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Is the Victor Paul Wierwille Memorial Museum more evident now?
In the past number of years, the final stages of transitioning to a "memorial museum" have been met:
The 68 Million has accrued, namely harvested and hoarded, to preserve the image and illusion of victor paul wierwille.
Another 230 corps have abandoned the mother-cult. Some going into business for themselves.....Phasing in a splinter
According to recent sources (March 2017 R&R letter).......programs, classes and ethical decency are gasping for air.
Rosalie, Donna and Marcia G can gaggle and giggle together......during their shopping sprees and fine dining.
In March 2019, Rosalie will celebrate her 80th birthday and years of retirement at this preservation society.
Outreach is no longer needed.......the money will accrue in banks/investments to keep the illusion moving.
Notice: Very little has changed since 1985 when wierwille left the building. The auditorium is an echo chamber.
Leadership of the past has been erased.......of Summervilles, Duncans, Reahards, Smiths, Standages, etc.
No displayed pictures to honor the thousands of lives who built the way international.
This VPW Memorial Museum is a testament to isolation, illusion, immersion and indoctrination.
Your contributions are welcomed.