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Everything posted by ladycat
IMO I think I was seeking structure after the wild 60's and laid back 70's and as my parents would spank me, I thought I was doing the right thing by physically disciplineing my kids. My dad use to make us lie across out beds and wack us with a belt. I never forgot to hug my kids after using the spoon on them. LOL I can't believe I did that and thought it was right. It is amazing that my kids grew up to be healthy, responsible happy adults. I think it is beacuse they knew-know I love them. And now one has a child, he knows how frustrating it is to figure out raising kids - where to draw the line, how to pick your battles. Can't just let them run wild, but can't beat them into submission either. Kinda like my x-husbands - can't live with 'em, can't shoot them. HAHA But I still love them, even tho they are ex's. God bless us all!!
Came from being in too many leadership meetings where butts got reamed in public. Even vpw did it on Corps nights. Full of himself he was. God bless us all!
The most ludicrous thing of all is the corps leaders son who was a smart mouth and a bully, too. I caught him somewhere he was not supose to be and told him to please leave. He said "Do you know who my father is?" And I said , Yeah, do you know who MY Father is?" Never saw the rod used in public on THAT behind. No, corps kids had is rough. Between the townies calling them names and the repressed understanding of what-how kids act, they heard it all day long. My kids were little 4 & 5. It was harder for teens. No such thing as spiritual coat tails. Some learned that harder than others. Out on "the field" single no-kids leaders were always trying to tell us how and when to discipline our kids (like single never married leaders or a priest tring to tell you about how your marriage should be). I was in trouble alot because my standard answer was, "when you have kids, then we'll talk. Otherwise Butt OUT." I'll never forget when CB and GB finally had a son old enough to attend childrens fellowship and how he cried not to go. I said to C "Different when the shoe is on YOUR foot, isn't it?" She just gave me a look. It was breaking her heart to leave him, I could tell. But she WAS the example, right? God bless us all!
OM Sorry, getting in this late. As a Family Corps person, back in the early 80's, not only did I witness the Corps leader smack a 3 year old repeatedly with a spoon on his thigh because he would not say "sorry", but I saw it happen again and again in "Children's Fellowship". This happened in the middle of the Hall as the poor baby cried so hard he was beside himself. He was 3!! The poor mom stood by, as, gosh, this was the Family Corps LEADER, he could not be wrong, could he? This is not love and this was not the correct use of "the rod". I was flat out bullying. Re-write history? No, just telling the truth. I think, OM, you only want to admit to the good you believe you saw. If anyone wishes to re-write history, it's you. The truth hurts sometimes. Deal with it. BUt don't call people liars, even if you don't specifically use that word. After 5 months in the family corps (7), I told CB & GB to NEVER again hit, reprove physically, use the rod, whatever they wanted to call it, my children. If they were SO disobedient, come get me. If anyone reads this, has anyone ever reported sexual child abuse in the Indiana campus? SO many threads it's hard to find. God does heal hearts and minds. Sometimes it takes a long long long time. My son is 28 and is still not over being hit by some stranger. We were stupid to accept it. I am ashamed I did. My son has forgiven but will never forget. God bless us all!
I am ladycat.......because...........I am a lady... and my name is CAThy....so lady+cat... I read more than I post. Someday I may tell my story. I am just happy I got out when I did (late 80's) before all the really horrible stuff went around. I was M&A before there was an M&A as not only was I a "dominering wife" but I liked to say "chapter and verse?" too much.
Looking for Gwen or Paul Pallante. Please e-mail me. Thanks, ~~Cat
IMF777, You seem to always reference someone or something else. Some one told you that someone said or someone else read a book and they say... If you never were in twi, why are you here? ~~Cat
Witches do not worship satan. They do not even believe in satan or the devil. Witches or Wiccans or followers of the old religion or the Craft worship Diety, God, as a duality, both male God and female Goddess. They seek to harm no one but to be harmonious with God the creator and His creation, Earth. It is an earth based religion of reverance to all things. Satanists worship satan. ~~Cat
Sex and the City - spoilers for you LeftCoasters!
ladycat replied to Hope R.'s topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Well, Carrie goes downstairs to get another room and, as she stoops to pick up her dropped purse, Big walks in. And she is surprized and starts to cry. He goes over and lifts her up and she tells him it's over with the russian and that he slapped her.... with that, Big gets angry and swears to beat his a**. He starts to run up the stairs and she is following him telling him he doesn't have to rescue her and he says there is nothing she can do to stop him. With that, she tripps him and they fall in a heap on the floor, laughing. Next scene, they are walking outside the hotel, still laughing. Big say" Wow, kiddo, most people come to Paris to fall in love. And you came to Paris to get slapped". And they are both giggling like kids. Carrie is cold and he puts his coat around her. She looks up into his face and satmmers" Why.....how did you get here?" "It took me a long time to get here, but here I am." he says. "Carrie, you are the one." And he gets choked up. Carrie smiles and says" Oh, kiss me you cry-baby" and they kiss....and kisss...and she says. "I miss New York. Take me home." And they walk off together. ~~Cat -
Hey, Brady, Well, the kids are all grown. Chris is engaged and has a 5 yr old step son. He lives down in Cutler Ridge. Mandy is a high school teacher in Orlando. Hector is living in Broward somehwere with his 3rd wife and I am having a lovely time in the capital. ~~Cat
I met many great people. I saw God work in my life as I never even imagined He could. I met my first husband and have 2 wonderful grown up kids who both love God and seek His counsel even tho we left twi. Whatever abs I sent was done with a right heart and I believe we were blessed by God because of it. I am glad I got out before all the "law" was imposed. But then again, I got out because it was begining and I knew it was wrong. Although divorced, I am glad I met the father of my children and helped teach him about God. I like to think the whole experience made me a stronger person. I cannot say "what if" because I don't know. Maybe better, maybe worse. I am who and what I am because of all the experiences of my life. Blessings to you all, ~~Cat
Hey Brady!! I lived in Miami Beach the last time I saw you, my husband (now ex) and 2 kids and I had a way home there in a big white house where we ran lots of "stuff". My kids are all grown up now and I live in Tallahassee. Do you remember???? Cat aka ladycat ~~Cat
And what is wrong with beer? Mike, you come off as a looking-down-my-nose-at-you-poor-jerks-who-do-not-follow-the-god-man-"DR". And what if your shopping trip did not come up with "the truth"? If the truth did come "on sale" you would not buy it because you are too blinded by the truthyou think you have. ~~Cat
MIKE wrote: As I skim over this topic, this just caught my eye. It sounds as if it should be "Saint" Dr. IMHO and as a writter, if someone takes my writtings word-for-word and publishes them as his own without any notice that the "quote" is from my writtings, then that is stealing. vpw's writtings were not "God Breathed". They are not included in the "word". They are his or (and as we know) many others opinions on what he believed or wanted us to believe. For someone who regarded precision in words as so important, he forgot to apply it to himself. Give God the glory. Not man, men, but God. What we did learn in twi I, II, III or whatever was because of our Father who loved/loves us. Seperate good from evil: cling to the good, abhor the evil. ******************************* PS: Hey Brady B. Do you remember me? I was in Miami LONG time ago. ~~Cat
I was "in" from 1973 til 1991. Maybe it was different for me because I believed the part about everyone being equal spiritually and no one was better than anyone else; that God chose me before the foundation of the world and that Christ died for me, too and there was no special dispensation for "leadership". Maybe it was because I was a wife and mother raising 2 kids and thought of as not important enough to pick on. Maybe it was because I knew the bible enough to throw chapter and verse back in their faces when someone got in mine. At the last ROA I attended, whenever PP came out, I could feel the wierdness in the air. Tho at that time I had been dropped from the corps, I believed only God could drop me from the household, so I asked my friends, insiders etc what in the he** was going on. And when I was told, I went home to FL and decided to be true to myself and the bible I knew. And when it got really wierd, I left. ~~Cat
I raised my kids in twi. We always had a tree and presents and food and even Santa. I remember in corpse resd at RC we had a Santa for the kids. Christmas was always magical for my kids. I use to make 17 different kinds of cookies just like my mom did. We knew is wasn't the birth of Jesus ( we did a thingy for that in Sept)but we kept christmas about love and giving and surprize and family. Blessings, Cat ~~Cat
Hello guys! I was WOW with Buddy and Ian "Doug" Murphy. I saw CH last year when he came to Tallahassee for his son's baseball game. I have pictures, too. All I remember is waking up on Saturday or Sunday mornings and the floor being covered with sleeping men and Alan Ripke laying on the couch. I stayed for 2 more years after my WOW year, married a Dominican and have 2 wonderful children, all grown up now. So VERY looooong ago...... Blessings, Cat ~~Cat
I remember Danny and his family as I was F7. He was the first Cajun I ever met and I had no idea what a cajun was (being white bread Ohio and all) Now I live in the South too and eat crawfish and cook greens! Blessing, Danny!! ~~Cat
There was a "limb disguised as a Twig" in New Lime, OH, about 45 adults and 60 kids. Anyone know abut any of them?? Ray & Vera were the mom & pop that ran it, friends of the Mal Georges, sons Jeff and David ~~Cat