Let's boil the cabbage down, shall we?
We were The Way's sales force. No salary, no commissions, just ridicule and chastisement if we failed to meet sales quotas.
It's important to understand that PFAL was not the main product. PFAL and the accompanying series of classes were the enticement The real product, or goal, if you prefer, was to find people who would faithfully donate 10, 15, 20% (or more) of their income... paycheck after paycheck, month after month and year after year. Yes, they made a profit on the classes, but it was chump change compared to a lifetime of handing over your hard earned cash.
It was a scam, folks. The sooner someone comes to grips with that realization, the more time and resources they have left to rise back up from the rubble.
Sunk Cost Fallacy