get caught in these situations?
  4. Hoooray-Love the "Cult Addiction Recovery Group" thing. Maybe that should be our new secret code name. I'm a CARG. However we can't call greasespot an offshoot since it's not promoting any religious belief or doesn't solicit money. That's too much of a difference from "der veg".
  5. I couldn't resist this one. What would Jesus do? I don't like this question. He's not here. I think it has religious connotations. What or who are you asking people to forgive. Jesus Christ forgave those who asked for it. He never forgave the religious leaders who were screwing Gods people like they still are to this day. I don't have any bitterness but let's put things straight. The way is messed up. They do not want to change. I don't have to forgive them. I will forgive individuals who did not know what they were doing. As a whole the system of error in the way will not change so all we can do it run............ as far as we can from it.
  6. If you look the directives in Leviticus to the church of Israel the tithe was directed to them as a body. The tithe was never intended to be used as a gun held to the head of an individual as it is by certain groups now. Even in the old testament times God's blessings and the curse of the law was directed to Israel as a whole. God would bless Israel as they stood together on what He directed. I'm sure there were individuals who did not thithe as they were directed. It doesn't meand they were killed or damned. As we know the thithe was an old testament law. In this day and time it's silly even to consider that God would not bless an individual based on works or any form of tithing. In fact God tells us we are "blessed with all spiritual blessings" in Ephesians because of our believing not works. What a great delivrance comes when we realize that God will bless us as we simply believe on the works that Christ has already accomplished for us. I'm all for giving, but it should be up to us to decide what, and where to give to. That way we are blessed to do it.
  7. polar bear

    11th Corps

    Joe-Nice to hear from you. Yea there were some great folks in the 11th cops. I may be biased but I still think it was the best group of believers I've ever met. The way may have been messed up but I was still glad to meeet all those great folks. Keep in touch.
  8. Honestly I would not have done anything illegal, but I would have to say at one point I was so tricked into thinking that I was committed that anything that got in my way had to go. So yes I think I would have left my wife if she decided not to stand with tiw. I'm glad we finally figured things out and we both left together. I thank God that I still have a wife and family. I will never get involved with any religion again or have anything to do with something that interferes with my wife or family.
  9. The Rise and Fall of the Way (corps included). Good question. Yes we were all told it was the highest step up in the way tree. "It was a life of service to God that would be rewarded in the hearafter", as the MOG VP dictated from his throne. There was so much hype as to how great God would bless you if you made that ultimate sacrifice. Fancy footed corps leadership were fronted and VP would say, "see what the way corps did for this man, He will do that for you." By the time the coprs I was in rolled around the empire of the way was at it's pinnacle. The 11th was the largest. Five hundred eighty plus. There were many wonderful people. But we all came to realize some sooner than later, that it really was an illusion. VP was the great illusionist. He could sure talk up a storm. It was a little "way empire". But like all empires, when money and power sets in so does greed and lust, then what goes up must come down. People you can fool-for a while. God does not get fooled. I always wondered why there was always talk about how great God was and all the miracles He would do. But they never happened.
  10. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Hope- you can't beat dropping the low E down to a D. That gives you the ability to play alternating D and E chords with that big great open sound that a good guitar can give. It's used much in classical guitar. Joni used a lot of open tunings she got a good sound out of her guitar.
  11. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    ok Ala=did you get it? The walking pneumonia and the boogie woogie flu
  12. He is a great guy. I'l love to hear from him too. Is he stil in twi?
  13. Anyone know how I can get ahold of Dave Lutz. He was a good buddy.
  14. A minister decided to use an example in his sunday teaching which included 3 jars that had a worm in each. In the first jar the worm was in alcohol. In the second the worm was in cigarette smoke. In the third the worm was in clean healthy soil. After his sermon, the minister opened the 3 jars. In the first two the worm was dead. But in the last one he was alive and well. He looked at his audience and asked them what they had learned from his sermon. After a few seconds a lady in the back rose her hand. The minister said what is it? The lady said, well if you go through life smoking and drinking you sure won't have worms.
  15. Great new look- "That's what I call coffee "
  16. Ha ha ha-loved it. "Move where the food is'-great! When I was a "twit" it was "move where the word is".
  17. Skyrider-you did it again. Great topic! Sushi-haaaa-that was a good one-but I must add a true friend will also help you "bury the body." To find a true friend is one of the great true joys of life. My wife is my best friend. I believe God called some of us to twi to find those who were true friends and true believers. Most of who I thought were friends never will talk to me because I left twi. I guess they weren't true friends. I never did like VP much or LCM with their big egos. But I did love the people who truly loved God. I made a few friends that I will love to the day I die. Lloyd B is one. Tricia B is one. Larry P is one. They truly know how to love people. I have even renewed a few old friendships here at GSC and made some new ones. May we continue to find true friends
  18. Note when I started the thread I said "is going to be opened". It hasn't happened yet. I'll let you know if I hear anything. U wouldn't suggest takin any action yet. But it is fun to ponder what could happen.
  19. polar bear

    Need help

    Dear friend-so sorry to hear about your loss. Ditto to what Krys said=I did my fathers funeral. We did some pics of his favorite moments along with the good times that was shared about his life and accomplishments.
  20. Remember VPs challenge to put away reading anything else but what he wanted you to- I challenge you to stop reading what you are reading and stop going to the church you are going to for six months and you won't know yourself. Maybe you'll come to a true sense of what life really can be and should be like. You can love God and live without a church.
  21. Hi-I'm back from Playa del Carmen Mexico. PM me if you want to see pictures.
  22. It is going to be open for "anyone" to visit. Anything to make a buck these days. I know none of us would want to go. I'm sure they will have restrictions on who they let come visit. I think they have opened up a can of worms though. Can you imagine John Lynn wanting to have his CES board meeting there. And can you imagine Paw wanting to take his family. Can you say "lawsuit". They may change their minds after they read this. I assume they are looking for vacationing families and skiers. Anyone can pm me if they want to know more. I will be in Mexico for awhile though, leaving tomorrow. Us Polar bears can only stand the cold for so long.
  23. Sounds like Paul is speaking in this way not to bring attention to himself and that it was God who gave him this revelation or glimpse of paradise. He was going through alot, maybe this is what Paul needed to continue.
  24. Cman you are right. The point God is making is that He has provided freely for the animals and how much more will He take care of us.
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