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Everything posted by JustThinking

  1. Remember, she was also frequently used by LCM as a prop to prove he was the true MOGFODAT. Although, in her defense, she may not have had many options at that point in her life. Unless her kids would take her in. As I was around but only met her a few times, I don't feel qualified to comment too much. JT
  2. Tragic in one way but probably heaven-sent from her perspective. I imagine meeting you might have felt like many of us finding a home here with the other misfit ex-wayfers. It's pretty cool that you reached out to her. You could have just let her go. Not everyone stops to help others. JT
  3. Good point. There were definitely some people who were corpse or leader.... wannabes who would otherwise have been living under a bridge. No social skills and pretty weird. I met one BC at the ROA who was pushing his folks to invest in a silver coin scheme he was selling. Looked like a slimy used car salesman. Bad jacket, bad haircut. Kind of like Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade but without the suave personality. :blink: Come to think of it, there were a lot of people who were kind of on the fringes of society who found a home in twig. Kind of a-social and backwards. Give that person some power and bad advice, yikes! JT
  4. Absolutely true and lived to see it. (Never got my t-shirt though) When our branch coordinator quit, all of the advanced class grads in the state were called together and screamed at for half an hour for not seeing this coming. Uh, this was our LC, who lived 10 minutes from the guy and talked to him daily. But the people who never met him and lived an hour away should have gotten revelation? Only in TWI-land. JT
  5. Yeah!!!! Glad to hear it! The best revenge is living well. :) (Not sure who said that or something similar) JT
  6. Especially the corpse under LCM. Marry non-corpse and you're out. REALLY limits things.... (I was never corpse but can empathize) JT
  7. Crystal, Probably more than God would prefer. If you add in the subtle humiliation and treatment of others who were inferior because their name tag wasn't right, it's probably a Looonnnngggg list. But, if you want to count, I'll put my name at the top. And you can quote me on that. :) JT
  8. Is anyone aware of a family requesting to move remains from TWI grounds? Not a simple matter but it might be less painful than facing TWI every time. Just curious. JT
  9. TWI always liked the appearance of being something big. VP's plane, presidential seal, etc. This is probably one more attempt at looking like a real organization not some cornfield cult. JT
  10. In my state, one guy's wife left with the limb coordinator. Does that count? JT
  11. Was the small one just a copy of the big one upstairs? If so, how weird? There's a massive bronze statue at TWI with a large erection at what is probably eye level? OMG. Only in WayWorld... JT
  12. For a while, TWI was publishing the names of corpse who were dropped. Not in a nice way, mind you. I wonder if they get these notices too? After all, why miss a chance to rip open an old wound? JT
  13. Awesome Oak that you're here! I'm glad you are. JT
  14. Come to think of it, TWI aged me more than anything else in my life. So, yes, I guess I did grow old in the Way. :unsure: JT
  15. Bolshevik, You got one? Are you able to post a copy? WIth your info blanked out, of course. Or just post the main content? JT
  16. Imagine being a kid and explaining that one to your new friend? Or their parents? "Hi, here's a statue of our dead minister. We're prevailing in God's Prevailing Word in God's Prevailing Ministry." <Cue the creepy Friday the 13th music> JT They made a full size one too?!! Where is it? JT
  17. "Mathematical exactness and scientific precision." Unless we made it up in which case it's subject to change. <_<
  18. Sad but true. It was about 8 inches high and bronze. He was holding a Bible in one hand and his glasses in the other. Of course, VP was on a pedestal. ;) Can't remember what the pedestal said. Maybe someone here remembers? They were pushing these things forever. I think they had a lot made and they didn't sell. After all, if you don't have money to eat, $200 for a statue was a stretch. I never saw many in other people's houses. Actually, I'm not sure I EVER saw another one. Any other tools have one of those? JT
  19. You ARE a TWI tool if... You bought one of the VPW statues for about $200. (Did I get that price right?) The one that had an erection? OMG, what a tool I was! JT
  20. Maybe there's no person with enough stature to make it happen? You have a group of people used to being led by the nose by a single person. Who is that today? Not Rosie. You had VPW who started the thing. He put his stamp on LCM who saw himself as a rock star. But Rosie kind of came in by default. No real authority as a MOGFODAT. Just the cleaner-upper after the last disaster. IMHO, things just drifted after they booted loy-boy. There were still some corpse around who yelled but it seemed like they lost their cheerleader. It was pretty quiet after that. My guess, if I had to make one, is there really isn't anyone in charge like before. Just a manager living off past history and today's bank account. My question is will they ever try to craft a new VP-like person to excite the waybots? Some hokey sign from their god, perhaps, to show "we have a new MOGFODAT!" JT
  21. When that's the best one can say about a group... JT
  22. I'm SO disappointed! Nothing in my mail box. :( I did get renewal notices for the Way Rag for a couple of years. Apparently, I wasn't good enough for them but my cash was. Oh, wait, you probably knew that already, didn't you?! :P So are the weasels using a form letter? JT
  23. Interesting that each category got at least one vote. Geez, I guess we're just not like-minded. JT
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