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Tom Strange

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Everything posted by Tom Strange

  1. 2life... like HegotHope said, all welcome... and besides, this isn't the 7thCalvary thread, it's down the list a ways... this is the Rock of Valerie thread... JohngotOut... I'm looking at the pic... I think I can read lips... are you screaming "LO SHANTA" ??? it's kinda hard to tell from the side... and where's your name tag? did you really jump or did that guy just throw you off because you were trying to sign him up for the class...? ... confusion will be my epitath...
  2. hmmmm... the prayer closet... I think I've seen that on the internet somewhere... I mean, I've heard about it.... never actually seen it... somewhere over there in the yahoo groups..... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  3. Reverend2Ts... what meaneth all of this prattle of stars and hustler magazines and the spanking of the monkeys?... which way doth the sign pointeth?... MyseestorsExandniKa... do not touch the hem of that trenchcoat... that's the one he wears when he's "witnessing"... you'll need to wait until Simontheloaded gets back with his worship rainment from the laundry... Here my fellowsheep... I have brought for thee many refreshments... the juice of the cactus, the butter of the peanut, the honey of the bee... now therefore go forth with gladness in your hearts that you have also (Bullinger) been touched this day by the hand of the lord when he said unto you "don't forget the chips".... And ye elder and yonger corps visitors may likewise partake of the refreshing ointment of the monkey... thank you and god bless, send your donations to Rose 328... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  4. Graytype... it was Reverend2Ts that was called upon... I was moved by the spirits... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  5. thank you for the "word" myseestorniKa... I'm glad you got to enjoy our nice weather down here this weekend... I think I'm gonna send you a PT... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  6. ahhh.... Monday.... aaaagggghhhhh!!!! ... confusion will be my epitath...
  7. I agree with Krys... let's just stop... sorry Rottie... things were informative and fun... I've seen so much I want to comment on just since I was here Saturday... but I think it's better to let them go (my thoughts)... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  8. Yes MyseestorEx... that's all we have to do... (no stringing chairs, handing out pamphlets)... we will have to get some green cards signed (and donated) though to reach our goal of three classes... Hey JohngotHope, speaking of the tower in the background, did you go on the roller coaster there? Revelation Reverend2Ts? Val52, you'll never even know we're there because we'll just wear nametags of the ones that don't show up! ... confusion will be my epitath...
  9. here you go.... take this... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  10. MyseestorEx... come away from this thread with me... where's your glass? Rottie: you've been having too much fun here... settle down or we'll have to get out the hose! ... confusion will be my epitath...
  11. rottie... (in case you didn't get it)... apple, pear... ???? apple, pair.... now, go iron my shirts! :P--> ... confusion will be my epitath...
  12. HopeR... you can sneak in with us 9th... but keep it on the QT... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  13. ya know George, I was going to post at about the same time as you... I was going to say that about all I remember after that class was thinking that I'd always gone to the other classes and felt like I'd grown and learned... after that class I was kinda disappointed... Teek looked like a nice dog but... other than that... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  14. (((((sweet niKa))))) and many parenthesis to the rest of the breather in here on this our thread... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  15. MyseestorEx, I think ourseestorVal gave up on the thread when she saw us all running towards her... so we'll all just keep this to ourselves and then they won't know we're coming... OK? shhh... we'll just use our inside voices... psst... myseestorEx, I saw valknowlesbreathingmethod over in the state threads under nevada... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  16. Driving in Atlanta.... sucks! it's worse than Dallas... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  17. well... I'll see it this weekend probably... 6er, no wonder I couldn't understand what my stepson was telling me... I saw 1, he saw 1&2, now the way you describe it makes (no) sense but matches what he said which made (no) sense... so I'll just enjoy the movie, because I like his movies too... ... confusion will be my epitath...
  18. is your Mom in the same town as you? or near? love each other much... (I know you do) drop in every once in a while... hey! we're gonna run some classes in las vegas with the elders! ... confusion will be my epitath...
  19. 6er... I'm a little behind on my porn euphemisms... what are you trying to say? ... big hitter, the lama...
  20. Valerie? have we gotten out of hand? just wait! ... big hitter, the lama...
  21. just think... we could play the class... the "original" video class with the skinny tie... on the video monitors at the casino! can you imagineer that??? we'll do a marathon, he11 we'll let them gamble during the class! (the casino will have to ABS with us)... and then, in session 12... they all stand... and ... the pneuma... the hagion... LO SHANTA! ... big hitter, the lama...
  22. I'm tellin' ya... you guys are gonna be sorry... you got it all wrong... ... big hitter, the lama...
  23. here myseestorEx... take this one... I've just "refreshed" it.... :D--> ... and the Rocket and Simontheloaded will not have far to travail... KarmicOneder and DotDotDot... think of the multitudes! I bet we could get three maybe four classes together in that town of heathens... ... big hitter, the lama...
  24. thank you mybrother2Ts for those words of weesdom... or were they words of knowledge? no matter, the important thing is that there will be absolutely no need for a WOW burger tent! This may come as a surprise to you, but God has told me to tell you that there are many, many buffets in the city of lights in the desert... and they have dessert cart at each one... thus leaving you, Reverend2Ts and Simontheloaded, plenty of time to put together the teachings and organize the video collection... MyseestorEx, where's your glass? It looks half full to me... let me get you some more... ... big hitter, the lama...
  25. anyone know them? where they are? still in? ... big hitter, the lama...
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