Your continued condescending arrogance to posts which disagree with your holiness and incredibly insightful PRIVATE INTERPRETATION of dictor paul’s private interpretation of B.G., Bullinger, Kenyon, Oral Roberts, Rufus Mosely, Rosalind Rinker, E. Stanley Jones, Dale Carnegie, Oswald Chambers, J.E.Stiles, Norman Vincent Peale, Glenn Clark, Starr Daley, etc., etc., etc. is really very sophomoric. Your “understanding” of scripture appears equally unreliable and full of confirmation bias for your hyperdispensationalist private interpretation of Bullinger and Welch, Darby and Schofield. Not one single “original thought”. Just another mindless repetition of the ridiculous private interpretation of ALL “scripture”. You are a helpless and hopeless Paulian. Christianity is a “different administration” for YOU. YOU ARE WRONG! Completely and ignorantly WRONG. You are a hapless sycophant of the world of those YOU agree with. Bwaaaahahahaha!
I suggest YOU get over YOURself! We all have. LOL! You are an uneducated fool, and a follower of evil stupidity. Have a great day!