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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi Janet, and welcome to the Cafe. Thanks for your sponsorship to others unknown. God will respect your heart in providing for the needs of others. And if those people respect God (rather than TWI) he'll bless and teach them.
    1 point
  2. Weren't there some of us who, while others suggested the group wasn't interested in followers' money, that it was indeed the nature of the beast?
    1 point
  3. Good morning, I would have chimed in earlier but I've been sick. Nothing serious. For any new visitors to this site, I want to say that DWBH is an extremely important voice on TWI inner workings, big and small. The facts he has that back up his assertions are first-hand experiences. I knew him personally. For one thing, we were both at HQ at a critical time, 1986, when that scathing and disruptive (understatement) so-called Passing of a Patriarch letter was written and read by Chr*s G**r. My heartfelt suggestion is for visitors (and anyone who has not heard it) is to listen to the GSC radio show on this website titled, Through the Fog. I think it will give you some idea of the evil that occurred. DWBH mentioned a book I am writing, Undertow, so I want to let you know it is near publication. When it's ready, GSC folks will be one of the first groups to know. A side note: Yesterday the world lost one of the most important memory keepers and voices on human rights abuse (understatement), one that expressed moral outrage in a way we could embrace... Elie Wiesel. https://www.washingt...omepage%2Fstory I would like to thank GSC for providing a place where we can express moral outrage over the spiritual, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse perpetrated by "spiritual" leaders we trusted. Hopefully, our voices can make a difference in this world. That's the point, right? To inform and help. To shed light, understanding, and healing. That, by the way, is why I wrote my book. Cheers, Penworks, a.k.a. Charlene
    1 point
  4. DWBH you do a great job of exposing this insipid bunch of self-serving sociopaths past and present. Your language doesn't tweak me because to me language is barely able to capture the evil these megalomaniacs caused in people's lives or the difficulty there is in escaping these systems. Although I do see how it would tweak various Wierwille apologists in whatever stage of apology they may be in. I say turn it up not down.
    1 point
  5. DWBH.....here's my perspective on your writing, input and delivery, never dial it back. I absolutely enjoy your posts. Your bold and descriptive exposure/confrontation of mogs/mogettes and their lieutenants reminds me of Matthew 23 when Jesus "laid it all out there" concerning the Pharisees (whited sepulchers, etc.). No one on these boards has seen what you've witnessed up close and personal. No one. And, where are the other 420 clergy that were once a part of the wierwille-deceptive-machine? A few dozen of them are in splinter groups living off the façade of the wierwille "foundation." Personally, I come to Greasespot to hear the OTHER SIDE.....and DWBH, you indeed shout it from the rooftops!! THANK YOU.
    1 point
  6. Animals can sense things about people, such as whether they're mean or cruel or friendly or caring, etc. I don't know how they do it. Maybe it's chemical or magnetic or electrical or whatever. I don't know. Neither do they. I've always had a problem with codependency. If a big storm blows shingles off my in-laws roof, guess who feels compelled to climb the ladder and fix it? I don't know how people sense it but they do. Some people, unfortunately, can sense it and exploit it. I think it's like that with sexual predators (just my opinion). Somehow, they sense a weakness in their prey and take advantage of it. I don't think it's a process that involves logic and reason. It must be similar to the ability animals have to sense things about people. And, the world is filled with animals.
    1 point
  7. "In Kris' book she admitted to cheating on her husband with another guy in the area for a time because the other guy made her feel more loved. She wasn't a young girl; she was an adult. She knew VP was married. What? The cult made me do it? Pressure? Yes, but she could have refused. A woman she named Becky refused. So did GSC alum Valerie52." John None of this relieves Wierwille of the commitment he made when he took his marriage vows. He cheated on Mrs. W. and, it wasn't a one time thing. Wierwille was a habitual adulterer. The sexual history of his partners is irrelevant. Furthermore, he had a moral and professional obligation, as a Christian minister, to conduct himself in a manner becoming the position he held. He failed miserably in that regard. You can't blame his partners for that. That burden fell squarely on his shoulders alone. Imagine this scenario: Mrs. Johniam walks in on Mr. Johniam and one of his twig sisters doing the horizontal mambo. Mrs. "What in the world is going on here????" Mr. "Don't worry, Dear. She's had other affairs before this one."
    1 point
  8. Just like you can't put lipstick on a pig and make it pretty, you can't build a Christian ministry on the foundations of a sexual predator and educational fraud and plagiarist, no matter how many layers of whitewash you coat it with.
    1 point
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