I think actually the Way's use of the word "gift" kind of ruins the way we use the word in normal conversation in society. Like for example, seeing a girl twirl high above the earth wrapped only in a long silk scarf one would normally exclaim "that girl has a gift".
Typically we would mean that in the sense that the girl has developed herself into great kinesthetic understanding and display. We would encourage the girl to "develop her gift".
Or in another sense, a friend of mine has a troubled son. He is spoken of as having a "gift for getting in trouble". He also gets in fights. So my friend instead of having his son develop his gifts in the direction of being a prison gang leader, he is exerting a more positive influence and enrolling him in mixed martial arts classes so he can instead have a career in the UFC.
But Wayspeak we would be correcting that midstream. Oh, no, the only Biblically accurate usages of the word "gift" are either holy spirit non-capitalized, or gift ministries, which are these magical things that work just like the manifestations, except with extra power. So when a "gift ministry" person would operate manifestations, whooo laa laa, we were to expect fireworks. Like, you know, listening to the Veepster speak in tongues. Oh wait. That just sounded like preschool nonsense Italian all the time LOL.
And I'll tell you, the higher up the chain you would climb interacting with people in the Way, the less you would see of the miraculous, and the more you would see of the pettiness of Machiavellian rule.