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Everything posted by signals
But none of that has a thing to do with signal’s point that you challenged. TWI’s tax exemptions extend to more than federal income tax, and the benefits they enjoy cost all applicable governments (state, county, federal, etc.). Those costs are paid for with tax money paid by others. That, I think, was signal’s point. Whatever you may think or know about personal income tax has nothing to do with that point.Thank-You long gone!
Stupid Question to all: How many got tax receits for their ABS??? A lot of money that the way gets are cash and untraceable for the most part. True charitable contributins don't amount to much in income tax these days, but back in the seventies they did. But who wants to file a 1040? At least that's what I thought back then. I should have gotten receits just for a paper record. Oh well live and learn and repeat! :D-->
Galen, just bear with me. You mention SSI in your response to long gone. You rattled my mind about a few things. The government(although obvious but ignored) and corp. do what they call 'double-dipping.' They tax you on your wages, then tax you at the beginning of the year. People who get refunds think...Great money coming back! Thing is in the meantime the gov made money from your interest which with all combined means billions! The taxes paid to it are just gravy! Shocking how many people don't realise that when you pay SSI it's for those already retired. Babyboomers are paying those retired. Now with babyboomers and a population drop...
Hi G, Not Shares...SHARE! Thanks for the info which I will research and if I'm wrong I stand corrected. Before the income they would tax goods and services. They wouldn't have put '...taxation without representation...' unless something was being taxed. Interesting 1935! Says a lot to me. Says We went through a depression and a useless Prohibition. Probably justifies starting a tax in the first place. I know in my city, records are kept on all properties that are businesses, churches and charitable organizations(or tax-exempt not for profits), owned homes, rented properties, schools and other government buildings, etc. Businesses in a warped way are suppose to alliviate the collection of taxes by home owners. But as they move out, taxes still remain and the tax payers are responsible. Now there are all sort of odd tricks to do so besides the inevitable of raising property taxes, like creating new taxes to existing bills. Trust me, it happens. Example:I use less water, but my bill is $20 more a month. But that is neither here nor there, because G, let's say you stumped me. It means I have to do more research along these lines, but something still smells rotten in Knoxville. A good point is that TWI is run like a government within itself. I remember a way politician in the late '70s who was caught using media exploitation tactics, often used in advertising but a no-no in politics. Of course he justified it but it was pure dribble. My conclusion is that TWI has friends in high places. Even though they pay no taxes, they do oil palms of those that will benefit them. The potion to politics is that hands are washed, backs are scratched, and someone has to leave a face imprint on a colon!
That WAS the way I understood it. A threat on our lives, subtly and sometimes not so subtly implied. People who did die, however accidently or otherwise, were held up as a prime example of what happens if you don't keep your lips glued on their "royal" rears properly, or give enough money- no question. MrH do you know how they died accidentally or otherwise? Things can look like accidents. Does the way still have all our names in their databank? When you move a few times and their newsletter follows you, they're tracking you.
Yeah he's dead, hooray! But I really don't care about him. See the offshoot cults and the reverends from him(legions that they are) are still leading people astray. You're right VPW couldn't care about what is said now or then. VPW can't give me what I want which is Ca-Ching! I care about the pockets not the maggot food! Besides it's useless here talking about him. I talk to FBI, Homeland Security, My Congressman, Senators, Attorneys, etc. Sure I know TWI has politicians, but mine don't play that game!
Since the only His Story I heard was that of the leader, I'd say Craig first learned his tactics in The People's Temple. He fellowshipped and studied with David Karesh. After TWI he was enlightened by Heaven's Gate but missed the comet and the mother ship!
The signals will soon start to fade :D--> --> I'll still come around, but like I said, I'm an extermist. I may post 100 comments in a week, then move on. I had a post that would have blown your minds, but somehow it erased by accident. I'm not going to type it again, I'll take it as a sign from God. Don't hold your breath that TWI is going to choke on that money, because you can send me money and I'll be glad to choke on it! Food for thought:TWI is still raping you out of cash. How? They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share. I question the word International. I think it's a weasel word that makes you think something different than what it means. But that's just me. Question: We were all told or understood that if you leave TWI you would die. What did that mean to you? Wayer: I'll be subjected to the spiritual battle, and without fellow believers to help me, the devil spirits will kill me and blah blah blah REALITY CHECK: IT WAS A THREAT ON YOUR LIFE! But then, what do I know???
The site doesn't claim how many took the clas, but how many people may have been effected by TWI over it's lifespan. Some people came to twigs and never took the class. Remember that the ministry began when Weirwille claims God talked to him. Here's the site(I'm sure you know it):Inside TWI You decide!
WHO'S THE BIGGEST GEEK? They call me Mr. Know It All, where's that put me? But on with the show... BOOKS I use books as reference except if they shed knowledge. I like books about life, pets and such, how-tos, about writing, non-fiction, etc. But like video killed the radio star, my computer has more information than books offer. MOVIES Use to be a big movie buff, but not anymore. I always liked comedy, a few horrors and an occasional suspence. Call me crazy, but I hate all science fiction and think they're overated! 'PUTERS After years I stil haven't figured out everything on mine and am still a bit iliterate. You see back in the '80s I joined a computer cult that would render everything we learned obsolete by the time we graduated. We learned binary, ForTran, or something. The keypunch operators graduated to an extinct job! MUSIC Use to be Led Zeppelin. Love Rush(get it). Mostly that type of rock but will listen to almost anything, like Avril Lavigne. PETS One dog. WORK My job's with local government from airport to sanitation to parks to code enforcement. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION '97 Lumina. Sometimes a truck, pick-up, or electric car at work! TRAVEL World-Canada, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Giberaltar, Maijorca. USA-Entire NY, NH, Mass, Conn, Penn, and NJ states. Wheeling, WVa. New Knoxville, Cinncinati, Columbus, Canton, Cleveland, Ohio. S/O Divorced "if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN"
How about some gossip or signals tabloid? Sure I can't prove it so take it with a grain of salt. When my entertainer/autograph hound friend was sitting with Marta Kristen(Lost In Space) she was speaking to him abouther daughter. Btw, I tend to shy away from celebrities, so I kind of observed from afar but close enough to hear things. When I see a celebrity my jaw drops and I freeze. Except for the wrestler's because they're all really buddies. Except for The Grave Digger or whatever his name is. He's like over 6 feet and has that 'don't f**k with me'face. Hulk Hogan can't shut-up. I drove Rick Flair to his car. Macho Man was on steroids...or drugs that sometimes mellow you other times make you forget that the bus is not the ring! Now back to the story(yeah, I rant and blame TWI!): Marta mentions that her daughter is on a show called 3rd Rock, which my friend never heard of and that's another story. She also said she works as a make-up artist. I once saw a sitcom that had that name under Make-up Artist at the end(don't know because I was bored or something. Guess who her daughter is? Look at the mother's name and look at the daughter's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't believe that all celebrities actually marry! Many in Hollywood(and if you can afford it it goes on in real life, too) have 'contract marriages' and have only to appear together. See image is everything, especially in Hollywood. I came across a confirmation of this at another discussion board long ago, where someone basically admitted to doing it and describing various details. Such as:She(I assumed)had a sex life(or secrets) she didn't want known about in an intimate relationship. In other words she would never be honest. Also she loved her freedom. She talked how this was a 5 year marriage where they just made appearences and it was the greatest thing she could do. After 5 years they seperate for irreconcileable differences or whatever. Others enter 1, 3, or whatever. You can even rent-a-family. Although she didn't say specifically what she did, she said she was part of that Hollywood circuit! Note: If you want me to link to the discussion boards you have to give me awhile because they are buried at that site and involve 2 different threads. Then you can judge for yourself...so stay tuned ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace be to TWI! I think in my day we still adressed the blessed name as The Way Ministry, but hey, if I only had a brain! While I was still a WOW, we had a big shindig in Philadelphia. We were at the Sheraton next to porn shops, hookers, drug addicts, and such. The protesters were out in force yelling through their megaphones early in the morning. "What are they yelling?" I asked. "Damned if I know. We're on the 18th floor!" said my roommate. In a greasy spoon or dive, me and another cool WOW were sitting getting something to eat. When a gentleman walks in. My friend looks and says, "Is that Chuck Berry?" "Ahh don know!" I replied with a mouth full of food. He goes up and asks him. He denied it and said that others make the same mistake. My opinion: It was. The guy did look like him and was dressed better than Weirwille at this Philly gig. Timeline:USA hockey team won gold at the olympics because all the revs and mrs' ranted and raved about it. Funny(believer kinda thing): When the lights failed during Weirwille's sermon, he remarked that he should take out his gun and shoot it, or something to that affect, but like trained seals, we ate it up! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Circa 1992 When Alec Baldwin called a rent a car company to confirm his reservation, he asked if he could have the car on the tarmac near the plane. Sorry, that was a security no-no back then, too. As he went to the counter, wife Kim looked like a statuesque goddess. She was gorgeous. A sister got married and the entire family and their dates/spouses came in. That's where I saw Chyna Philips. Richard came with Cindi. And there were models(trust me) arriving presumably to the wedding. I know the photographer so got other tidbits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I worked in a greasy spoon, known as a dive, people would come in and all faces looked alike at 3am when you are the only one busting your hump. So a waitress asks who a certain person looks like. I look and say John Wayne. He was old and gray(I should talk now)but he had a wide brim hat and was dressed to the nines. I mean his shoes shined and well you can tell he was rich. The waitress kept insisting that he was an 'I can't place you celebrity'. Eventually the gentleman was leaving and said if she promised not to look until he was in the cab, he'd sign the bill with his name. OK...Tony Curtis strikes again sign Tony Curtis. The dude looked like John Wayne(bless be his soul) Prayer to John Wayne by Anonymous. Hey, John, you kicked everybodys foot on earth. How about kicking VP Weirwille's. Me and 100000 are pulling for you. We know you can do it! Sanctify his name(bronx raspberry) This has been Tabloid entertainment and is submitted for those purposes. The truth you heard you may choose to deny, and if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice!
I keep remembering things that were a blur and come back slowly. Example that WOW leader from before that I called a B, well she was a Corps. So basically that year we had 31/2 Corps(A married couple, their kid and the B. I also remember that the couple had a believer living with them. It was a believer that had graduated PFAL with me. Anyway, I could have sworn that grad went WOW with me, but he actually went in '78, after living with the Corps couple. Another grad and I had signed up in '77. He went to Deluth, Minnesota which he considered a hicktown. Get this...where he was from is still a redneck, backward town of about 500 or so! He also had the most gorgeous sister(real) I ever laid my eyes on. No female believers from my parts looked like that! Oh, come on, like most of you weren't driven to TWI because of hormones??? They were both going WOW, and I thought...'You know if I stay for the WOW, I'll get to see his sister for a few days more!' But I really did go because I was committed. Just had received too much blindness of the real world because for days we saw nothing but believers...morning, noon, and night. It was like a Holy Woodstock! I remember one night Craig coming on stage just to warn people that they were aware of the pot smoking and that it wasn't welcomed there and blah blah blah...I felt I could use a joint just about now! Too bad I was high on the Word...yeah, the word tired! Hey, it's 1979 not 1977! So that other grad of my year went in 1978. He never wondered why I left or anything. Just said he was going. Now we had good times with this guy, so the night before he was leaving for the ROCK(btw, do they still have those stupid green bumper stickers that people watch for? side story...Uncle Harry and a friend... the friend told me so if he lied blamed him because Uncle Harry died before my cult induction...would go out at the ROA and put stickers on the cars that didn't have them)we went out and had a good time. I wasn't going, for obvious reasons. He wrote me once, and never again. I remember 1979 for The China Syndrome and 3 Mile Island. Coincidence? Since I joined the Way, I became good friends with someone who worked at a power plant. He was in longer than me. At the ROA he was generous with his Diet Pepsi which had saccarine in it. We would point out the cancer dangers, and he would reply:D-->o I look like a hamster to you? Well, dude, yeah you do...I thought! He did look kind of like a human hamster! He worked at a Power Plant(=$) and had to explain a million times why it wouldn't happen here, and how nuclear energy is safe, drawings, charts, graphs, oh my! In 1979 I was still going to college and working part-time, plus working at school on a work study program. I rented a room in a house. Although it was hard to make ends meet, I managed. My boss at my job was that other believer who married that WOW, so he helped me with side jobs, or work on saturdays. We also talked alot, and sometimes it was to the point of getting on his nerves. Around April he asked me if I wanted to move in with him for a few months...he made this clear, because he was getting married and he didn't feel appropriate with anyone staying with him or his new bride. I agreed and actually moved out a month before of schedule. Now, he lived in a well-to-do neighborhood. He was in charge of a business. If he didn't make fellowship, they were always happy to see him when he attended. Me? I was a scum bag student who had left the WOW, didn't go to the ROCK and needed to participate in fellowship. Not to mention that my ABS quota had gone below the 10% on your way to heaven minimum! And like a roadrunner cartoon, you could always hear that sound of Wile E Coyote going over the cliffff....*poof!* I kept returning to their punishment...well for as long as I could. I draw a blank, because I couldn't remember if the next Corps member arrived in'78 or 79? It was probably in sept. of '78...you know because those others set the stage for the coming of the HARDCORE CORPS...unless your a personal friend that comes on tour with me, after all we don't know any of these peons and So What! I seem to remember he had to find an abode, and when he did everybody helped. Sometimes that come and pick us up after late night twig meetings because work needed to be done or something. Then his friends came and started dictating orders to everyone. Around June I had found a one bedroom and lived by myself. I remember going to twigs, but don't remember whose or where. I would eventually go to the Corps twigs, but at this time I think I was going with the original area wayers that remained. Perhaps the Corps twigs were on special nights when work needed to be done. The rent or the overhead on his place had to be staggering. It was like a 12 room sort of old mansion. Wherever I went and whatever I did, I began to say it was time to get the hell out of dodge, or be killed by the physical labor alone. Therefore I received the spirit of bitterness or attitude. In the background my boss and his friend(who wasn't in a cult) began to hate what the Way was doing to his marriage as far as his wife being so consumed by 'the word!' What came as a shock to me, was when Corpse man thought I would be blessed to have a roomate. They didn't ask or anything, but rather impose. This was around January or winter of '80! A man and his child started coming to my twigs, who for some reason took a liking to me. After awhile his son and him are at my apartment when I return to work. At times he would go bug the neighbors to spread the word that a child of god lives here. For a few days he just wanted to hang-out. Then he'd stay late. Suddenly his kid was asleep and he didn't want to wake him. Either way, when it got too late my attitude was I'm going to bed and I don't want strangers in my house now get out and good night and god bless...SLAM I think this must have ****** someone off because at the next meeting I got the cold shoulders. Fine, before ABS, I got up waved good-bye and left. Next day I happen to run into my original ditzy twig leader, and you have to love communication breakdowns. She said, "Bless your heart, for taking_____ and his son to be your roomate. You are truly blessed!" 'HUH?' Yeah Corps boy was giving me a roomate so my needs would be better met. Awful presumptious seeing I had a lease, and had come to enjoy my privacy. I just told her to go talk to the Corps household, because no ones going to bless me in my house. I couldn't take the privacy invasion from WOW, I wasn't going to put up with it off the field. The timeline is hard to follow here. I claim I left in '82, but it may have been more like late '80 or early '81. My boss was ready to bolt with his wife and it was after Reagan won in '80. His friend took over the company. He went to bigger and better things that TWI could no longer touch. The friend kept plugging how we were being manipulated by a cult. My friend and I were still thinking Jonestown. He claims to(spiritually) have left TWI then, but had to play Their Game for his wife's sake. I began to get the message but it took longer to sink in, until they both took me aside and started drilling me to what was going on. That's when the kool aid question came up(see previous)... Although his wife took longer, and I had no involvement, she eventually saw how even she, with her silver spoon treatment, was manipulated. Apparently the big bang started when they said something to him like his wife should go live with believers a few days. Other things were never told to me, because it was none of my business. Eventually the floodgates of what went on began to open. Btw, the wife's family had a hand in it, because they weren't too crazy of spending their riches on a church. But they supported and loved their daughter, or were looking out for their money who knows? I got a call from this friend once, about a year after his departure. He told me his wife and him were doing fine, somewhere near the Mexican border. We would crack up using Way jargon, and concluding how great it was to be out. That was the last I heard. I worked at the job for about a year then found another one. I moved several times to bury my tracks. Still got those Way letters(see another comment elsewhere how I stopped them). Yes, Virginia, there is a God! In the summer of 1983 I had gone back to school for on the job training. I was sitting on a park bench one sunny afternoon eating my lunch. Suddenly...see if this is familiar...a nice looking girl comes up to me out of the blue and says 'Hi, how are you doing?' Oh fine and blah blah blah...my BS antenna had started going into Red Alert mode. Sure as crap the conversation went to god. So I asked who she represented. TWI! gee go figure, and welcome to hell believer of the korn. I asked if soso is still in town. "Why Yes, do you know him? How about and she starts ranting names..." Poor lamb. She had entered to a pure hell that TWI had instilled. She even said I should go back and blah blah blah...*KA-BOOOOOM* I started laying into her like no tomorrow! Yelling in a crowded place telling her what damage her cult and her buddies had inflicted on me. I told her to go take her witness and shove it where the good lord split her! I walked away feeling greatly edified! I think she thought twice next time she was looking for a soul for Weirwille!
And here's something for you:
Thanks for the coffee, Raf! Like I said in another post, I've landed and got a lot to say! Please delete all the posts involving nervie, and I have about 40 posts!
Way Corps paid as full-time staff - What was gained?
signals replied to ChasUFarley's topic in About The Way
Hi TK, Here's one: Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves! -
MrH, you brought it up, so I'm answering you. Yeah, we'll all get ours someday! Someday never comes!!! Copyright is different, because it goes along the VP Plagerism. That is a whole other ball game...a dive called Garfield was sued by the drawer and writer of Garfield cartoons. That's not what this is about. They are criminals and although I know Karma will seek it's revenge, sometimes Karma needs a push. The Way defeated us and took the fight out of all of us. With this many witnesses chances are not everyone or a few will have to appear in court. But we need to unite and the one thing TWI took was TRUST! That's why we refuse to fight because they took our will to fight because we ran a major defeat. Again, to anyone reading this thought provoking thread, THINK things out. Together we can make the judicial system work for us!
A few things they are guilty of: manipulation, isolation, kidnapping, mental anguish, torture, forcing people through control and intimidation in dangerous situations, intimidation, abuse(both mental and physical), terroristic tactics, withholding and controlling basic nurishment, brainwashing, causing lasting trauma, sexual abuse and harassment, forcing people into situations beyond their control, authoritarian society, make people believe they are doomed if they leave...and these are just off the top of my head. Sure they have to be finetuned, but I bet we could right a book of charges on them, and only ONE good one has to stick that will summarize We The People...led astray by the way!
First, let me clarify something...be careful what you say that may give 'spies' an edge. If there is somewhere we can discuss TRUE legal matters in private, great, this WAY we keep the @$$#0!#S in suspense. You see the pattern how they back off when attorneys are mentioned. Doesn't matter if they still have bite, their down and now is the time to hit them! I'd propose a suit that even if it doesn't get anyone a cent, it exposes the Way Over the World! Forgetting and forgiving is what they ask...don't they know that's God's job not mine. Most attorneys give consoltations for free, plus how would it look if over 1000+++ members started seeking the judicial system??? The judicial system only fails when the VICTIM walks away from the criminal. This is also something that must not be entered lightly and you must truly let go and let God!
When I worked at an airport, celebrities were seen very often. The airport wasn't in some big metropolis. So many celebrities...so little time: Alec Baldwin and all his brothers, Kim Basinger, Bob Goldthwait, Richard Gere, Chyna Phillips, Cindy Crawford, All wrestlers and promoters, Nikki Cox, Sherman Hemsley, Mark Goddard, Marta Kristen, Angela Cartright, Tim Conway, Don Rickles, Russel Simmons, Jerry Garcia, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ron Wood, Geddy Lee, Ted Nugget, Melissa Ethridge, Elton John, Don King, Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazer, Micky Rooney, and some I've forgotten. When I worked as a dishwasher at a dive: Tony Curtis, Paul Newman, J Geils Band and crew, VanHalen and Bertinelli. Saw in a mall: Kirk Cameron and Chelsea Noble, Bob Dylan, Steve Tyler. Then I have a friend in entertainment who is an autograph hound and he fills me in on inside info you can't get in tabloids, news, and anything with info about every and any celebrity you can think of. Many times it was him looking for a celeb and saying 'look, it's so-so. Experiences are better than the 'dolled up' PR you are fed.
Food for thought: Are you financially stable? Then you will see the true benefits of TWI. If your in it and defending it, you're controlled. I hope you come to the realization how devestating it is. But as long as you have a good paying job, the Way is your oyster.
The biggest clue many of us should have honed in on was when VP Barnum was portrayed as the prophet chosen to teach the word like it hasn't been taught since the apostle Paul. So basically, God who is perfect, neglected His Word for 2000 years until a satanic spawn could interpret it accurately? So Jesus' ministry was put on hold until this fart of a man could interpret it? Man were we lucky! What would have happened if we lived in the 1800s? We were doomed, because the false messiah hadn't ordained his profit$$$$!
Mr H makes great points and to the point. But as far as nervie, he started calling me bitter when I mentioned something in a thread involving money. It happens when you attack their TRUE god that they LOVE!
Wrong, worddistorter! I said buttface, not THIS buttface. I see you everyday. Some lost soul on a mission from the lord of their world. Somehow they have to come into the bowls of hell and try to 'change' or save everybody from themselves. I knew you would bite! Read what I write and don't add/delete/twist/change my words like you do The Word Of God. And since you admit it, you must really be a buttface...but I didn't call you that! ...and the knowledge that they FEAR is a WEAPONto be used against them!
Way Corps paid as full-time staff - What was gained?
signals replied to ChasUFarley's topic in About The Way
Word Wolf, just caught your message to me. I have a dog and love canines and wolves. Since I saw your post, I have used that word a few times, but I'll cease. What may be tough is coming up with another name for that VP Barnum Kornfield Circus from Knoxville, ahhh, never mind! Any clowns that would be offended by that? -
Again he amuses me. Haven't these cults changed their tactics, or are we no longer blind. Again if you want to say bye to nervie, just tell him/her/it/they to talk with your attorney as to how bitter you really are. I think he perceives me as a devil, and has to go cunsult with the spiritual heavies! Of course, a devil or a weapon, I have become what they created...THEIR WORSE NIGHTMARE! "He's a little affraid of dying, but he's a lot more affraid of your lying!"