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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi There, I recently left TWI almost two years ago after being involved for 27 years. I'm still trying to unwind it all, but I do want to say that over the years I would look at the information in this group and it helped me to eventually come out of TWI. I got involved when I was 13. Met my husband at The ROA, went Way Disciple Group 5, I don't know how often I will be able to come here, but I would love to talk with others who have done it too. Thanks.
    1 point
  2. Perhaps another interesting 'aside' to this is latest medical discovery that the brain does not necessarily die as soon as one's heart stops beating ! Medical scientists have 'discovered' that the human brain has a type of 'back up energy system' that keeps it functioning for as long as 4-6 hours after typical declaration of death. This could explain people seeing and hearing things after they had supposedly 'died'. Don't know if this is a particularly good thing ?!
    1 point
  3. Bump -- 7-year old thread ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is the Victor Paul Wierwille Memorial Museum more evident now? In the past number of years, the final stages of transitioning to a "memorial museum" have been met: The 68 Million has accrued, namely harvested and hoarded, to preserve the image and illusion of victor paul wierwille. Another 230 corps have abandoned the mother-cult. Some going into business for themselves.....Phasing in a splinter According to recent sources (March 2017 R&R letter).......programs, classes and ethical decency are gasping for air. Rosalie, Donna and Marcia G can gaggle and giggle together......during their shopping sprees and fine dining. In March 2019, Rosalie will celebrate her 80th birthday and years of retirement at this preservation society. Outreach is no longer needed.......the money will accrue in banks/investments to keep the illusion moving. Notice: Very little has changed since 1985 when wierwille left the building. The auditorium is an echo chamber. Leadership of the past has been erased.......of Summervilles, Duncans, Reahards, Smiths, Standages, etc. No displayed pictures to honor the thousands of lives who built the way international. This VPW Memorial Museum is a testament to isolation, illusion, immersion and indoctrination. Your contributions are welcomed. .
    1 point
  4. Hi Mamouda. Welcome to the café. Yep, you'll be shocked at some of the "behind the scenes" things you discover here. Be prepared to be horrified. Geer was an arrogant prig and what you say is no surprise. There's a thread about him in Way in Europe or some such forum. He "established" Gartmore, caused a rift among the trustees that ripped TWI in half, and lurked in Gartmore plotting more of the same. I think he is now back in Maine or some such. Gartmore was sold years ago. There are threads on that, here; enter "Gartmore" in the search box and you will find some relevant threads. Sexual abuse was rampant and you will find many first and second hand reports here. There were court cases about Martindale and that's what got him thrown out, but Wierwille was never brought to justice. You talk about your "country coordinator" - which country were/are you in? (PM me if you don't want to say publicly) Anyway, we are way off topic here! Have fun browsing.
    1 point
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