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Conclusion and notes to self... Through the self-analysis I have conducted I have recalled that my tenure with the way was from around the end of March of 77 until somewhere between November 79-February 80. This is based on what in Way jargon would be considered as me being possessed. I have to thank God and Jesus for allowing me to escape when I did, and having had friends who were more in touch with reality than myself. I've also accepted that Jesus Christ IS God. Weirwill had a great way of bastardizing the first five verses of John 1. The Gospel of John is witness to Jesus' deity, or divinity, and to deny it is a one way ticket to hell regardless what a cult believes. Having now written 165 posts at this site in a month, I conclude that it was a waste of valueable time. But summer's here and I have a life. Thus ends this Maple St. experiment. Many who claim to have a life and are addicted to the Internet as a whole, are lying. There is such a thing as internet addiction. I am glad I can just stay away from the net for days or weeks. Somehow some on the internet think that they can hurt me or my feelings. Words on a screen from an anonymous can't offend anyone with one hair of intelligence. bBut fire away, I am called a bastard in real life, so who can offend me? But go ahead and feel good. YOU WERE IN A CULT FOR GOD'S SAKE! I no longer blame or hold bitterness toward TWI, because it was my own doing that got me involved. I don't blame the one who witnessed to me, or all the other losers I have known over the years. I fell prey like anyone else. My downfall was not remembering things in detail and continuing to believe that Jesus is not God crap. With these deprogrammings removed I am free to pursue my abundant life as it was meant to be. Misery loves company and some are still bound to the Way, they just don't know it. Why else won't they just let it go? I left with my friends and had no friends left in the Way, therefore my ties were severed. There was no love lost with anyone associated with TWI. Someone told me that exway followers continue in their spiralling rut, and I found that to be true. Most own a computer only to live on this site. C'mon, I like Rush and have gone to their message boards for years and the most posts I have is like 200. Today being an exact month, I'm done...hurray! Take it from an ex and forget all that psychobabble crap, if I were to pick one deadly sin that was prevelant among way followers it would be Envy. Envy comes with Jealosy and Resentment. I first learned this in going WOW local but it was so obvious. People were jealous because I didn't give up my school, job, or sever my ties with family completely. So the green eyed monster among my bretheren became clear. Oh well, maybe I wasn't as dumb as some to leave everything and go where a false god needs you hoping you can recruit some sheep. Sorry, homey don't play dat. Then if I would be talking to a friend of the opposite sex, my WOW brothers would begin speaking of God just to drive her away and create a wedge. If you went to a family party, somehow these other WOW idiots felt they had to come along too. Funny how they didn't like it when you did it to them, but who cares. I can take it. I can also dish it out. Sometimes it's just best to ignore, especially when you are forced to match wits with a simpleton. The Way was a learning experience. So I wasted a few years, I bet the ones who wasted decades sure feel Envy, but who'll admit it? Not the all honest godblessing way believers...I hope you find yourselves instead of continuing to flock together. I was finding myself being reeled into that rut again, but no way! Again this is about me, but knowing the way, people are going to analyse, pick and choose quotes, read into things like I'm talking to them in particular, misquoting the overall idea, not understanding what a Maple St. experiment is, etc. But to each there own. If I've offended anybody, get some skin. And to those who feel they have to take a jab, go for it. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names from mindless cultists will never hurt me! nya nya nya nya nya!
Yeah, I guess it's all garbage to the way believers, after all couldn't deal with all those devil spirit and such. And so far, Song, you have me pinned down. I hazard to guess that what you think of me is truly a reflection of you. Perhaps you are the CFF fu*k that you accuse me of being. Either way, I'm glad I only burned a little less than three years in that cult! God, knows how screwed up I would have been if I spent a few decades. Since You and a few of your buddies have chosen to pursue me, and accuse me of being someone I'm not, I have to question if you aren't who you accuse me of being. So far, Song, you've done what most cultists do: You take my words, sentances and paragraphs out of context. Then you start twisting my words to suit your agenda. As long as the attention is focused on me, well the druids pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It's what TWI did to the word. So you boldly bought other lambs to the slaughter, that's between you and God. I continue to thank God that I turned not one over to Satan. I said it before, I am only here for myself. When I left TWI, I had enough sense to sever all ties. I left no friends in TWI, and no friends were left behind! I only have one more piece of the puzzle of those darkages to put together, after which the dogs can once again wallow in their own vomit, for all I care.
and that would be ? Good question, I guess minding your own business isn't part of your vocabulary. But for someone who doesn't care, you sure have taken issue...what did I touch a nerve, or hurt a waybuddy? He-heh...I base this on the fact that no one ASKED YOU!!! :D--> :D--> too funny!
Don't get excited it was just an observation since the person has posted before. But well said, who cares? Now praciceth(or whatever) what ye preach! :D-->
I think your suffering from self-delusions, but analize away. After all, I'm who ever you want me to be. Perhaps I'm the man in the mirror. Don't forget, Song, it is you who talks in circles, reads into, and analyses everything. Best thing is to let a fool stew in their own juices.
A Fresh Supply/Recuiting for PFAL/TWI
signals replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in About The Way
No! Actually I didn't want my neighbors to know my business, because after the believers were gone, I would still have to live there. Of course, I would notice that believers who came to visit were rather bold and didn't care if they stirred up the neighbors. After all after turning you away from family and friends, your neighbors would mean total seclusion. Thus a prey to your 'spiritual' family. This is just my opinion and what I observe. Others may agree, disagree, or have a different point of view. -
Don't know if I'm giving the impression like I forgive or am trying to defend VP, because I'm not. But some information needs to be separated from speculation. VP was THEfalse prophet. No doubt in my mind. That's why if he lied once, it was all a lie, regardless how holy he is portrayed. When I and others took the sex class, we pretty much got the impression that anything goes except anal! If you think any of them were against pre-marital sex, you are only fooling yourself. Consider this: While I was a WOW, at one of our meetings with Mrs. Limb/Region Leader asked that we refrain from pre-marital sex for just that year. Giving the impression that after WOW, you could have orgies for all we care. She made a reference to a movie where a soldier would excercise to take his mind off of the opposite sex. Someone burst out laughing and announced that his WOW brother does over 500 push ups a day and now he knows why!
Love hurts...Nazareth Love hurts, love scars, love wounds And mars, any heart Not tough or stong enough To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain Love is like a cloud Holds a lot of rain Love hurts......ooh,ooh love hurts I'm young, I know, but even so I know a thing or two And I learned from you I really learned a lot, really learned a lot Love is like a flame It burns you when it's hot Love hurts......ooh,ooh love hurts Some fools think of happiness Blissfulness, togetherness Some fools fool themselves I guess They're not foolin' me ** I know it isn't true, I know it isn't true Love is just a lie Made to make you blue Love hurts......ooh,ooh love hurts ooh,ooh love hurts lead: repeat **
Silver Colloidal Risk without benefits Bio Alternatives What about it?
Raf, you're probably right. Somehow VP gave me the impression(for example) that we all crucified Jesus to the cross(not just the jews or roman). But they still tried to reform some. I have no doubt that TWI as a whole was nothing less than a racist organization at the time. I just thought their prejudices were towards another race, as was commented by a friend at ROA 1977!
Just a note: He registered in March 2003 :)-->
Galen, When I took the class, he just boasted about the film, but never showed it. He commented how the dog had more sense, because he was trying to get away. Sort of makes you wonder about TWI and the doc, as to why he possessed a film about bestiality and homosexuality. Oh, wait, it's not like it was a couple of guys and a sheep! On another note, I am glad that I have come to terms of the whole TWI experience. I no longer feel the bitterness that nervie tried to exorcise! I am healed! This doesn't mean that bitterness won't hit me in the future. Did I mention I'm a realist, but a Christian. Just my own thoughts here, guys, but TWI was nothing less than a corporation in the business to make money...Welcome to Reality without the TV! We bought what they were selling. How many credit cards do you have. Did they deliver what they promised? Just because you are in debt for life doesn't mean you can blame the the loan and credit card companies. They made your life easier, in someway. Now the favors cost you. If you're boss grants you a favor, he/she is going to want something in return that would make you wish you didn't ask. TWI would have been a great learning experience overall, if it didn't want total control of your life. At first it was a lax type environment, with simpletons running twigs and branches. Then it got stricter(?), and less appealing. My span was during the Weirwill reign, btw. So saying Craig ruined it, well, I disagree and leave it at that. I said somewhere that I was considered book smart. Book smart people are pretty naive to life in general. This would explain my entry in TWI. Experience is the ultimate teacher. I saw people with a third grade education get better jobs than me. They were street smart and knew how to apply experience, more than myself. This site is a great learning and healing experience. Slowly I put my life together for the many years I chose to block out. Now I remember how it was and will always be. Sure, they screwed me up, but was I all that together when I joined? If you don't know corporations-When a new CEO takes over he/she starts to toughen the rules. They start replacing the prior CEO's "people" with their own(ask Mrs. Clinton). They start to rattle established workers with their own relatives or new trainees. They show favoritism toward their own regardless of seniority. Promotion is quicker among their chosen. Sound familiar? Ever hear of "Who moved the cheese?" It's a big accountability factor that tends to take out people who don't 'pull their own weight!' Of course the targeted ones are given a bigger workload. Yeah I'm on a soapbox seeing it's a holiday weekend. And Steve! AMEN!
Open question to innies: Do TWIt leaders receive revelation?
signals replied to Steve!'s topic in About The Way
Well, of course it's the world in general. It's just that in a Christian organization, you should feel free to let your guard down. You shouldn't have to always be looking over your shoulder. Someone once said that true Christianity is the way of a Father with His family. Is that the kind of family you would want to be a part of? That's one reason I got out when I did. At first I would trust anyone, then someone gave me a reason to not trust anyone. -
Whoever said VP was against Jews is wrong. I knew a few converts. Of course they may have been in his inner circle, not really in the way per se. One was a psychiatrist, two were doctors, and one was even a lawyer...all from my area. The psychiatrist, I saw with VP at the ROA 1977, walking with him during the day when VP was in his shorts.
Interesting post, hc. Thanks for the insider view. KISS=Knights In Service of Satan as I remember.
I just had a thought! Even when I was in TWI, I bought many a books on cults, and The Way was mentioned in all of them. They said things that I knew were true. ...yet I chose to stay blind, after all the world hates you and seeks your destruction. Even the revs kept plugging how persecuted the doc was. In conclusion, I doubt that people that are in will believe what we say. They conclude that we're all possessed. TWI wants to make sure that those nasty words-money, attorneys, lawsuits-don't start taking their flock down the path of hell. Or closed bank accounts if you prefer. Once wallets are threatened, then all their teachings go out the door.
Open question to innies: Do TWIt leaders receive revelation?
signals replied to Steve!'s topic in About The Way
Why would anyone want to be a part of an organization like that? How Godly is that? And you think God has nothing better out there? Steve! I'm on your side. But since you asked, this is TWI and the world in general! ;)--> -
Let me put it this way...They never healed me! Therefore if there ever were 'healings' I would have to believe that Ernest Angsley(or whatever his name was) had that market cornered. I remember TWI, from weirwill on down, that you want to get so excited like the book of acts that you can't remember who the last guy you rose from the dead was. Stay tuned on this one because someone claimed they did it. In my local paper from prweb.com, there was an article yesterday. A man will summon UFO's to earth beginning June 1. For only 45 days-6/1-7/15-Prophet Yahweh, Seer of Yahweh, will call down UFOs and spaceships for the newsmedia to film and photograph. This will occur in Las Vegas, of course. Prophet Yahweh claims to have summoned 1500 UFOs to earth since 1979, with only a few witnesses and close friends. Stay tuned! Here is where I agree with VP. He's going to really count on that Devil Spirit. Of course it is Las Vegas. Did those other nutzoids ever show their clone baby? doesn't it feel good to see others fall for a bunch of lies. For the record, one would have to define healing or give a sense of it. For example, if you are diagnosed with a life threatening disease, curing it would be considered a healing. Let me throw this at you...My doctor gave me a complete physical. In the chest X-ray he found some scarred tissue that raised a red flag. He sent me for a CT Scan. My pastor and church prayed for me, and I tried to believe it wasn't the nasty lung C. I saw my dr. yesterday and he told me the lungs were fine and nothing to worry about at this time. Was it a healing?
I've always been a registered Republican. I was never influenced by TWI, in fact I never really heard anyone mention politics. Back then politicians hated us, supposedly. With the deprogrammers and the killing of Congressman Ryan at Jonestown, I never heard any political affiliate party mentioned. I may be a bit conservative, but I tend to look at the overall picture and sometimes will endorse a candidate so far to the left, Peta and Ted Kennedy are farther right-winged. I've been kivked off many a conservative sites. Why? Because the truth hurts and some can't handle it! Perfect example...
Another freakin' offshoot!??? No thanks. Don't know why this was brought up. No thanks, after the way I decided not to go cult searching. Still don't understand what this has to do with me or my quote. But if people want to assume, go right ahead. As I am coming to grips with my 3 years in TWI, the bitterness is leaving me. I will just call it as I saw it. If I think Weirwill was wrong about certain things I will say it. But if I see that he actually did certain things as I believe are right, those need to be considered, too. I look at it as a total observer when it comes to craig or mrs. newway! I kinda knew him. He was some region leader or something that always had to comment on something that nobody cared. I never knew Rosie! Her name may imply a sweet smelling pile of crap This is why I can see things from an outsider's point of view. Some people may not believe somethings and there only proof is experience. Perhaps when they started cleaning house in my parts, they didn't do it everywhere. Perhaps the believers in my area were more 'possessed' than those from the Bible belt! Marketing is a strange tool, and sometimes you have to test your projects before you throw them at the masses. Maybe I was seeing something that opened my eyes sooner. I stick by my original post in that Marty wasn't the one who brought down the way. He just lacked charisma, managing skills, subtlty, people smarts, positive image, etc. Take your pick, who could have replaced VP? It didn't matter who...all the others would turn on them eventually, and each one would have had to phase VP out eventually. Why? Because he/she would have to be a Spiritual Leader(or in way jargon:The Man Of God of ourday and time) for all the current flock and those that weren't hatched yet! I said I never saw JAL as miserable as when people were saying"I guess he didn't get it." That showed me the true colors of one and all. They want the power, because power comes from $$$$$$$$$$$! Would you have rather had Loy Toy where you could see him, or behind the scenes?
Open question to innies: Do TWIt leaders receive revelation?
signals replied to Steve!'s topic in About The Way
Yeah! Inquiring minds want to know. BTW, revelation=spies. Know who your friends are and who you say anything to. Also, Beware because sometimes they don't know but they hope you'll be dumb enough to admit it. Of course sometimes they're on a witch(or devil spirit) hunt and they want someone to incriminate anyone. Then there are those who may actually have permission and try to lure you in(it looks like I won't tell if you won't...unfortunately one is lying)so they can report you to the exorcist squad. If you trust people too much, they might put a knife in your back. -
If we're talking spiritual revelation, I think they got theirs from 'the god of this world' as nervie put it. If your talking about the revelations they got from their spies, well I've learned one has to know who their friends are. when I was a WOW, I knew my belongings were being ransacked when I wasn't home. Also if you tell someone you trust a bit of info in confidence there is a great possibility that it will get back to a leader. Sometimes you'd be in a bad mood, or not your happy-go-lucky self and your body language would reveal something to them that needed to be dealt with. As far as revelations from God, impossible! God does not reveal to the children of the korn. If it ever looked like 'god must have told them' you should of looked over your shoulder for the spy of the group. I learned long ago that you need to know who your friends are, and keep them as close as your enemy. I've become very cynical of the world around me and for just cause. When I worked at an airport, I would always find people in a restricted area. When I'd ask them to leave, I would be met with "Do I look Like A terrorist?" I told one person that I don't know what a terrorist looks like, and that to me anyone is a potential terrorist. He reported me and the airport commissioner went up one side of me and down the other. They wanted me to take 'sensitivity training' so I wouldn't P off the passengers. Needless to say that was long before 9/11/01
Well I'm not an exwayrev, guaranteed. Hate to ask what CFF stands for. In my final active year in the way, our branch leader was a Way Corp grad, single male, who came with a few hometown believers. His job, it was rumored, was to weed and seed sort of speak. He came with the notion that you either follow the word or there's the door. Of course following the word always revolved around the tithe. So I left, and Weirwill was still at the helm. But they were starting to clean house and removing 'deadbeats' back then. shaz, I never doubted that VP would have the best technology our money could buy, but I question the fact that He would not want common believers to have it. The person's name was actually Moneyhands? Who was his cousin Moneybelts?
Belle, quick question, were you posting during the time the lawsuit was going on? Just wondering. I think rather than trying to 'hide' things, they fear the knowledge one gets here. This is why I will disagree with anyone that Weirwill would have allowed computers. Yes, the doc would have had state of the art, but this must not fall into the hands of our people. The Internet is a forbidden fruit that will make you wise and give you sight, and ye shall be as gods...or like VP! They were starting to discourage people from watching the news(twig or prayer would start then), and they would hint to reading the Bible instead of a newspaper. Granted they weren't enforced, but you could see that they didn't want you surrounded by the negativity of this world.