Ah yes - the business of Way splinters. We've seen so many of these start up and fizzle out, I think we should help out by posting up some "franchise guidelines" for a Way splinter.
HOW TO START YOUR Mc-Way Ministry franchise (T) (C) (R)
Common elements:
501c - because you worked hard to take all those people away from the Way with their 15% conditioned giving. You should be rewarded for it, not the government.
Board of Directors - you were subject to their petty displays of power for 30 years, now its your turn. It's just how it's done in the world. Every non profit has one so we do to. Who will be in charge? Why the person who got the revelation from God, right?
Foundational Class - with all the examples of how not to do it from the Way, you've got a better idea. And revelation. Remaking a foundational class is the primary "intellectual property" that you can claim that is different from the splinter down the road started by your Corpse brother. IP is worth tangible money. And is proof you should be president and in control. Which is the ultimate goal. You're not greedy. You're just following God's orders. It's God who wants you in that President's position.
Groupies - there has to be at least one strong set of groupies to start your cult from. You can live by them, and they will provide enough money for a meager subsistence until you can really get your YouTube channel and subscribers to your teachings going and off the ground
YouTube channel - or Vimeo / audio repository - anywhere you can point people to with a minimal amount of effort to get them to listen to your teachings. You see the teachings are like a product, which produces a return over and over, as opposed to service, which only produces one return right now. Good teachings drive revenue.
Website - if things are going to progress beyond the "groupies" stage, there has to be a central place to post teachings, itineraries and events, and to collect money.
Itineraries - the apostle Paul did it. I'm just like him spreading the Word according to that audible revelation. Bands have to go on the road to make money - can't just rely on album sales in a modern world. So do modern apostles. Hit the road, go teach a class, establish fellowships. Then you can just link them back to your website, and they can be thoroughly nourished as a Christian by your YouTube channel. And send in money
Organizational structure - why now that it's been a couple years, we need contacts in every state, and a regional leadership structure, just like the Way Tree because that's all we have learned to do by example and functionally.
There we have it. A business plan. A franchise plan. Plug in your name. Plug in your ego. All set to go. All you really need is your own "snow on the gas pumps" story.
You can do it.
You've got McJesus.