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  1. Although the sad part (for them) is that this is all about decreasing numbers and delaying the inevitable. They're not joining up because they're currently leaders of growing church organizations. They're both drawing from the ex-twi crowd. That number is smaller every year. So, teaming up to put together the remaining numbers so they look bigger or to try to slow departures from their own groups, or something along those lines. twi is progressively less relevant (although it still wrecks lives), and its ex-twi groups are likewise becoming less relevant.
    2 points
  2. I agree and in the late 1980s right after I left the Way International, I wrote an article which from scriptures showed the problem with the Way Tree leadership structure. The article was titled, "The Lordship of Jesus Christ, Contrasting the Lordship of Imperfect Man".
    1 point
  3. Hi shift this. thanks for all your pithy posts! You have faithfully proven everything I said about you in the “p.s.” part of a post to someone else. You ARE FOS, and, you are quite obviously still quite stuck in TWIt cult idiocy. My, my! After all these years YOU choose to remain an ignorant, arrogant, stuck-on-stoopeed Wayfer! Congratulations Pilgrim. Your search has ended. You are now officially a know-that-you-know-that-you-know-it-all moron just like dictor paul and the rest of the lying, thieving, weasels you moron wayfers worship and follow instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. Get a life you TWIt pimp. It’s still not too late for you to “get right with God”, and give up the lifestyle of anti-Christ wierwille worshippers proving you have no functional grey matter of your own. God bless, you’re the best! See ya at the Rock! Bwaaaahahahaha!
    1 point
  4. As skewed as his teachings on cf'n'SEX were, they pale in comparison to the widespread and very, very deep rooted damage resulting from the far more well known (and evidently still popular) "Way Tree" teachings.
    1 point
  5. That's what happens when enough money/members is/are on the table.
    1 point
  6. Well, based on the insights in Charlene's book about "research," I'd have to say that Taxidev nailed it... literal translation according to what VPW believed it meant. Which was not necessarily what God intended.
    1 point
  7. Both are wrong. They're both victims of their own methodology. They got out of twi, but twi has not gotten out of them. They can't help but use the same techniques that damaged themselves and others in twi- but made them both feel special. I think that one antidote to twi is HUMILITY. Otherwise, one is subject to being lifted up with pride...
    1 point
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