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Everything posted by ohbehave
I think your right Ex, Simonize is jealous. He's jealous of my HAT!!
Simonthemostest, thank you for once again sharpening my iron. The correct spelling is Shar-Pei. I missed the "-" and without the "-" thats .... no deal!
Hey I started a new page! That's a first!
Exie girl you are the most dearest darling and mwah back at ya! I've been meaning to tell you I put the pic of the cute chubby baby sitting next to the shar pei puppy on my desktop at work. I always have visitors stop by to see it because its so cute!
Ex, it looks like my keyboard is the tongue of IBM
Dear Nika, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know you and your family are in my prayers and look forward to the day you will see your Dad again.
right on Alfalfakat! I can't go to sleep, its 1:10 a.m., I have to go to work tomorrow, but I can't go to sleep.
Simondumpedonus, Ex and Oh forgive you because well gosh darn it ...we love you love you love you and we'll sing it once again ex and oh loves you loves you loves you comes back the glad refrain etc. etc. etc.
Ex, I'm not sure if the Anderson trio said that but they probably did due to the spiritual frustration. Simonthemostest, you had me thinking you were tapping into your feminine side there for a moment :D--> Rev. TT, I can't undergo a new assignment yet until I finish the circle drive rock removal. I need a volunteer. I think I'll see if Rock .... y Balboa will help. I just know he'll say ... here am I send me. Hmmmmm, Free Bird, wasn't Free Bird a Lynard Skynard song? Did I spell that name right? Oh the humanity!
our elder cork, hegotphotographed, looks mighty fine in that t-shirt. Morning Ex and TT, yawn
I'll remove rocks from the circle drive
got a Gail and Frances Winegarner story for you. I hadn't even had pfil yet, I think I was like 16 years old. Well the Winegarner's came to OKC during one of their roves. After the teaching I helped with refreshments. I was cruising around with a plate of cookies, came up to Gail/Frances (the man) and offered to him. Well he says "get thee behind me satan." Wow man, totally freaked me out. He was teasing but I had no idea what the he!! I had done to get a response like that from him.
Simondotmaker, Nika has led you into the more perfect way. Exkittycat - HI!!!!! Where the heck is Rev. Twin T's?
Simon-sniffs-lotus-blossoms, you make me laugh!
I'm doing fine on cloud nine oh Simonthemostest! Except for this one thing. Last night I kept dreaming about car mufflers. I mean I had one dream after another about them. When I woke up I was exhaust-ed.
I just had to make a contribution to the tread of all ages!! Sophia: My dog doesn't have a nose. Susie: How does it smell? Sophia: Awful!
Hi Abigail, I'm not an expert but I know of a product you can use as far as cleaning up the messes that works better than anything I've ever tried. It's called Nature's Miracle and can be purchased at pet shops. It's a real well known product so I don't think you will have a problem finding it. It is a liquid that you simply apply to the spot and let it do its thing for about 5 minutes then blot. I really believe it's the best thing you can use. It totally takes care of odor and isn't very expensive, plus they have a money back guarantee. Even though your dog resists, it seems like the best thing would be taking him for a walk, maybe fifteen minutes, morning and evening, to assist in cleaning him out. It is unusual for a mature dog to go to the bathroom in the house he lives in as he would consider it his "den" and not want to soil it. Soooo, even though he may not want to venture out in the cold, it is in his best interest. A visit to the vet is a good idea too just to make sure he checks out okay. Hope this helps!
Hi ovr50nfree, Hey I may be back in the land of the sun by that time. Since I won't be able to attend the party in July can I come to the February gathering?
Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood ...
You all are going to have a good time! I remember the grilled chicken pizza being very good. Uhot, I've been to the Grand Canyon (what a place to watch a sunrise!) but not the other places you mentioned. Have you ever hiked in Bear Canyon to Seven Falls in the Tucson area? Beautiful! If you all go to the Oreganos in Flag you'll have cool weather and good food. The one in Flag has a nice covered patio area. OhshucksI'mnotinArizonabutamhopingtoreturnoneday :D-->
Thank you Rockymountainhigh!
Rockybalboa I loved Oreganos! What is that dessert they serve called, the huge warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top? Their pizza is the best!
Please don't mind me I'm just trying to get that GS Regular thingy changed. Wonder how many times I need to post?
Let's see now .. if memory serves me correctly I think it goes like this: You put your right hand in .. you put your right out .. you put your right hand in and then you shake it all about .. you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around .. that's what its all about.
Hegotoutbutcameinthroughthekitchenwindow :D--> :D--> I just saw that great pic you posted of Donnie on the other thread. Man, that did make me cry! Sure miss him. Long ago, before the Way became sooooo unloving and unkind, a person could take other classes before taking Pfil. Well my very first class to ever take, in fact months before I took Pfil, was W & U by Donnie. It was an audio class and I think about 90% of it was laughter. We couldn't tell what Donnie was doing to make the people laugh since it was audio, but we laughed right along with them. He loved loved loved the people!