Hi shift this.
thanks for all your pithy posts! You have faithfully proven everything I said about you in the “p.s.” part of a post to someone else. You ARE FOS, and, you are quite obviously still quite stuck in TWIt cult idiocy. My, my! After all these years YOU choose to remain an ignorant, arrogant, stuck-on-stoopeed Wayfer! Congratulations Pilgrim. Your search has ended. You are now officially a know-that-you-know-that-you-know-it-all moron just like dictor paul and the rest of the lying, thieving, weasels you moron wayfers worship and follow instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. Get a life you TWIt pimp. It’s still not too late for you to “get right with God”, and give up the lifestyle of anti-Christ wierwille worshippers proving you have no functional grey matter of your own.
God bless, you’re the best! See ya at the Rock! Bwaaaahahahaha!