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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2019 in all areas

  1. It's never a good sign when you have to keep changing your group's name so that people don't know who you are. So, "The Revenant Process" and "Blood and Ethos" and "Master Coaches Academy" and "Efficacius" are all MOMENTUS with a name-change and some window-dressing? Oh, don't forget "Life Design Coaching" , "Legendary Life Strategy" and "the Hero Being Process." That's a LOT of names to lose in the shuffle, all for Momentus, which people steer clear of because they've been warned. https://www.therevenantprocess.com/ https://www.bloodandethos.com/ A "revenant" is a mythic creature, a corpse that drags itself from its grave to haunt the living, and folklorists use it interchangeably with "vampire". The name translates, roughly, as "one who returns." Yeah, Momentus dragged itself from its grave to haunt the living. Sounds about right.
    2 points
  2. Oh brother! Thanks for the warning. I think.
    1 point
  3. It's back. Regardless of what you think about Momentous and its combination of pseudo-Christian theology, new-age Large-Group-Awareness-Training and just plain indoctrination, Daniel Tocchini is doing it again under a new name. https://www.therevenantprocess.com/ https://www.bloodandethos.com/the-hero-being-process/ Just wanted to warn those who ought to be warned.
    1 point
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