"I lean towards the belief that everyone worships/serves one sort of god or another, regardless of who or what they call it, even if it appears to be nothing more than themselves."
Yeah, this isn't true.
This is what religious people tell themselves to project their behavior onto those who do not share their beliefs.
The problem becomes, they expand the definition of "worship" beyond sensible meaning, then accuse non-worshippers of idolatry because they put some other priority above the worship of a god. So if I put "earning a living" above "God," then I worship work or money. I mean, FINE, if you want to torture the definition of the word "worship."
People generally don't worship themselves (certain high profile exceptions notwithstanding).
Why is it so hard to accept the notion that some people don't "worship" anything? That you can admire something without worshiping it. That something can be a priority in your life without being a "god" to you?
It reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. Rather than butcher it, I'm going to find it...
The point being, "off" is not a TV channel.
I do a lot of things. None of them involve worship, unless you define it out of existence.