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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Dmiller-If you are looking for a good site with midi backing tracks for fiddlers try Hetzler's fakebook. Also if you need a good midi player let me know. PB
  2. polar bear

    Puzzled ?

    I'm behind in the computer lingo too. I see this term - rolf-what does that mean?
  3. My most memorable moment (not) was watching J Reynolds yell for two whole hours at all the wonderful International believers because he didn't think the little balloons on the International tent were blown up enough. The integity of the Word and all that rot. Most of these folks had travelled from all over the world and for the most part had spent every penny they had to get there, with little sleep. What a warm welcome.
  4. Jesus Christ confronted the religious leaders of his day for their hypocritical nature. What really woke me up to the realization that the way leadership was becoming more and more like the hypocrites JC talked about was a decision my wife and I made to join a boat club. We found that the people there were more loving forgiving that those we knew in the way. When we made mistakes we were not lambasted, when we were down we were cared for and when we needed help they were more than willing to jump in. While in twi if we made a mistake, leadership were quick to jump down our throats. If we tried to point out a mistake that leadership made, there was a major meltdown. When we had challenges we were told that we had to work them our ourselves and that they didn't want to get involved. When leadership moved or needed to clean their houses for classes, we were all expected to be there to help. Yet if we moved they told us they had to study. The leadership would make us drive hundreds of miles in the worst kind of weather to hear them teach something they believed was special and needed for us to stay ahead of the adversary's attacks. (I didn't know we so far behind). Yet if we ever had special events we would receive not so much as a phone call from leadership. Hypocrites, what do you think?
  5. And to think we were duped into paying money to find out where the word "also" should be used in a sentence. We were "all so" ripped off/
  6. polar bear

    Silly Sayings

    I'm a believer, pass me a beer! !
  7. Dear Free-sorry to hear about what happened to you. You don't deserve this crap. Time will heal and you will find a good man one day. Until then-you are loved here by many good friends that you can count on anytime.
  8. Linda-thanks I'll have fun here too.
  9. Happy birthday Dot-you are loved here. Do something fun.
  10. You got it Lindy that was my point, VP made a law about it and put it inot a box like everything else he did. All fear in every form cannot be bad. I think it's the motive behind the fear that justify's whether or not it is genuine or not.
  11. Newfoundland eh? Now you're talking. Great place.
  12. Perhaps it would be wise to look at what Jesus Christ did in the gospels. He didn't forgive the Pharisees for their evil deeds he confronted them. He forgave the woman caught in adultry because she asked for forgiveness. It's not all cut and dry as many have said but the point is you don't have to forgive those who willfully do evil. Where is there any profit to that. In fact that would be harmful to my heart. In fact it's comforting to know that the Word says those who willfully do evil will recieve their due reward one day.
  13. Hamy Tbone and Waysider-wer're not worthy! A cult-a body of elitist thinking individuals ruled by an even more elitist overlord with unquestionable authority to call anyone else who doesn't think the way they do a cult.
  14. polar bear

    Are you normal?

    spam on spam and spam with ham Are there still people who eat that stuff?
  15. polar bear

    11th Corps

    I thought I was the only one who took those running detours. Isn't it funny that the more someone tells you not to do something the more you want to do it. It's like your mother telling you not to touch the fresh batch of cookies she just made. (No way that's gonna happen) PS>I would have invited you Dooj. (come play at our house sometime.)
  16. Is all fear bad. I've been thinking about what we were taught about fear in PFAL. Remember doubt leads to worry and worry leads to fear. This was the road downhill that would led to the woman with the child who worried the child into being hit with a car and killed. What's wrong with a mother being concerned about her child. Isn't fear a natural emotion. For example, when standing on the top of a ten story building you have a natural sense of fear that stops you from jumping off. Even though there have been times I've wanted to jump off a building after being picked on by foaming at the mouth Nazi terrorist twi leaders. Another example, sitting by the campfire you have your marshmellow stick close to the fire but you are afraid to get too close or you might roast something other than the marshmellow. What do you think?
  17. polar bear

    Happy Birthday

    Have a great day PFD.
  18. Jolly good show, cheerio, God sve the queen and all that rot
  19. Totally amazing dude-I can't even write my name legibly-(I should have been a doctor).
  20. Someone should do something like this on "Der Veg". You know like first president had revalation of snow falling on gas pumps from the sky and was a sexaholic. And second president saw balloons falling from the sky and was a sexaholic. The third one thinks she just fell from the sky -or something like that.
  21. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Had to say something about guitars. Yes I do agree that it's not what you are playing it's how you are playing it. And to add a further point you want someting that is going to stand up to wear, tear, and weather. Last week I was in Key West. It's full of bars where you will see three or four guitarists strut their stuff every day of the week. I noticed most of them were Tackamine. So I asked a few why they were using them and all said the same thing. They stand up to rugged conditions with little maitenance. It made me realize I didn't make such a bad decison after all to buy one several years ago. It's not the most expensive but it has never given me a problem. They sound great amplified too. Speaking of good guitarists (steel guitar in this case)I heard a good one in Key West. When I asked him where he was from he told me Toronto (my home town). I had never seen him before but he rocks out the blues. You meet people in the strangest places. His name is Michael Pickett. Check him out on Yuotube. I got asked to play in a bar called Captain Tony's (it's sort of a famous "Jimmy Buffet" type bar). I had heard all kinds of Buffet tunes there that day so I decided to do some Hank Williams. They loved it. Nothing like the old stuff.
  22. Preparation-spend so much time planning and squeezing the crap out of every minute detail of what needs to be done that you don't have time to enjoy one minute of life. Reporting back-Waste all your time telling your leadership everything you have done from blowing your nose to having to report back that there is nothing to report back.
  23. Thanks Eagle-Way to go. Cant' wait to get it. Is your picture on the cover. I'm gonna order five copies for my mother.
  24. polar bear

    Flax Seed

    Waysider could you give us more info. on how to do the sprouts. I've heard it's tricky with bacteria and such.
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