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  1. STANDARD response. "All of you focus your lives on the evils of twi". As if we spend all our lives here. Seriously, someone's feeding all of you the same handful of lines. It happened in twi- which is why your "we look only toward God" post looked rehearsed, and this response is equally standardized. Until you actually do the thinking for yourself, you're going to pretty much be subject to whoever's writing your scripts. At least become aware someone's feeding you lines and you're just repeating them here.
    1 point
  2. The exact wording was never "and you put your trust in wierwille." It wasn't QUITE that transparent- as everybody else can see pretty clearly. HOWEVER, if anyone reading the Bible while it "interpreted itself" and came up with a different conclusion than vpw, vpw clamped down HARD on them, and that trickled down. The vpw way to do things was the ONLY way to do things. He was quoted on all sorts of subjects as if he was an expert on EVERYTHING because we thought he was an expert on the Bible. And there was plenty of NONSENSE among all of that. His conspiracy theories alone were enough to qualify him as an obvious loony. His crackpot ideas about medicine were, at best, HIGHLY questionable. Ever hear an OB/GYN doctor say that the only LEGIT craving a pregnant woman could have was for SALT? vpw rattled that off. Ever hear a medical doctor or a nurse say that there was no difference between starches or sugars and drinking alcohol? vpw said that if you had a piece of pie for dessert, you ended up consuming "more GRAIN ALCOHOL" than if you'd had a few drinks. (That made it onto an SNS tape, straight from his mouth.) Anything vpw said about the Bible was ACCEPTED WITHOUT EXPLANATION. I once made a point without prefacing it "and vpw said it meant this" because I read something logically. (Objective observers later said I was right.) I wasn't asked "Why do you say that?" I was told "you CAN'T say that." Later, someone tried to repeat that to me. I paused in showing them why it was sensible to ask "If vpw said that was the case, would you accept it without explanation?" "Of course I would." That was a Country Coordinator. I think you SAW, but did not OBSERVE. Even with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, everything's still being seen through the twi filter where vpw did no wrong.
    1 point
  3. Hey Canshiftshit! i was never kicked out. I RESIGNED. The coward brainwashed racist, fascist, Aryan wierwille worshippers like YOU are the “faithful remnant” of way-brained fools still dumb enough to think that ANY THING wierwille said or did was somehow in some way related to the authentic Christianity of Jesus Christ. Well stuck-on-stoopeed can’tshiftshit, again, you have proven magnificently EVERY WORD I said to and about you. Be careful! It could just be another “troublemaker inspired utterance by revelation, or prophecy”!! 32 years and i’m really good at it now! Bwaaaaaahahahahaha!
    1 point
  4. Well, anyone who said anything other than "I'm following you blindly, Craig" would have been kicked out at the time- as Lifted Up discovered when he spoke to lcm on the phone and asked him if he was demanding "an oath to follow him blindly," since that's what he sounded like. lcm said flatly that that's what Lifted Up was already doing. LU corrected his factual error by telling him to kiss his posterior and hanging up immediately. So, yes, any "leader" (Way Corps or person in any position) was, at the time, demanded to swear an oath of loyalty to lcm. So, any successor after that WOULD have sworn to follow lcm, while those who refused to choose any man were kicked out, along with anyone who gave any answer other than "I swear allegiance to the craig..." The other part was interesting. Having been kept out of the loop of those who left earlier and WHY they did (Ralph, JAL, etc), we had previously thought they had no legitimate reason to jump ship when they did. After all, if they HAD left for a good reason, we would have been told. After all, we were all interested in the truth, so why would leaders lie to us, or withhold information from us? (20/20 hindsight) And yes, it softened in different ways for different people over time. Some just softened it for ex-twi and ONLY for ex-twi. Others eventually included other Christians, and so on. I think more of those who became in charge of the splinters tended to be more "ex-twi only" and rank-and-file became more inclusionary of other Christians. Then again, a few erstwhile leaders made an odd exception to their "ex-twi only" rule- which led directly to the MOMENTUS debacle- for which JAL never apologized and he still seems to be selling it under-the-table.
    1 point
  5. They all just cannot let go of telling people they have the truth. Sheesh....just go and live life!
    1 point
  6. Yes, I remember it well. It was at the end of my first year in the Way Corps. I'm in that film wearing a sweat suit, running down Wierwille Road with other members of the Corps. My to-be father-in-law at that time is the preacher on stage near the end who says, "May your tribe increase." He had no idea what he was really endorsing ... what a pity so many of us spent our youth as pawns spreading VPW's propaganda.
    1 point
  7. Hi shift this. thanks for all your pithy posts! You have faithfully proven everything I said about you in the “p.s.” part of a post to someone else. You ARE FOS, and, you are quite obviously still quite stuck in TWIt cult idiocy. My, my! After all these years YOU choose to remain an ignorant, arrogant, stuck-on-stoopeed Wayfer! Congratulations Pilgrim. Your search has ended. You are now officially a know-that-you-know-that-you-know-it-all moron just like dictor paul and the rest of the lying, thieving, weasels you moron wayfers worship and follow instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. Get a life you TWIt pimp. It’s still not too late for you to “get right with God”, and give up the lifestyle of anti-Christ wierwille worshippers proving you have no functional grey matter of your own. God bless, you’re the best! See ya at the Rock! Bwaaaahahahaha!
    1 point
  8. Shift, my, my, my!! Who are you to say that someone has a mental illness, and needs deliverance?? IMO, DWBH has a wonderful life, and he shares it with us here at the GSC. I don't know DWBH personally, nor do I know all that God has done for him, but I know that he was a GREAT MOG. DWBH was one of the few people who could really, really teach, and reach people with The Word; I know because I was one of them. You may, or may not like DWBH, but please don't call him mentally ill. He is many things, but mentally is not one of them.
    1 point
  9. The video below from a local Dayton news program confirms that Marcia King was involved with TWI back in 1981. The segment concerning Marcia begins at 5:26.
    1 point
  10. Pawtucket has taken the “brunt” of this place from the day of it’s inception. Financially, socially, and emotionally. This site has benefited tens of thousands of people through it’s 18 year history. I have never questioned the choices Paw and Greasy Tech had to make through the years, to secure the site and it’s contents from the constant attacks from those destructive cults who have been vividly exposed to the light of REAL FACTS and not mere obfuscation and cult triple-speak which offshoots need to survive. From Wierwille to Da Dancing Forehead and his Board Of Terrorists, to Rose-a-lie and Donna and the Rise of The Lesbian Mogettes, through Waydale and the Allen case, to the disaster of the last 18 years of incompetence, hubris, psychosocial insanity, and the institutionalization of dictor paul’s personal peccadilloes of Nazi fascism, serial sexual predation, perversely distorted and self-serving “Christian theology”, along with continued outworking of their own most distasteful psychiatric dysfunctions, to the phony selection of Yves-de-liar as the “new prez” and the defections, mutinies, and splinters which followed, The Greasespot has been here! Why try to fix what ain’t broke??? Like Rocky, I am not financially able to donate much at all. But, i’d rather see the Cafe close down than tell Pawtucket how I think he should run his site. That’s just me. And, YES! I am personally biased. The man has endured so much beyond what many of you and I know. He is a good man. He is a giver. Thanks Paw for all you’ve done and Godspeed in whatever you choose to do! PEACE.......
    1 point
  11. Way, I think you are right. However, I think that admitting I was duped, or scammed, is the first step in solving the problem. I think some of the people who still cling to TWI, will NEVER admit to it being a huge scam. Perhaps they will die, thinking VPW was a great man of God. Personally, I would want to know the truth about VPW, and TWI, as painful as it has been. Way, when I first started to learn what really happened in Way World, all those years ago, I was angry, sad, and embarrassed, that I had given so much of my youth, and money to such a wicked organization. But, as painful as it has been knowing the truth about TWI, I have been able to deal with it, even though it has been hard to do so. Even today, I am still learning about about some of the former leadership of TWI, that makes me deeply ashamed, that I ever held some of them in such high regard. But, I am learning that I can change my beliefs, and God still loves me, and He is pleased with me.
    1 point
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