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Everything posted by MarkedAndAvoided
I have to agree with Garth in that, specifically, the Sanhedren convinced the Roman authorities to kill Jesus and even inspired mob crowds against him. That is the biblical record, so actually, CERTAIN Jews killed Jesus and NOT ALL Jews killed Jesus, along with CERTAIN Romans. To say that Gibson is anti-semitic is like saying that those who do movies on World War II are anti-German or anti-Japanese, or those that do movies on the American Revolution are anti-British. We are just dealing with historical records and they are what they are. But it is true that as far as to those that believe in Christ and are Christians, the belief is that Christ died for our sins and that we all sinned and came short of the glory of God. So we all killed Jesus in that respect since he had to die to save us. Marked and Avoided
Same sex marriage-Massachusetts
MarkedAndAvoided replied to J0nny Ling0's topic in The Birds and the Bees
The Massachusetts law when written was intended for a man and a woman because at the time it was written it was inconceivable that a marriage would take place any other way. The Massachusetts Supreme Court absolutely knew this and instead of interpreting the law as it should have been interpreted, became the activist jurist body they were and "re-wrote" it to include their own political beliefs without changing a word of the language. It once was that I used to just tolerate homosexuals if they kept to themselves and did their own thing. I could have cared less. But now, I am the opposite. I have had enough. I am opposed to gay marriage. I am opposed to gay civil unions. I am opposed to any more protection by the law based on sexual preference. I believe now in the right to discriminate against them and to practice it, because it is the right thing to do. I believe it must be now said they are either spiritually "off" or mentally ill. If it is due to a genetic flaw, then it is just like any other genetic flaw, such as cystic fibrosis or Downs syndrome, and the American medical and psychiatric communities must be compelled, and forced if necessary, by law, to find the problem and the cure. I believe in re-enacting and re-establishing every sodomy law on the books dealing with homosexuality. Jailing them won't do any good, but gives great ground to close down and eliminate every gay bar and gay sexual establishment in the country. I believe in breaking up every "gay" community in the country. We should punish any lawmaker or publically elected or appointed official that backs anything even remotely related to homosexual agendas. I have lost what tolerance I have had, and that wasn't much. My sympathy is gone. Anger has replaced it. Marked and Avoided -
MarkedAndAvoided replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
Rottie Grrrl: Terry Bradshaw was with the Pittsburgh Steelers and not the Patriots. Great thought, though. Had he been one of the two Patriots back then, he would probably be a Greasespotter now, wondering why the hell he did a spot for them. Ha! Then again, Greasespot would have marked and avoided him for that. Marked and Avoided -
I thought I saw LCM staring at a lot of guys once, then yelling at them. Since he gets his rocks off that way, or did, maybe he was thinking of them all naked. I don't know. Marked and Avoided
TWI by its teachings and practice has led many to commit suicide, so I say they do teach in an invisible way to kill for TWI. They just don't come out and say it. Marked and Avoided
I still don't believe that "gay" or homosexuality is the way nature intended. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister, and I still believe you will see her again. Of that I am confident. Marked and Avoided
Peeler case against TWI: court testimony
MarkedAndAvoided replied to IMF777's topic in About The Way
I don't know if perjury can be done in a civil case. I suppose it can. If so, Rosalie is guilty of all kinds of perjury. I think the Peelers should go after that. Marked and Avoided -
If TWI were in bankrupcy, what would you bid on at the auction?
MarkedAndAvoided replied to IMF777's topic in About The Way
I'd probably try to get the entire International grounds, start from scratch, give all property back to the Wierwilles and lease it from them instead, open the firegrounds to visitors and treat it like the cemetary it is, and let CFF, CES, CBC, and whatever off-shoot there was use it again so long as they all get along. But all would be welcomed back and I would issue a formal apology in TWI's behalf whether they liked it or not. Then I would snatch and keep the big Way Corps seal. Marked and Avoided -
No! No! It's about a witch! It's about witchcraft! Watching that movie will suck the holy spirit right out of you and you will all burn in hell tied to a broomstick, you heathen animals. Marked and Avoided
Well, I have to give credit to Harve there. He paid his respects. That's a lot more than what others have done before. Marked and Avoided
If TWI charges anything, just the cost of room and board if at TWI. If not at TWI, the cost of hotels and such are borne by the attendee. The "registration" and "cost" of the class should already have been provided in the abundant sharing. Any costs higher than lodging and meals are a rip-off. The entire Advanced Class "Special" was only created to make money anyway and not teach anything new. It is a waste of time and people are better off spending Thanksgiving or any holidays at home and with family. Marked and Avoided
I kept a lot of it, but threw out the Way songbooks as I never could stand the singing in fellowship without music. It was boring. Another throw out was "Christians Should Be Preposterous" and "Christian Upchuck", I mean "Christian Etiquette". Marked and Avoided
Everyone is going to flame me for this...but, I hope VPW AND Martindale can be forgiven. That doesn't mean you still let Martindale or anyone still take advantage of anyone. But if they can be forgiven, so many more of us can be forgiven. The best thing in my life was letting the bitterness die down a bit. I was already in Hell experiencing the frustrating bitterness of not being able to "get even". I have decided to let God be their judge. I want them both in Heaven. They won't be doing anything bad there, I am sure. I felt release in letting go and forgiving the Way. I don't visit them or let them push me around, you can be sure. But I cannot keep that bitterness in my heart. I can't. But I can sympathize and empathize with people that have a hard time forgetting or forgiving, especially the abused women. Marked and Avoided
A long time ago I was bugged for paying for the "honor" and the requirement of viewing the CFS class. I thought it sucked, and I am not using a pun here. It really blew. Again I am not using a pun here. What I meant to say was that it was pretty bad stuff and a waste of time and money. What say ye? Marked and Avoided
EXPLICIT: A Frank Discussion of Sex...
MarkedAndAvoided replied to Zixar's topic in The Birds and the Bees
Sex?!!! That is such a disgusting habit!!! Why, my wife and I abstain from that for fear of going to Hell!!!! Well, she abstains from that to keep me from getting any. I just go into denial about it to justify my lack of it... Oh, Oh, she's back, it is that time of month, no not the menstrual time, the other time... Oh My God, I am being attacked! My clothes are being ripped off! Arrrggghhh! (Charlie Brown sex orgy) A cigarette. Okay, time to go to work. Marked and Avoided -
I am so sorry to try to put Christmas into TWI. Cannot be done. I was contacted by Way Productions. They want me shot. Marked and Avoided
It was 1992, my last year with the Way as I was a twig coordinator and the "Keep it simple" is the one that year. He was African-American. He was the gutsy guy to turn away from Martindale instead of take it in his face. Martindale then lost an entire black fellowship. LCM, what drives his intellect is beyond me...the guy wasn't even trying to run the meeting or criticize Martindale. He may have ripped his armband off when I wasn't looking. It was Larry Panarello that chased him. Marked and Avoided
The First Noel... The Trustees Did Say... twas to certain poor Corps women wherever they lay... In beds, where they lay, in beds where they lay! Born again to serve them ever so well... Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel! Please keep your door unlocked on Household Holiday, Noel! Noel, Noel, Noel Noel! Give me all your money that you earned...so well! (Noel) Marked and Avoided
Thanks, all. Your comments really blessed my life. To be frank, when I left I was half-believing I might become that Greasespot at midnight. I honestly was shaking when I made the decision to split. The harrassment put me into a corner since it seemed I couldn't escape it without leaving town, and at the time couldn't because I had no money because TWI had it. I pretty much gave it to them while in. I think the fear turned to anger and the anger into near violent reactions. Thank God nothing became of all that. God Bless You all here at GS. Reading your support really boosted me. The doubts are gone. I feel I can relax a lot about my past now. Marked and Avoided
After I decided to break from TWI, I got several harassing letters and phone calls as well as being ignored and smugged at public places by TWI believers in the town I lived at that time over 11 years ago. On one phone call from a Corps twig coordinator's wife she called and repeatedly kept telling me I was "out of fellowship", banned from any contact, and outside God's protection. I was already shook up enough and my stress level was still high for a while, maybe worse after I left due to the letters in the mail I got telling me I was "led by Satan" "bewitched", and "of the devil". I finally asked the woman to get her husband on the phone and he got on. I told him that if he or his wife ever called me again, I would hang up the phone and regardless of consequences, would personally come down to his apartment and call him out on the street. I also told him (since the Corps grapevine couldn't keep a lockbox for a nickel anyway) that if anyone again treated me impolite or smug me again in public that I would personally force my approach and pound their a**. I did see them later but instead of giving me the smug look they all avoided me, which was fine for me, but I was hoping for something more peaceful. I just didn't know how to stop it from coming at me in those days. Did I use the wrong approach? Should I have used more reasoning? Marked and Avoided
Hi Excathedra...what's the pt place and how do I get there? I thought it meant previous topic. God Bless! Marked and Avoided
I had posted on Cherished Child's comment on the Twig Coordinators meeting that she went to and the difference in the one I witnessed in 1992 that I attended. They are definitely two separate events, and that does not surprise me that LCM would pull this more than one time. Martindale in 1992 chewed out a WOW African American guy that had an armband then, saying "I AM IN CHARGE HERE!", and the guy just turned and walked out of the tent with Martindale ridiculing him all the way out. No profanity then and the guy did not rip his armband off where we saw anything, (though I am sure he ripped it off later). Larry Panarello was the one to chase him, and out of curiosity, I slipped out the back of the tent to chase Panarello to see what was happening. The WOW guy went back and reported to his fellowship, mostly black, what had happened, and they all decided to leave. The WOW armbands came off not just one but several of them. Since there were more WOWs in that fellowship, they all took them off. It was peaceful, but I could pretty much tell they were telling Panarello to take a hike. Cherished Child's one gives a later time period, as the WOW program was canceled some years later after 1992, this guy ripped his armband off in front of everyone including Martindale, and John Reynolds chased him down. Really, it doesn't at all surprise me this happened twice at two different times with different events and people. Consider Martindale's ability to learn from his own previous mistakes... Marked and Avoided
I can sympathize with Cherished Child's story of the WOW and twig coordinator meeting run by LCM. He pulled that same stunt on another guy in front of us all at the 1992 Rock. I was apprentice Corps then and kept my mounth shut, but his treatment of people made me second-guess my involvement in the Corps. He was the leader and I didn't want to end up like him. At the Advanced Class special I was reprimanded for being late to a teaching at the WOW Auditorium. Of course, they did not seem to think that helping move a roommate of mine onto International grounds all night mattered and that I slept in a couple of hours. And no one would have noticed if it had not been for a snitching Corps sister that I had sponsored throughout her Corps years. I third-guessed my involvement in the Corps and then had doubts about the ministry. Then a believer employer ripped me off of a paycheck, he was my fellowship coordinator, so I did not go to his fellowship. He and others in the area black-balled me, falsly told Corps HQ that I was dropping from the Corps and spread that rumor causing some people to call International asking for their sponsorship money back. I had to write and advise them I hadn't dropped but they would be the first to know if I didn't show up. (That didn't go well). I then decided after going broke supporting the ministry and being black-balled for nothing, being reamed for nothing, to leave and chuck the whole ministry. I wrote a letter to the area coordinator who later announced it to the area Corps and I was marked and avoided. It took me about six months before I got over the feeling God was going to punish me. Marked and Avoided
I have some involvement in CES and some in CFF. I don't have any in CBC. Just for the record, while I was with CFF there was a clique, so to speak, of higher echelon believers you had to please. They did not force anything on anybody but some of them did quite frankly try to take over independent fellowships. CES is different. I have spoken with John Lynn, Mark Graeser, and John Schoenheit off and on since 1988 while I was still in the Way. They never once pressured anything or asked anything. They were pretty up front and honest. Sometimes too honest. Nothing behind your back. I learned to trust them. My wife and I are kind of looking forward to some fellowshipping with them. We plan to look into it after the New Year. I am sure they have their opinions and doctrines like everybody else. The difference was the lack of smugness, the lack of legalism, and the free will to be called upon or left alone. It is unfair to put CES on the same level as TWI. CES has them beat hands down. And I am not even trying to promote them. I am sure there are even churches out there just like CES that are quite refreshing. Marked and Avoided
For anyone considering of going back to TWI because they have no place to fellowship that agrees with them, I'll recommend the following: Christian Educational Services Christian Family Fellowship And finally, you may be able to locate ex-believers of the Way or former friends to fellowship with anyway at this site: Believer Links Another ministry operating is: Christian Biblical Counsel Thanks. Marked and Avoided