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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Let's boil the cabbage down, shall we? We were The Way's sales force. No salary, no commissions, just ridicule and chastisement if we failed to meet sales quotas. It's important to understand that PFAL was not the main product. PFAL and the accompanying series of classes were the enticement The real product, or goal, if you prefer, was to find people who would faithfully donate 10, 15, 20% (or more) of their income... paycheck after paycheck, month after month and year after year. Yes, they made a profit on the classes, but it was chump change compared to a lifetime of handing over your hard earned cash. It was a scam, folks. The sooner someone comes to grips with that realization, the more time and resources they have left to rise back up from the rubble. Sunk Cost Fallacy
    2 points
  2. Hi there, I used to be able to absorb the costs of this site. Things have changed unfortunately. It costs me about $1200.00 annually. This year, I have received just under $200.00 lf you can afford a donation, it would be much appreciated. It is not required in any way to use this site. I appreciate all the support in past years, I really do. The donate button is on every page, upper left. Thanks.
    1 point
  3. Such a great point, Waysider ! Your post made me think of an episode on Silicon Valley where these 2 guys in a start-up internet company are discussing money and value...FYI - Jared - the nerdy starry-eyed guy plugging in cables is like me at the height of my TWI-indoctrination daze Silicone Valley - money and. Value
    1 point
  4. Yes - What was hidden from the local fellowships was the dark underbelly of the beast. I mentioned on another thread how TWI has two faces... ...there is the pristine Christian-like appearance to the general TWI audience ... ... then there is something like on the order of a wicked-stepmother-out-of-a-Disney-movie aspect of TWI, where the way corps ...are really the stepchildren (“fathered” by the wonderfully charming “apostle” of plagiarism...or maybe it’s more like being misled to think we are following in the steps of the school of the prophets of the Old Testament or even like the disciples of the Lord Jesus when he walked the earth...yes perhaps priding ourselves on having a child-like faith can be a treacherous journey) ... the way corps suffered abuses and exploitation to keep the cult machinations operational...we thought we were giving our all for God and the one true ministry... ...but I think all the hype, all the bull$hit, all the intimidation, all the monotonous and often mindless tasks heaped on the way corps just isn’t enough to keep folks on the unfulfilling hamster wheel indefinitely.
    1 point
  5. I’ll tell you what a real stretch is - wierwille taught t in PFAL “the Bible means what it says and says what it means” ...however wierwille promoted the way corps to folks as the best way to get into “the greatness and depth of The Word”... ...ah yes, the way corps program - a magical kingdom ruled by a sexual predator (wierwille) who was ruled by his own inner demons; he practiced the fine art of literary alchemy - a seemingly magical process of transforming what the Bible might plainly state into whatever he wanted it to say...also known as pulling an answer out of your a$$...or the abbreviated version: bull$hit. wierwille’s “ministry “ was really two-faced; he said one thing to the general TWI audience but the “heavy stuff” was usually reserved for those admitted to the inner sanctum (the way corps) - where he would elaborate, read between the lines, or flat out just claim “the father showed me”... ...I did say the heavy stuff was “usually reserved” for the corps but now thinking back to when I took his Christian Family and Sex class and heard his interpretation of the original sin being masturbation - as far as this discussion goes - I tend to think there is an even bigger elephant in the room ...think about it...wierwille not only sexualized the passage , and even went over slang terms, sexual positions, anatomy , etc. all the while conveying an I’m-so-spiritually-mature-that-none-of-this-fazes-me-and-if-you’re-uncomfortable-with-any-of-this-just-renew-your-mind attitude to the students; thus he ever so subtly encroached - personal - intimate boundaries and laid the groundwork for what he would say to justify himself to those who he sexually molested. == == == There’s a whole other problem I have with wierwille’s and craig’s idea of the original sin - they take a very ambiguous passage that lacks a lot of detail and imbue it with a very specific interpretation...that’s going way beyond the data of the text , taking an even greater license than if you wanted to handle it as say an allegory ...if you ask me, a real stretch like that is par for the course with these New Knoxville Gnostics...with wierwille’s penchant for reading between the lines of Bible passages and promoting the way corps program as a means to gain an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness- - I kinda think there’s a virulent strain of Gnosticism In TWI’s DNA...with the focus on achieving success or spiritual maturity by means of some secret knowledge.
    1 point
  6. Hi At A Loss! i am so sorry for the insane and totally unnecessary havoc wreaked upon your lives by the ignorant bigotry of moron wayfers. Greg Lewis was a loser before he was in the 7th corpse, and as usual, the corpse made him into an even bigger asshole and bigot! I knew him back then, and the fact that he was ever a limp coordinator ANYWHERE, let alone CA, proves how utterly and pathetically void of anything near “leadership” TWIt has been since 1986! The fact that an ignorant, talent-less, dumbass below average schlepp like Lewis would be assigned as anything above chair-stringer is yet more proof of the utter dearth of normal human beings in any nook and cranny of wayworld. LOL! If you were not so far away in miles, I would suggest you sue the shit out of them for kidnapping your grandson and estranging him from his father and paternal grandparents. That is illegal unless adjudicated by a court of law. Expensive yes! Maybe even prohibitively so. But, you do have the right to do so. Money may be the biggest hindrance. Whatever happens, DO NOT accept one ounce of bullshit from these morons. They are insane and immoral. They are a danger to the mental and physical well-being of your grandson. There are numerous effective anti-cult groups that may be able to assist you. But I warn you, anything less than cold-hearted JUSTICE will not help you. You must be tough as nails if you want access to your grandson. This is a child custody and child welfare issue. Don’t quit! You’ll win! Godspeed to you and your family! P.S.....BTW, shiftthis is FOS. If he’s still stuck on waybrain stupid the best thing you can do is ignore the identity confused adolescent stuck in the 1980s of TWIt idiocy and hypocrisy. LOL!
    1 point
  7. I think Grease Spot often has a twofold attraction to new folks: 1. Some experiences they read about deeply resonate with them too – it strikes a nerve and it won’t quit vibrating! 2. The seemingly endless possibilities and options for those who dare to think – and live – outside the cult-box. ...as long as there are cults around there will always be a need for a website like this!
    1 point
  8. Twinky.......as you know, I gave a detailed account of my growing ire and dissent of twi's heavy-handedness and mandates in that thread "Insanity on Steroids." Like Penworks and her book "Undertow".......chronicling my thoughts and actions, and how they evolved over time is a challenging task. To my regret, I had always thought twi would move beyond wierwille and its leaders would rise up to walk in love, light and circumspectly. My optimism was ill-placed. At the local level (on the field)......we were seeing and living a different reality than headquarters. Looking back, it's now easy to see..........that I had been moving closer to the exit doors since 1994. To me, life was much bigger than twi's box.......and Christianity was far bigger than any one group or denomination. Looking back, I still laugh thinking that...... at our Limb meetings in 1994 and 1995, we eliminated the meeting/ushers/stringchairs and went to the lake. We had two ski boats. We played sand volleyball and games all afternoon.....and had a campfire with s'mores for the kids. Some camped overnight. We had loads of fun. The cult is a dichotomy............ ......when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging ......how to best help others out of a hole that they don't realize they're in
    1 point
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