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J0nny Ling0

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Everything posted by J0nny Ling0

  1. Trefor, My wife and I who do not smoke, are "smoker sympathizers", "apologists" if you will. We have seen how those who do smoke are treated as "second class Citizens", and we really don't like it. So, with a major sarcasm, when we see people smoking cigarrettes outside in the rain huddled halfway in the doorway of their place of work,one of us will say with a mock sneer; "Look. Smokers. And then we laugh. So, with this explanation, I hope you too see the humor. Cheers!
  2. And yes Trefor, I agree. Like I mentioned, we already covered that sapect way back when in this thread. Although, Marks information about the Congressional Black caucus is new and puts the same subject in a different light. And.... it fits with my way of thinkin'! :)--> But yeah, I am getting tired of this argument. I will still hold my beliefs of course, but if there are any of my old friends here who are now gay, I have probably hurt their feelings, and that makes me sad. There is one as a matter of fact, and I hope this individual wasn't lurking during this last spate of homosexual scrutiny...
  3. Hey! Those sons a bitc*es! I use to take my kids to that tree lighting event! I may hve been a scrooge about Santa, but I still like Christmas! "Political correctness". No wonder I left that miserable place on the east coast and have holed up here in Alaska!!! And thank you Def59, your point is well made. That is probably one of my biggest beefs in this whole thing. The fact that it would "special rights" above and beyond just equal rights. To me, African Americans are a race of people, whereas, gay people are a group who are set apart soley because of the choice in the pleasure that they choose. We have debated that over and over way back in this thread somewhere. But that is something that sticks in my craw...
  4. Oh, sorry for not reading that right. And ya know, I believe you mentioned that before about Kensington outlawing Santa Claus. That's kinda wild to be sure. I had never heard that before. I'll have to look it up on the Net. And I didn't do it, it was them! But really, I have always told my kids from the beginning that Santa was a big fake and a scam. Must be in my "Kensington blood..."
  5. That's probably too deep for me to figure out Tom...And hey, those look like Tree Eagles near my house! Don't you live in the South somewhere Tom?
  6. Thanks for the articles Mark. Nice to see that viewpoint, because there have been some here to compare the civil rights struggle of the 60's with the gay "rights" issues and particularly the same sex marriage issue of today. Personally I am happy to see that there the CBC and the NAACP does not see their struggle as the same. You say that you live in a country that is 70% black. Which country is that? BTW-Go Terps! I grew up in Kensington, Maryland..
  7. When in my first year in rez (10th Corps), we were told to get together our back packs and get ready to "head for the hills" in that an imminent economic collapse was about to occur, which would result in national anarchy. The economy was crazy at that time with gold being sky high and with the prime interest rate way up around 20% or so. So, we dutifully gathered up survival gear, and formed MAL Twigs (we jokingliy called them platoons) and had "secret meetins in the dead of the night" about how to survive an anarchic situation such as an economic collapse so that The Word could live after we were all scattered abroad. MAL stood for "Mobile Abundant Life". And our back packs were referred to As Mal Packs. In fact everything was MAL. The was the "MAL Look" which was olive drab wool clothing and hiking boots, there were MAL Twigs (oe "platoons" as I mentioned, and even one "Chairman MAL" who was John Butler who taught us classes on survival and also collected money from us so we could pay back Mama International who had eventually bought us all of this really cool backpacking gear which I still have to this day. Although other Corps went throught the Mal thing, I don't think anybody but the 8th and 10th and the staffers and College Div at Emporia went through as much craziness as we did...
  8. Hey there fellowshipper! Check yer private topics bro! And, Kaveh was a dear friend. I am crushed. A kind and wonderful man and an incredible example to me and so man many others...
  9. Pirate- How is it that you are able to post a picture and have it show up so fast? Corrie are still waiting for the Kalakala and the Kennicott to "arrive"... Nice pic too Pirate, do you intend on taking a "boarding party" and running up the old Jolly Roger? (skull and cross bones) Haha! Or, is she already one of your prizes?
  10. I pay $330.00 round trip with my Suburban, wife and three kids to go to Juneau from Haines and back. It's a four and a half hour ride to get to Juneau on our older ferries. But it will only be a two and a half hour ride once our M/V Fairweather gets here this summer. Ferries are definitely a way of life for everyone here in Southeast Alaska. When my two older kids were on the basketball team, they would be on the ferry alot. When the Regionals were in Ketchikan, they'd be on the ferry for a day and a half just to get there. The kids take their sleeping bags and sleep in the forward observation lounge or up in the "movie room" where there are reclining chairs. They really have a blast while they are underway. It must really be something to be a kid up here. Once when my daughters b ballteam had to pay this Indian village team called Metlakatla (I just love to say that word "Metlakatla"-try it!), the kids took the ferry toKetchikan, and then thy got on single engine planes (Cherokee Sixes) and flew in to "Metlakatla". Pretty cool for a bunch of highschool kids. Hey, I'll post a picture of the M/V Kennicott. She is the newest vessel in our fleet (until that Fairweather gets here). I worked on her for three years. I was even on the maiden voyage. It was pretty funny too, because we kept having kids (young couples) ask us if they could go up on the bow when we were underway so they could re-enact some seen from "The Titanic" which had just come out... Ahh... I just love ships! I have been working on them on and off since I was sixteen. Gave up that career when I got involved with The Way, then in '93, I started back into it again.. Here's the Kennicott.. [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 13, 2004 at 11:29.]
  11. Why Chwester! Such a fine bit of wisdom in that inspiration! Well said that! Righto, pip pip, cheerio and all of that!
  12. Sounds nice. We have a new fast ferry coming here in the summer of 2004 named the "M/V (motor vessel) Fairweather". She'll be taking passengers and vehicles between Juneau, Haines (my town), Skagway, and Sitka, Alaska. She is brand new and is on her way from the East Coast to the West, and is going through the Canal right about now on her way to Alaska from the shipyard where she was built. And...She will be a great benefit to this town where I live in that she will help cut out so much of the isolation that we experience by way of the poor ferry service that we have endured.
  13. Karmicdebt said Well Karmic, I see that you think I am "angry". I guess when one has a strong opinion, you interpret it as "anger". And that makes me really angry at you! No just kidding. But I do not agree with your assessment that pedophilia is mainly heterosexual. I have found it to be the opposite. Almost every Roman Catholic pedophile preist I have read about has been homosexual. And there have been numerous cases up in Anchorage in the last few years that I have read about where it was older men molesting little boys. And as Def said; when an older man molests a little boy, he is in fact a homosexual. He may also be a pedophile, but he is still a homosexual. You may say , but if a homosexual act is perpetrated on a little boy, then how is the perp not also a homosexual? It is hard for me to understand why you strongly want to keep the word "homosexual" out of the equation.I mean, why the adamant defense against such reprehensible perverts? [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 12, 2004 at 11:57.]
  14. Ya know Wayfer Not, I don't know the answer to that one. I have heard it all my life, but really, the only cockle I ever heard of as far as knowing what it actually was, is a "clam like" creature. You know, as in "Cockles and Mussels", etc... I will have to look it up and get back to you...
  15. Oh, by the way, Diedre Flick married a guy named Jeff Wagner. So you'll need to be looking for Diedre Wagner these days...
  16. Patricia Sweesey? She was our haircutter and nurse in our Mal-Pack Platoon!! Lovely woman she was/is...
  17. This is just a re-post to bring it back up.....
  18. Jen-O said: "i didn't take them to the movie to "convert" them....i took them to get an appreciation for what Jesus went through. Taking them to the film was not a substitute for my parenting skills... it was in addition to". Well said. However, Diazbro said; He also said; And so, that same criticism is found here at the Grease Spot Cafe as well. And Jen-O, it didn't warp your eleven year old? Sounds like you are doing a fine job to me...
  19. Excathedra, I too and cracking up over that one! Wasway! Yer killin me! What a fine alter boy you were! And yet the notion of these long lost sacrificial Amazing Sea Monkeys just warms the cockles of me heart...
  20. Awww Grizzy, I have always loved your posts! It is no surprise to me that your heart was inclined to embrace the greatness of the Amazing Sea Monkeys! Welcome our new Bruthah, to the exciting and New Dynamic fellowship of the Amazing Sea Monkeys! And remember, There is no condemnation towards you for not persuing(sp?) your own Amazing Sea Monkey! habitat, because they know that it is right to obey one's parents! Welcome brother!
  21. I am belly laughing!!! Socks, you are brilliant!
  22. Welcome to the Fellowship of the Amazing Sea Monkeys! Goey! I really laffed my a$$ off just now! And what a fine testimony to be sure...But remember to beware of our Adversary, the Dark Monkey...
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