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polar bear

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Everything posted by polar bear

  1. This is another Bill Mitchell, was married to Angela Alvarez. I think he may have been 6th or 7th corps.
  2. Next thing you know there'll be a hand crank car.LOL I'll stick to batteries.
  3. I think this is the postion for employment at der vey. (bent over real far)
  4. Dan-I checked and it seems to be working. Here is another version just in case.
  5. Another Dan-that was a great tune. That's what music is all about it takes you to another place. Love that smokey sound.Here's one for you. I grew up with motown and this was one of my favs. -
  6. Hey Vickles- It's all about "me' isn't it. LOL -good stuff.
  7. Hey Joe-Happy Birthday. Get out and have a blast.
  8. I have aaked a lot of questions about this subject I have some friends who have just retired and some who have been retired for many years. Most say "retire as early as you can." You have to decide however how much you are going to need upon retirement which requires some good planning. Keep things simple, don't go into too much debt and pay them off before you retire. Then you just have to figure out your monthly bills and make sure you have that. If you plan a few good investmenst that will give you a small return for extras like vacations etc. There are many ways to travel inexpensively, for instance a trailer or boat where you can live on them while you travel. Whatever you do make sure you are happy with where you are at and where you will be living on a fixed income. Just my 2 cents.
  9. Dear Linda-Happy Bday from myself and your fellow corps sister.
  10. You might be walking by the five sense if: -Instead of going out witnessing you go out to the local pub for a brew. -Instead of playing Way Productions after fellowship you put on a cd of Jethro Tull. -Instead of teaching from the "blue book" you put on a "blue movie". (opps VP did that)
  11. Thanks David-That was a great storey. Makes me think I have nothing to complain about.
  12. Happy Bday Cat- Sure you've had a busy day so relax-
  13. Last I heard he was in Florida. Anyone know exactly where he is or how to contact him?
  14. Bitchin! Remind me not to start a fight with you. LOL
  15. Rascal-LOY as a greasy used car salesman-LOL what a hoot. I wouldn't even buy a car from that guy.
  16. One thing is true:many of us stayed too long because we were deceived by the 5 senses. We thought VP was a great leader and MOG. I think all of us agree on that point.
  17. I think this whole issue can be cleared up by reviewing the correct phrase used which was "don't be deceived by the 5 senses. This way we still can recognize the 5 senses but are aware that there are spirutual forces in play. In the first place VP stole this information from BGL and secondly he didn't live it.
  18. I used to wonder why we held VP in such high regard. After all he was just a person, a so called minister. But when he started to present himself at a level of perfection that no one esle could achieve I began to wonder. We could never achieve that ability to reseach like he did. (We all know now he didn't do any of it, it was just a show). Then when anyone questioned anything, they were quickly dismissed as a troublemaker. At all costs we had to protect the image of the leader. We became like "Natzi's", willing to do almost anything to make the leader look good. He could never do anything wrong. We had to cover for any "kinks" in the armor". He was "so spiritual". Then reality set in. We realized we were duped. It's not like it's the only time it's ever happened. Time to wake up and "smell the coffee".
  19. Goey-In answer to your question. "NO", Notta, not a chance in hell. IF you must take the time to read many of the threads here and you will realize that there are many here including myself who knew the man personally. He looked great on camera but behind the scenes he was a different person. Money, power, lust, greed were his motives. Look how the ministry continued, many leaders followed his lead. Loy for example (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree).
  20. Happy Birthday-here's lookin' atchya.
  21. It's called "a conditioned response?. They would say "boy that's great" if the new theme was "Ring around the Rosie".
  22. Would this be another case of "the blind leading the blind"? My heart goes out to this poor soul. I hope that one day you find her WAW. I for one would be glad to do anything I can for her.
  23. The amount of clothing I wear is in direct proportion to how hot it is.
  24. This is not just a "Dear Jon" letter- Let's not get critical of each other, this is a valid debate and I also have pondered this subject with many others I knew even in "twi daze" and always had problems with it. I think the point here is VP tried to make formulas for many things in the word. You can't treat the Word like a math book. For example it does not say in the Word believing equals receiving. He made that up. I think for many of these ideas VP came up with it was part of the "VP show". " Here ye, here ye, step right up and see this magic formual that no one has known since the beginning of time". Just hand over your money. Where in the Word does it say that if you "want" something and you are "believing" for it as long as you have your needs in line with what you want, you are going to get it. Doesn't make one bit of sense. God promises to meet our needs, he says he knows what we need before we even ask. So why don't we get rid of all the "hocus pocus" and just simply pray and thank God for what he does and will do for us.
  25. "I love you Dot". Come up for a visit, It'll be snowing here soon.
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