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Everything posted by LiarLiarPantsOnFire
Has anyone seen or know where Melanie or Susie are? Melanie was 10th Corps maybe and Susie 10th or 8th I guess. I would really like to know if Susie saved a letter I wrote her in 1980 or 1981 while she was a Word Over The World Ambassador. Thank you.
Nothing hid that shall not be revealed...ready?
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to LiarLiarPantsOnFire's topic in About The Way
DontFenceMeIn, You sound like you made a personal threat. I have not done that. But you did. I wonder if YOUR messages here are witheld before "approval" like mine have been. Don't make personal threats. I guess I should avoid answering you becuase you are foolish and unlearned and worse. But because you made a personal threat against me I am. I will continue to love God and speak His Word whereever I choose to do so. You cannot stop me. "They don't own you no matter what they say" "You're not under their deadly power now's the hour let's take command." That was a song about moving God's Word some time ago. "Don't stop, never stop, don't stop speaking God's Word, don't stop speaking" Your power is not God's power. Better be sure of your stand with the one True God and His accurate Word and quit making personal threats. Are you old enough to use your computer services without supervision? Golly the folly of some. 2 Timothy How charming your use of the word "babies." Is that the "babies card?" Like as they say, the "race card?" Don't forget the "abuse card." When you speak of God have some knowledge. The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. I thank God for our governement. I've heard every personal threat to the President is taken serious. In fact, I think they are bound to follow after every threat no matter how foolish it may sound. Please stop your harassment of personal threatenings. Disagree if you will. That is a gift our country has allowed but please refrain from your personal campaign speeches of personal vengences on me. Thank you. -
Nothing hid that shall not be revealed...ready?
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to LiarLiarPantsOnFire's topic in About The Way
Zixar, I love the man who taught me God's Word. But you just keep digging on in the spiritual realm, don't you sir? See what it gets you. I see your path you have chosen for you. Remember, YOU reap what YOU sow. Be not deceived God is not mocked. "Rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil." God is not at loggerheads with Himself. You are at loggerheads with the true God, cannot defeat Him, only yourself, and have followed your own course of destruction, lies and bitter foolishness with your evil intent, malice. It's a spiritual battle Mr. Zixar. Don't be so stupid to think flesh and blood is power. You are already digging in to the spiritual realm though aren't you now? Go big boy. No takers here again. Only talkers and people who think they can move things to their own terms and agendas. Again I invited a peaceable meeting in a public place. No intent to harm anyone, anywhere. Just exercising the privilege of freedom of speech with candor and honesty, that's all. Boldness does bitter souls as yourself no good mixed with lies, hypocrisy, bitterness and envy. Well anyone may come back to God and His Word but I suppose the heretic after the first and second admonition is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself. Your lying and spiritual bitterness to the true God does not fool me. Keep good care of your "friends" and "helpers" you heap to yourself. "Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Not even exquisite, possessed minds void of true grace and godliness like yours. Note to the "Administrators" who "approve" my messages here. There is no censorable language here. There is no intent to injure anybody. There is no invitation to physical harm. There is no threat of physical harm here. There is no hint of physical harm here. There is no wish for physical harm here. Please bare this in mind. Thank you. And God willing, I take my leave. God bless you and I thank God for the freedom to speak the truth boldly in love here on this forum and in every place. Thank God for Americal where we hold the precious fruit of freedom of speech. What a gift our founding fathers left for us. -
Nothing hid that shall not be revealed...ready?
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to LiarLiarPantsOnFire's topic in About The Way
JohnIAm, You may doubt this at times but I hope you know I respect you and will endeavor to God to always be thankful for you and your life. However, that said, to me Reverend John Hendricks is a shame to ordination and before the God whom I love and serve. Yes, I would or could say that to my face but I doubt he'd care. I don't know. I do know this. All these words I say, what I just said about my feelings toward Reverend John Hendricks God has knowledge of. I have knowledge that God has knowledge of them. I'm not just shooting the lip without knowledge of God and my accountability before Him. Ordination is a call to service. No higher commitment can be made. You must bring in to captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ as an ordained minister just like every believer must do. We walk in fellowship together or we do not according to the light I think it says in I John. If a man's "light" is darness he is in error. Darkness has no agreement with light. Now if he or someone fell would you want to help him up? Certainly. That's just basic love and decency. Love is a subject and privilege we can grow in our whole lives. How to take a stand for God yet remain decent human beings. How to use liberty without abusing it. The Life-Style of A Believer goes in to alot of great things I think. Well God bless you JohnIAm. Seems werid to write here when I could just call you but I thank God for your life whether we go here or there or not. Dr. Wierwille said he would always be thankful for the man who led him in to receiving the holy spirit in manifestation. "How long you gonna be honey?" "As long as it takes!" And so Dr. Wierwille did at long last manifest holy spirit and somewhere, somehow so did his students. Don't believe everything you hear. Test it first. Ronald Reagan dealing in important peace talks with the Soviet Union said, trust but verify didn't he? -
Nothing hid that shall not be revealed...ready?
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to LiarLiarPantsOnFire's topic in About The Way
No takers. Again talk. Seems a symptom. If you can't come you can't come. That is understandable. Zixar, come on dude. Anyday man to man. You don't fool me with your attempts at wisdom. You are as yellow as they come aren't you? And again this is not war. This is not hate. This is not hate speech. This is stand for the truth and stand AGAINST the Liar, the Devil, the Adversary and those who purposefully and/or ignorantly align themselves with him BUT we still do not wrestle against flesh and blood. You buy words from a man today who says such and such. Was he an eyewitness? Let Reverend John Hendricks put his eyewitness account on paper. Sign it. Maybe I need his tape. Was he abused? Was he an eyewitness or does he just "believe" what he is saying is true and now his followers "believe" him because after all he is a man and man cannot lie or err. Wake the heck up! Craig Martindale was at one time a good man. Howard Allen and others. They were not man enough to correct their errors. Whoever he was that "challenged" me to come to Tennessee dude, come. Here is your challenge. A peaceable one. You must have been picked on as a kid because you lack any origininality at all. Why are you outraged someone could say these accusations are false? Any accusation may be false and all accusations may be false? How many false witnesses rose against the Lord Jesus Christ. Come on man it's in the Word. You receive the witness of any man you want to. You are not valiant for the truth. The fear of man bringeth a snare. No man on earth was or ever will be God. John Hendricks is not God. Godship is not available. He doesn't scare me because even if he were a higher power of God, ordained of God (repeat, God not of man) he would not be a terror to good works but to the evil. The Word works with a mathematical exactness. It's our privilege to see how it works and see God stand behind His Word. When I speak I know at times due to immaturity people may take my words wrong. They need to grow in the Word. The only way they can grow is to learn to receive again the Word with meekness. "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble" (not the cowardly man pleaser) By the way, love can be tough love. If you have children I'm sure you've had to do things out of love that they at the time didn't like much. They may have even told you so. "Though the more abundantly I love you the less I be loved" Paul endured with the Corinthian believers. It's up to you. You are upset because anyone crying foul here is received as THE WORD OF GOD. Hogwash. Fools. Sluggards. That's what it is. Man when I get reproved I may not like it but you know what? I am nobody. "If anyone think himself to be something when he is nothing deceives himself." All is by grace. The knowledge, all. I want to change. I want to be the best with the help of God. Anyone speaking the truth on a topic may help me. I've just had to close my ears to some in consideration of our times and the value I place on my own time with God and His Word I will give account for to Him. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Therefor no true minister of God can bring condemnation. Just shut it off. BUT, there is reproof, correction in love. Read Hebrews. There is such a thing as condemnable beliefs and behaviors. Unaccepted, not well pleasing and not perfect to God (Romans 12:1,2) If The Word of God is not your sole reference for truth you'll never quite make it. You're already fooled and the only rememedy is to again believe God and His Word is right and man only right if it agrees with the Word. One last thing, it is the Whole Word we are interested in. Not isolation bits of text. See the whole thing fit together. Not exalting yourselves with this pitiful attempt at false humility telling people how great a man of God you are. That is not acceptible as far as an ordained minister of God. They are pathetic and do not be like them. Works speak for themselves. Church Epistles, Paul. Also, true love, gentlesness these things speak for themselves too. You really do not need to blow your horn for those works of almsdeeds as a Phairsee. (punks who said the Lord Jesus Christ was insance, mad, a liar, possessed with Beelzebub the prince of devils) Make up your mind who you stand for. God or man. If you should be the servant of men you should not be the doulos of Christ. It'll make a man out of you I guarantee you. "Quit you like men" Well no takers. I may be done here. I do not hate people, I love people. I hate cowardice and lies. Why should I be afraid of people? Is that man or woman out to murder me? That would be a concern for sure. Is that man or woman a terrorist with a bomb to eplode? We've all seen that is a concern. I am not out to hurt anybody just get and speak the truth. I have no duty to accept all words out of any man's mouth. NEVER. Reverend title does not grant God's guarantee on that's man's actions or words much less popedom or theopneustos like flesh or something stupid like that. Thank you. Even if a brother rises against brother I suppose he is a brother still but the gospels do speak of letting one be as a heathen to you. Also in Corinithians it speaks of not eating with a brother who is an idolater. Well we each decide how we are going to apply those verses as we do the rest in God's Holy Word. No one last thing. Don't worship man. Don't worship Reverends. But it is a duty and privilege to stand with those men and women of God who stand with you isn't it? -
Nothing hid that shall not be revealed...ready?
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to LiarLiarPantsOnFire's topic in About The Way
No I will not pay for people's tickets. If I had the money I would pay for the tickets of those who say they personally were abused by Dr. Wierwille. I want to move the Word and I would tell people about them and my face to face encounter with them. (I would not with paper and ink write unto thee but face to face, something like that in 2 or 3 John) Talk. What is wrong with "bring it?" What happened to "give 'em hell Harry?" That's President Harry Truman in case you are not in the know. Why hide behind your computer desks? This is a place for ex-Way people. I am an ex-Way International people but still very much a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, What is the Way? So I believe people here are lying with false witness about Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. Was anyone who believed Pete Rose was lying branded a luniatic? Where are those accusers now? Some of you say you were afraid to speak up against others. Why should I be afraid of that now and why should you now do the same things you complain about others doing to you? It's called hypocrisy and cowardice. That's the name of it. If you can come to Saint Louis, Missouri with your personal tale of Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille's abuse to you I am asking you to please come here. I am peaceable. The servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all, apt to teach, patient. That must be available so I do it with the help of God. Pretty simple stuff. But it is my duty to ask questions. Meet people one on one. Prove all things. Not just on an internet forum where anyone can say anything and you can't look them in the eye. Come on. I have no flattering titles for you. I told you I stand with Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. I am a student of his and I stand against liars and false witnesses. I stand against cowards with responsibilities to speak the truth in love, not lie. So I can help you and you can help me. Why not come? Remember, come see for yourself. It is an invitation to you. The open bible. The open beliver. I have nothing to hide behind. Why should you hide behind things? Who here wasn't saved by grace? Doers. Enough talk. Do. Come. Cheap tough talk. Here is someone saying, ok, I call your bluff, straight up, and you won't come only talk. And again this is no threat of physical violence. Just face to face meeting betweeen men. Man to man or man to woman. Fear. It's fear and excuses but I uderstand you have freedom of will. Ok, so I am not here to be just an angry protester of liars. I took a stand. I said bring it here please, confidently yet reaffirming a peaceable meeting. So before God He knows what I did here and knows or will know if you come. That's all I can do or then I become just a vain persona and talker too don't I? You have nothing to lose but fear and rewards. Rewards are gained or lost eternally. Not just a Happy Meal prize, so think. That's all. I am thankful for the freedom to express my views and make an invitation though it cannot be at this time a paid invitation. And I am only interested in those who say they have personal dealings of their own abuse. I wonder if Pete Rose ever took a lie detector test? They aren't perfect I am told but interesting maybe. By the way, I type and hit the button. If you are offended in the type or typos, save it for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He'll answer it as we all shall give account of ourselves to God. Forewarning here, take a note if you need to, lying is not acceptable with God as a service or favor to him, sorta like murdering a person and thinking you're doing God a service is not acceptible either. Revelation to your soul? You will lose eternal reward not gain, ok? God bless. Now any comers? -
We know the truth. There is "nothing hid that shall not be revealed". There is no doubt God knows the liars and false witnesses now doesn't He? So many enemies of the living Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille yet it takes his death to bring out the wickedness of lying, bitter souls to "confront" a dead man. You can look me in the eye. I'm living. I'm your huckleberry. Come. Come in peace. I live in St. Louis and I am ready for any and all false witnesses with their bitter, fearful hearts trying to gain man's favor in the name of lying....you get the idea. So come. Face to face. Eyeball to eyeball. St. Louis, MO. Anytime in a public place. Bring anyone you wish. I will bring myself, my Holy Bible and maybe a tape recorder and 2 or 3 witness I suppose I should bring too. Who would do it? None. Noone. They shoot their mouth but can't back it up. Again, the kingdom of God is not in word only but in power so please, bring it! The show-me state welcomes your power. Experience has shown me Satan always backs down. He has too basically. Well people do go on lying and deceiving. That is available. First and Second Timothy. Just because someone maintains his lie boldly and with a special seared consicence does not indicate the truth. Ask Pete Rose. Believe me there are people who would love to see the truth out of some of you. You can hide behind free will but you don't fool God. It is not available. Noone can fool Him, only lie and deceive. For all you who wonder how now people may get away with such cowardice and slander it is because it is available. We lie in an age of grace. However God is just isn't He? They are forfeiting eternal rewards. ETERNAL. Still no fear of God. That is truly sad. The integrity of the Word and their own eternal rewards. God does not reward liars. The fools who stood up against Paul will lose. Well saved yet so as by fire. Noone is saved by works, all by grace. What a day the judgement seat of Christ will be. How many surprises and lies will be exposed. If you have a lie against Dr. Wierwille you hold as truth by all means bring it. Take it out on me. Twould be nice to see you guys. I am ready. Any takers or just vain talkers and lying, bitter souls? If you cannont travel that is excusable. If you can, come on. Pleaaaase. Then you can visit the Arch, the Museum, maybe take in a Cardinals baseball game. The Magic House in Kirkwood is neat for kids. Close to a McDonalds I used to work at and was witnessed to at. God bless. The guts and the heart say, come. "COME"
How Did You Respond to Negatives About TWI While "In"?
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Few people know the difference between a good spirit and a bad one so people go along and say God gives all. Actually I think a bigger problem with God's own People today may be that they accuse Him of being a devil. What did some accuse God's only begotten Son of? Of being possessed by the prince of devils. You will never know God until you keep His commandments. I John. If this is true, and if this is the actual revealed word and will of God then if you disobey the word of God, you cannot know can you? God can and does give clear wisdom and understanding doesn't He? (The epistle of James) but you cannot win without acting on His revealed word and will. Do not argue with God. And what man is God? No man. Not you. Not me. Not your pastor. There has, is and always will be only one true God. True or False you theologianize for yourself. Just because a wife screws up a cake once does not mean she should hate cakes. When you fall, you pick yourself back up with the help of God. Walking involves a learning process or vice-versa I guess. Regardless of whether anyone hears or forbears it is nice we have the privilege of love and having peace with one another as much as lieth in us. It's also a privilege to believe. No liar will get away with false witnesses. We believe in the Righteous Judge don't we? It's his or her own loss of eternal rewards (I Corinthians 2 or 3) It may be the blatant liars will be exposed sooner rather than later. Still God is wise. He is not fooled. Liars can be good at deceiving. Ask Pete Rose. Forewarned is forearmed! God bless -
Hey johniam. What god Do you serve? Remember that from PFAL. I see how God's own people, those to whom He bled His heart out to treated Him from stories in the Old Testamnent. I am trying to learn from the Holy Scriptures. Are you? Hmm, "he that is not with me is against me" comes to mind. To be born again of God's spirit and then be such a coward and spit in God's face, figuratively speaking, is being worse than the children of Israel who lived in the Old Testament. They were not born again of God's spirit, it was not yet available. My gollegee, have you never read the book of Hebrews? Where did you get your bible? From the bottom of a form of godliness without the power of God cereal box? Do you throw out anything has to do with discipline? Two words come to mind then, bas tard. :o--> I am aware we live in an age of grace. So be a pansy all your life or take a stand? Johniam you can't back up your toughie words. Read the Word..."so shall I be in person...what will ye shall I come with a rod" like one would with his little kids, whom he loves by the way, "or gentless and the spirit of meekness." Now I know that may not be word for word but you can look it up then correct me so you feel like a bonifide man of God then. :)--> Christianity is still at best a game. Not worth dying for, not worth living for. C'mon johniam. Since you think I serve strange gods and not the one true God. I call you out. Let's go to the canvass! Put me in my place with all the love and tenderness of brother in Christ. You can do it! (remember Kelly Strugs from the olympics?) God bless the USA and God bless greasespots! I have not yet to fight. Who said that anyways? God love ya johniam, now, up like a man. Let's get down to it here. :)-->
No offense, I'm just jealous. I remember lots from the class. The only part I threw out, of course, was the nonsense about renewed mind and lying. Can you blame me? Wait til the the judgement seat and see how red your butt turns. :o--> Doesn't it say something about few or many stripes? And "YOU"LL receive in YOUR body the things done whether good or bad"? And also, "KNOWING THE TERROR OF THE LORD we persuade men"? Well, just my private interpretation maybe. I do think it is love to take a stand and call a liar a liar but I suppose you can certainly do it in a civilized and acceptable manner. For instance I believe someone here ************* is making all her stuff up about Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. (ie: lying) But I'm not out to slander her or something. Just to take a stand and say I believe she is lying. She may turn around and say something I have said is a lie. That is civilized. That is still allowed in our country of liberty. No foaming at the mouth, no pistols cocked. Just telling it like it is. Maybe it's for attention at the expense of another man's name. God knows. I am sure God the creator of the heavens and earth can tell and knows the difference between a liar and false witness and the truth from a faithful witness. You really think lies will go unpunished or something? Anianias and Sapphira come to mind, bless their little old hearts. I hear earballs being knocked together. The king of kings and the lord of lords won't be spit on next time, will he now? I definately remember that part of the class! :)--> One more thing from the class. Man has no power. The power is from God. The believer puts power in to manifestation when he renews his mind to the truth and speaks the truth in the love of God. Words are cheap from man without the truth and power of God to back it up. It is impossible for God to lie and His Word is faithful. :)--> [This message was edited by LiarLiarPantsOnFire on February 02, 2004 at 14:32.] [This message was edited by LiarLiarPantsOnFire on February 02, 2004 at 14:41.] [This message was edited by pawtucket on February 02, 2004 at 14:46.] I took out the name you mentioned. [This message was edited by pawtucket on February 02, 2004 at 14:52.]
How do YOU do the first commandment?
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to Schwaigers's topic in About The Way
Here's one way to honor the first commandment. Quit calling God's only begotten Son, who sits at God's own right hand, who died for you, by initials lacking just about any reverence whatsoever (like followers of Charles Manson called him by the way, for your learning.) If you say he is your lord act like it once in your life since the new birth. Respect is still available to those who have ears to hear and hearts to want to understand. And again, by the way, how do you know right doctrine? If you DO it, believe it. "Why call me lord, lord and do not DO the things I command you?" Even angels called him the lord. Get a clue fast. He is coming back! -
EXPLICIT: A Frank Discussion of Sex...
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to Zixar's topic in The Birds and the Bees
Heres a joke some of you may appreciate. A law enforcement officer stops a car for traveling faster than the posted speed limit. Since he's in a good mood that day he decides to give the poor fellow a break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. So, he asks the man his name. "Fred," he replies. "Fred what?" the officer asks. "Just Fred," the man responds. When the officer presses him for a last name, the man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officer thinks he has a nutcase on his hands, but plays along with it. "Tell me Fred, how did you lose your last name?" The man replies, "It's a long story so stay with me. I was born Fred Dingaling. I know, funny last name. The kids used to tease me all the time. So I stayed to myself. I studied hard and got good. When I got older, I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Dingaling, MD. After a while I got bored being a doctor so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream. Got all the way through school, got my degree so I was now Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS. Got bored doing dentistry so I started fooling around with my assistant. She gave me VD. So, I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS with VD. Well, the ADA (American Dental Association) found out about the VD so they took away my DDS so I was Fred Dingaling MD with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD, leaving me as Fred Dingaling with VD. Then you can just imagine what took away my dingaling so now I'm just Fred." The officer walked away in tears, laughing so hard, and tore up the warning ticket. -
Greasespot Cafe -- Names we're known by (and icons)
LiarLiarPantsOnFire replied to Kit Sober's topic in My Story
I came to your church today trying to get out of what I am in (see my username) and all you here did was drive me deeper in to it! If you want to know what lying is all about, I can tell you more than you will ever know. I'm with you JohnIAm. I love Dr Wierwille and the Word he stood for, died for and bled his heart out for to numskulls like you and I. God does not waste his time on reprobates. He cannot teach knowitalls because their jug is already full. Remember the capacity problem of those who had rejected the Fountain of Living Waters? Very smart. Not! But hey, remember the passage where it says look out when people tell you how great you are. that that's how they treated their heroes that got them killed, the false prophets? But hopefully that's how they'll treat me here, LiarLiarPantsOnFire. I tell you I cannot lose! But all kidding aside I try to respect people here and everywhere. I do not, however, ever have to buy in to their 3 bristle toothbrushes they peddle. I just have to follow the rules. Even my mom made me do that. :(--> -
Never mind. [This message was edited by LiarLiarPantsOnFire on February 04, 2004 at 17:28.]