Tumbleweed Kid
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There were two teachings about Noah by VeePee at an Advanced Class. One in which he said Noah's nakeness was that he got castrated. He later had Walter C teach at a later Advanced class that it was Noah's wife that the son saw/sexed. I don't remember Vee PEE being upset about it. Just "further research."
I never went Kansas. Here is a link to USATODAY that shows a Veteran's Day parade. BTW thanks to all you VETS!!!!! http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2004-1...ts-kansas_x.htm
Belle, The best advise I got was not to go to a fellowship of any kind for a year. Going to a fellowship was an addiction for me. I hear some of my best friends to this day saying, "I need fellowship" like it's crack. Good thing their not Moses, I bet he would have given anything to be alone every once in a while once the children of israel got into the wilderness, or what about Paul's 14 yr exile? Anyway, don't go to a fellowship for one year and see what happens.
Welcome to the Greasespot Cliche Festival!
Tumbleweed Kid replied to WordWolf's topic in About The Way
Welcome to the Greasespot Cliche Festival!
Tumbleweed Kid replied to WordWolf's topic in About The Way
SIT like a house on fire.... Oh boy!!! -
Skyrider, I believe there was a benefit that: you could take the class again for free... Except they ended the class
How do you spell defeat? "S-T-O-L-E-N P-E-O-P-L-E" Cool!!! I bet the off shoots are bigger than TWI by now. There's got to be at least two that are bigger than TWI.
I really think Kerry did a great job in the debate. Most of my life, I’ve been in favor of the Dems. I really appreciate the fact that Kerry had the guts to go to Viet Nam, and not hide behind his daddy’s money or congressional title. If you know how politics work, you know that a congressman has great power over a National Guard unit. Hiding behind money is something I hate, Bush or O.J., it's the same to me. As far as changing one's opinion on something once you've gained more data, all of us that left the WAY would be flip-floppers according to the Bush administration. Apply that to Viet Nam, Iraq, or anyother issue. If you gain valuable information on a subject and change your mind due to new data, isn't that being logical? My first Republican vote was for Mayor G. in New York. My father would sh** if he were alive. Winning a debate might prove you’re a great debater, however, that is not the measure I will use to decide how to cast my next vote. Right now, the Bush team in general is hard to beat. I don’t like Rumsfield. Big bag of hot air as far as I’m concern, even though he did help people out of the Pentagon when the plane hit (hero status deserved for that). Several text books (go to McGraw-Hill, student web site to confirm) for college level economics point out that Bush’s tax break was exactly the right thing to do to save the economy, and that it was planned before he won the election. He is credited with having one of the best economic advisory teams around. Don’t know anything about Kerry’s economic advisors. Sec. Powell is a great head of the State Department. Don’t know anything about Kerry’s plans for Sec. Of State? In general, the Bush TEAM has PAST PERFORMANCE. Don’t know anything about Kerry’s TEAM’s past performance. Won’t be surprised if Bin Laden is captured in the next few weeks. That would be a very big factor in how people vote… I think Kerry won the debate, based on being sharp in speech, quick with answers, and other points, but that and a $1.25 will get you a small cup of coffee. Despite the massive character flaws I see in Bush, right now I'm leaning heavily in his direction due to the team he brings to the table. I am praying for our country as well!!!!
Recent outies (last 5 years) - why did you leave? (I'm curious)
Tumbleweed Kid replied to Steve!'s topic in About The Way
I'm sure I've written before, but there are several points: Seeing the "spiritually sharp" needing a lawsuit to show them that Craig was evil was one point among many. A man was marked and avoided to coverup Craig's affair with his wife at Gunnison and a Corp person told be about it three or so years after it happened. The corps guy said "at least we aren't as bad as the catholics" and I thought, We aren't??? We are worse! Was able to keep my family together, thank God, but there were several attacks against my family to try to break us up as well. More harmony in the home, a promise from the Green card registration of PFAL, was a joke. A lack of action by the ministry to rid itself of Craig's teachings was another. Could write for days but must go pray with my kids.. May those still in be safe and smart enough to get out! -
Sorry Lifted Up, I've been swamped at work. you said, "When was that, may I ask? Reason I ask is that I got involved at Indy back in the '70s. My lightbearers time was in Durant, OK (in 1978 as noted aboce). I was lightbearer in 1992 in Indy. Funny, we got a class together with seven registered but only one or two people we witnessed to were in the class. Being at Indiana Campus, we were not able to follow up on people, so I don't know why they didn't make it to class. The class had seven for the last session, but only one of two from our efforts. Humm
I had a blast going out lightbearers to INDY. It was two weeks of cutting up, darts every night in a dart bar. Our senior corps wife did cheers at the bus stop. We cleaned some guys apartment for him. We got our seven together with time to spare. When we went back, one guy thanked us and said we saved his life because he was out of control before we came along. We also started deaf outreach which was pretty cool. Do I regret witnessinging, yeah some, but lightbearers was a ton of fun!
Wierwille's Actions vs. His Words: Starting Over
Tumbleweed Kid replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Mike, PFAL was retired, sold at a discounted price and replaced with "The Present Truth" and syllabus study. Corps were instructed to teach what they were taught on Corps Nights. Just because PFAL books were printed, doesn't mean it was being taught. Also, PFAL covers John the Baptist "leaping for joy" at the hearing of Mary's voice, but that doesn't mean that a fetus reaction to a voice, or a fetus having "joy" was fit into a teaching on when life started. That section of PFAL was not included in the discussion on soul life, interestingly enough. So just because something is taught in PFAL doesn't mean it was fully studied or uses enough "data' to insure a fully populated field. PFAL had many "sample" data sets in its research process. This is the error that was carried thorough-out future leadership teaching and research practises. Truth is not easy to come by, if it were, we could have figured out four cruxified on our own, but how many of us did. Something about Study to show thyself approved, and study being work comes to mind? PFAL is flawed in that it gives many the false impression that they have the "whole truth" and the "keys" to Biblical Research simply by knowing a few rules. Oakspear starts with attack the man, if the man is wrong, then his argument is wrong. Not always the case. Truth is truth. You can mix false doctrine in and cause great pain. Remember, God is love, Love is blind, Ray Charles was blind, could Ray be God? Opps, fallacy. -
Okay, We know that Rob Howe's been here, and Sis, Come on F-18, where are you? Funny how the two Family 18 men that told the dirtest jokes during our first Family meeting ended up being Limb Coordinators. Where is Family 18???
Danteh1, I think they need your services in Iraq :D--> :D-->
Not only do they not transfer, but my transcipt came back with the wrong date of birth. So much for paying attention to detail. Too much time paying attention to "da tail" instead, by campus officials. Also there are people that have told employers in my area that they have an accredited degree, which is not the case. One lady is working as a classroom assistant based on that fact. Way brain keeps her from finding out the truth. Hope she didn't sign papers to saying it is a real degree.
Oh yes!!! You might be in a cult if you spend your vacation driving a "honey wagon" from sun-up to sun-down, so the Word can move.. Damn Chimmy Chungas
If your child gets upset and vomits because of the smell of fresh cut grass in the full service tent at the Rock of Ages, and someone reproves you because your child throws up, You might be in a cult!
If you go to the eye doctor and your daughter thinks the device for covering the eye is a "rod of correction" ...You might be in a cult. Just happened today ;)-->
If you spend more on car repairs on a used car than a new car would cost just to say your not in debt... you might be in a cult. If your paying more in rent for a two bedroom apartment than the "unbeliever" is paying for a mortgage on a three bedroom house in a nicer neighborhood... you might be in a cult
Has anyone heard of Fred Fiedler's workd on Leadership Contingency Theory? He used the phrase Least Perferred Co-Worker. The Way International uses a least preferred christian approach. How about Maslow's theory? Oldies on page two or three of this thread listed several of Maslow's elements in his pyramid. My point is there are several Organizational Behavior practices used by TWI to control people. Of course people were not asked to jump off a cliff literally. However, by repeated Behavioral practices documented on this web site, it is clear that several Organizational Behaviorial Doctorate Degrees could be written. Once you were Way Corps, you reach the top of Maslow's pyramid. The level below that was like being an advanced class grad. Level three was a WOW ambassador or Way Disciple. Level two was an accepted member of a fellowship. Level one was the new grad, "just getting by, a babe in the word". What was LCM's degree in again? He may have been a jock, but look at how well Oldies is fooled into thinking people were not subject to Organizational Behavioral tactics. No offense Oldie, but you are pretty well accepting of the tricks used by the Way if your honest. We all were, but some of us are now warning others. You seem to be in great denial. I hope you get past this phase sooner than later.
It was clearly the policy at one time for individuals to think through for themselves, without regulation, what was worth being in debt for and what was not. The flow of words in the document show that their was a win win situation for a mortgage borrower and the lender. And as WordWolf clearly states, Present truth means being present as in a roll call. Truth is eternal and does not change, otherwise we would be stuck with the doctrine of the day.
I remember "Truth is eternal" being taught in PFAL. Then we come to the "present truth" Well I finally found my "budget" notes from in-residence and here is a short clipping from a Way Ministry handout: * * * A home or a business investment may be worthy of financing in light of its appreciative value or projected net return on investment. These also must be weighed carefully, for it is generally best to invest in a business only the funds that are actually your own. What is debt? Debt is borrowing to purchase a depreciating item (a car, for example). Is a house a debt? History indicates that it is an appreciating item. The mortgage holder receives the interest and the buyer receives the appreciation. There are favorable tax advantages to home ownership that can make purchasing a home a good investment. * * * Thought you'd enjoy seeing how things change. Does anyone know how much housing cost have risen since the great revelation to not buy a house and sell the one you have if you have a mortgage was declared?
CKEER, I think you'd be better off with a fleet of ships flying in formation. There are great gas powered models available as well. Of course, you could rent a plane and take photos for about the same price.
Who's Living in Mrs. Wierwille's Home Now?
Tumbleweed Kid replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
Grizzy, You the Bear!!! It would be interesting to find out how long those that think the WAy did nothing wrong have been around. I'll bet most are WAP grads and not PFAL grads, from the days after Dr. taugh your Word is your bond... LCM left that out of WAP -
Who's Living in Mrs. Wierwille's Home Now?
Tumbleweed Kid replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
Cherished Child, To me there were many things written between the lines. First, that Mrs. W. would have her "mark and avoided" daughter as her first choice for Power of Attorney, instead of a "standing believer" spoke volumes to me. She ignored the doctrines of the ministry to pick the person she felt best for the job. Second, Myles_Ahead makes a great point about the promises made by the clergy and how LCM clearly stated that they needed to take care of Mrs. W. I got a call last weekend from a current Way fellowshipper that didn't know Mrs. W. was in a nursing home unsupported by the Way. I believe the public announcement by JP was instrumental in keeping everyone informed about HQ's ideas.