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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2024 in all areas

  1. I consider myself humanist as well. Since there is no hierarchy in humanism, no one really gets to define it. This website gathers various definitions that permit us to ascertain some kind of consensus. For me, it boils down to the following: * No gods (or devils) or spirits, etc. * Morality is derived from human experience and based on both empathy and the greater good. * Humankind is responsible for its future and well-being. There's much more to it, of course.
    1 point
  2. Rest is a very good thing for a person and her (or his) mind to do. Best wishes.
    1 point
  3. Thank you for making this happen. Now, people looking for updates on a 17-year old topic won't think there was news when there was not, and the new guy who had something to say has the appropriate venue in which to say it. Naturally, now that this is the case, we've probably heard the last of him.
    1 point
  4. Thanks Rocky. I'm giving it all a rest. I'll check in for topics of interest though and perhaps post about those.
    1 point
  5. Here’s what I know. My life is healthier since walking away from Christianity. It's healthier mentally and emotionally which is inspiring me to work on being healthier physically. It has freed up my time since there is no longer a need/desire to work on a 24/7 relationship with a god that supposedly wanted one with me. I’m now going to let go of the need/desire to learn more about why the bible was not inspired by any kind of God. Simply put, I want to be able to stop thinking about god to the extent that only the rare thought will pop into my head and then quickly dissipate. Thanks everyone for your input – it was much appreciated!
    1 point
  6. It's horrible that you had that placed on your shoulders at such a young age. I have listened to other adults share about their lives as kids and living with a deep fear of Satan, not knowing for sure if they're saved or not, being left behind when the rapture occurs, of going to hell. If whatever a parent teaches their child about God causes them to live with such fear, it is a form of child abuse. I think this is an interesting quote from the book "The Argument Against God:" It would, though, be far better if religious doctrines and systems were not taught to people until they had attained maturity. If this were the case, how many would subscribe to a religion? Without being given a predisposition through childhood indoctrination to think there might be something in one of the many and conflicting religious beliefs on offer, the likely answer would surely be: not very many."
    1 point
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