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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. If you want funny-Club Paradise with Robbin Williams and the second city cast. Romantic-Six Days and Seven Nghts-Anne Heche and Mathew Perry Just a couple of ideas.
  2. Bless your heart Dot. Religion is a most powerful tool. You did what you did because you thought you were loving God. You do love God and He looks at your heart.
  3. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Parents before you teach your kids the accodian consider this= This guy plays a New Years Eve gig and afterward the club owner says "Great job, can you play again next year?" The accordionist replies, "Sure, can I leave my instrument here until then?" The difference between an onion and accordion? People cry when they chop up onions. What did people say when the ship loaded with accordions sank in the ocean? Well, it's a start. What's the difference between an accordion and a cat? Only the cost, they both make the same kinds of sounds when you squeeze them. The song most requested of accordionists? Can you play Far, Far Away. How do you make two accordionists play in time? Shoot one of them. What's the difference between an accordion and a trampoline? You take your shoes off before you jump up and down on a trampoline. What do a true music lover and an accordionist have in common? Absolutely nothing. If you drop an accordion, a set of bagpipes and a viola off a 20-story building, which one lands first and which way up do they land? Who cares? What is the definition of a gentleman? Somebody who knows how to play the accordion, but doesn't. What is a bassoon good for? Kindling for an accordion fire. What is an accordion good for? Learning how to fold a map. What do you call a group of topless female accordion players? Ladies in Pain. What do you call an accordion player with a pager? An optimist. What is the range of an accordion? Twenty yards if you've got a good arm! What is the difference between an accordion player and a terrorist? Terrorists have sympathisers. How do you get an accordionist to play in time? Get them to play by themselves. Why do some people automatically hate accordionists? It saves a lot of time. Why do Accordionists make good politicians? They are used to playing both ends off against the middle. What does a long court hearing and a bad accordionist have in common? There is always a huge sigh of relief when the case is closed. How can you spot a bad accordionist? The lead singer can tell he is playing wrong notes. How many accordions can you fit in a telephone box? 101 if you chop them fine enough. What is the difference between an accordionist walking down the road with his accordion, and a goldfish swimming down the gutter with a banjo on his back? The Goldfish has got a gig to go to. What is the definition of perfect pitch? Closing your eyes, turning your back and throwing an accordion into the bin without touching the sides. My apologies to anyone who plays the accordian-
  4. polar bear

    11th Corps

    We have to do it sometime. Can't believe I missed that.Damn. $1.50 Beer is my kind of night!
  5. A short answer-hell no. Who gives anyone the right to tell you who you should and shouldn't marry. Only religious nut bars.
  6. A man with a ministry should never have to tell anyone, it is evident in his life. It's not a profession of something you learn to be. It's definately a God given. I've rarely seen it in those who teach the bible or make money off of it. I've seen it in several different fields of life like doctors, musicians people who truly minister to people's hearts and souls. The problem with the way leaders and many others like them is they go around telling others they are the ministers of our day and they have the gift ministies in our time. That's gets my hair to stand on end.
  7. Look in the forum about the way=you will find all the info. you need. You can pm me if you like too I know a few things. It got pretty strick when LCM took over. He got rid of most of vps corps. He developed strict rules on debt too. They are shrinking in numbers 3000 or so in the US. Spin offs CFF CES. A couple more smaller ones-Dale Sides Larry Panarello.
  8. polar bear

    11th Corps

    Dooj-it's okay I was rather silent and remaind in the background. I was still leary of what was going on. I guess we all were.lol You were 9th right?
  9. polar bear

    St Patty's Day

    This is from Dmiller on the Just Plain Silly thread-couldn't resist. Father O'Malley rose from his bed. It was a fine spring day in his new parish. He walked to the window of his bedroom to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside. He then noticed there was a jackass lying dead in the middle of his front lawn. He promptly called the local police station. The exchange went like this ... "Good morning, this is Sergeant Muldoon. How might I help you?" "And the best of the day te yerself. This is Father O'Malley at St. Brigid's. There's a jackass lying dead in me front lawn. Would ye be so kind as to send a couple o' yer lads to take care of the matter?" Sergeant Muldoon, considering himself to be quite a wit, replied with a smirk, "Well now father, it was always my impression that you people took care of last rites!" There was dead silence on the line for a moment. Father O'Malley then replied, "Aye, tis certainly true, but we are also obliged to notify the next of kin."
  10. Pabst-Smir! Haaaaaa love it. Can't wait to tell the friends at the boat club that one.
  11. Lose the beard and it reminds me of LCM in his tights.
  12. polar bear

    11th Corps

    Hey what about me Dooj? lol
  13. ABS still remains in the country of origin, but no country is producing much. The U.S. doesn't need the ABS though and the BODs don't care much about that. They are sitting on millions from invesments.
  14. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    I think I will leave the mps on for a week or so. I only have a small space in my attachments space. Can anyone give me an alternate site to post these to so I can leave them on here? Maybe we should ask Paw to change the name of this thread to "music lovers" since we're getting into some good music.
  15. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Mamie_Smith_Crazy_Blues.mp3Bessie_Smith_Muddy_Water.mp3 These are for educational purposes only. Not to be sold. This is in no way a blues history, I'm not going to include everyone but some of the earliest and some of my favorites. Here are two of the earliest blues recordings. They are females. Mamie Smith 1920 and Bessie Smith 1927. Yes the ladies started it all off (recording wise). They are a little scratchy because they are taken from 78s. Because I'm limited in space I'm starting with two. Tomorrow the men. How about Gordy Lightfoot, lives near me. What, oh gee I always thought is was- The Reckdum of Ella Fitzgerald.
  16. Some here may know more but here's my 2 cents. The way basically grew out of 2 hippy back to Jesus type movements that started in- 1- Rye New York. 2-Haight Ashbury-Caifornia You can goole news articles on these two movements. VP invited a bunch of them to HQs to join in his ministry. Some went back and promoted VPs teachings. As their groups started to grow they were called The Way east the the Way West. But VP wan't happy because the revenue wasn't coming in to HQs (go figure). He then went out and got together with the leadership in both areas and brought in some ex military friends and basically booted all the leaders out and took over. Hail to the chief! Hiel Hilter. Anyone else?
  17. polar bear

    Guitar Talk

    Probably some books would be better Dooj. Then she can go at her own pace. Local music store would have them. After she learns the chords and fingering "chordie.com" has great tabs for most pop songs. Bring her up when you come I'll give her some help too.
  18. It's you're birthday you can act any way you want. Just keep it legal. Have a happy day.
  19. polar bear

    Never give in...

    Honey where did you find that guy who's putting in the pool.
  20. Bless you Roy. Nothing wrong with sharing your heart or your opinion. Some go overboard like those preachers you talked about and try to control or force their opinions on others. That's where there is a problem. Glad we got away from that stuff.
  21. I should have said you can fix anything with duct tape except twi.
  22. Can't believe I missed your birthday post. Glad you are here.
  23. That's why I stayed so long. I thought I could help make a difference. Boy was I wrong. Tried to change things for 30 years. Got nowhere. Don't be a stupid as I was and waste your time.
  24. While in twi it was repeatedly taught that God's love is unconditional. But in reality twi doesn't live it. This is hypocritical and is a double standard. For instance you are taught to give so much and if you don't give that much you won't get blessed. In other Words you only get God's love if you earn it. In reality God says that you give whatever you want to give purely out of a loving heart in response to God's love for you. How could anyone love a God that makes you earn his love. It's just a way for them to control their followers. Another example, is if you do something wrong. Many times people are put on probation or watched to make sure they are living according to the twi standard. Does God's love end if you make a mistake, do we have to earn God's approval after we've sinned. No way. God's love is unconditional and I mean unconditional. All you have to do is ask for forgiveness and it's there no matter what. You can't walk around guessing how to get back in God's good grace or how to get back into the good grace of other people. What hogwash. And now for the grand finale. If you leave twi do they still talk to you and fellowship with you. No way, you are marked you are forgotten about, you are rubbish in their sight. They even make up lies to tell their people about how you were tricked and are out of fellowship with God and even in some instances possessed. Is that love? When you were with them they would do anything for you, now you are not to be mentioned. What a double standard. That is not unconditional love it's not even love in any form or fashion. I actually now feel sorry for those poor folks. Guess what if you don't love the way God set it up you aren't doin' the Word. No wonder most of the folks I formerly knew in twi have so many problems and they keep getting worse. If only someone could wake them up. Then there was greasepot.
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